
If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

author:Days at sea

School bullying happens all the time, especially in China. Because Chinese have a high IQ but low cognition, many people feel that violence can solve all problems, for example, now the economy and education have been so developed, but some revenge crimes will still be applauded by many people, this "violent dependence" has existed for thousands of years, and it is unrealistic to want to change through decades. And if this mindset exists now, it would not be surprising that there was bullying in schools decades ago – because children are certainly less cognitive than adults, and they are more willing to believe that violence can solve all problems!

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

School bullying

Shanghai's junior high school, in my time, is not focused or not, if you must say that there is such a difference, that is, the junior high school of Shanghai Middle School, it seems that only they can enroll students in the city, and other junior high schools are nearby enrollment, and it is precisely because of this non-diversion system that our junior high school class at that time fully reflects what it means to be uneven: good students, the goal at that time was already Tsinghua University and Peking University; Poor students don't usually come to class. This gap in reality is actually more likely to breed bullying, because some of the more sensitive children have a premonition that their future may only lie in the dust, and their misdeeds in school may be their last glimmer of glory.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?


Since the fish and dragons are mixed, then it must be more incidents. For example, at that time, there were many senior students or social idlemen who would grab money near the school, and the Shanghainese dialect was called "拗分", and the meaning of "拗" I thought was similar to snatching, and "fen" was a Shanghai slang word, which means money. What money could we have at that time, at most it was a dime or two cents, but they also robbed it, and after robbing it, they threatened: If you dare to tell the teacher, you will be killed! Of course, there must be robbers who are not afraid of death to report to the director of education (there were several directors at that time, including a stout physical education teacher), and then late justice will appear: the minimum punishment is to read and inspect in front of the whole school, and the highest punishment is to send them to the work-study school for reform.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

Work-study school

It is still difficult for me to define that place, which is not the same as the prison or the school, but as long as I talk about this place, the reaction of everyone around me is inspiring: the evildoers hate it, the ordinary people also hate it, and those who have been there are like falling into a dung pit, and others can't avoid it! The teacher sometimes reprimanded them, and after three sentences, it was one sentence: Do you want to go to work-study school again? It hurts to hear it! But this punishment is in, many people just don't dare to mess around anymore, especially the few who have been in, no matter how horizontal they are, as long as the teachers say the words "work-study school", they are always trembling.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

It is said that it used to be a work-study school

Here, please make a multiple-choice question: With such a punishment or not, which do you think will deter school bullying more? Let's not rush to answer, and continue to talk about my experience.

Have I ever been bullied myself? I really encountered it once, and it was a "bad score". There were three people on the other side at the time, I had two cents in my pocket, I was at a disadvantage, and people had been forced to the edge of the flower bed, I was scared, I didn't know them at all, how did they know that I had two cents? And I haven't learned any martial arts, and I haven't read any martial arts cheats, so I think I'm going to be beaten. At this time, I saw a branch lying on the ground, less than half a meter, the thickness of my fingers, I took it in my hand, and found half a brick, I also picked it up, and the three people hesitated for a moment, and asked me if I was looking for death? I couldn't open my mouth in panic, and I could only mumble for a long time when I wanted to say, "You can try it", but to my surprise, with this level of resistance, they only confronted each other for a few seconds, and then they were gone.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

Slab bricks

It dawned on me that they might be scared themselves!

So, was there school bullying similar to what we see now with a group of people specifically targeting one person at the time? Yes! There is one in our class. The bullied boy was a little unresponsive and not very physically coordinated, so let's say, he was slower than the girls, and he couldn't even jump rope. Students like this are easily bullied in ordinary schools: they are generally better than him, and it is easy to gain physical and psychological advantages in the face of him. For example, he was sitting in the first row, and when we went out to do radio drills in the morning, the classmates who passed by him would press his head, and the reason for pressing his head was to make it impossible for him to stand up, so that the people behind him could hold him down one by one. And the reason everyone did this was to let him go out last, so that the whole school could see how fast he was despite all his might.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?

jump rope

But he was always happy and didn't take these things to heart at all. The teacher couldn't say anything, after all, it was just teasing, not beating, and there were no serious consequences. Until one day, everyone was about to graduate and talk about their dreams, and he said that his dream was to work in the company of a classmate in the class, and everyone was stunned! The year before last, he also came to the junior high school reunion, and everyone asked him curiously where he was now, and he said that his dream had come true, and he really worked as a car washer in a car repair shop run by one of our classmates...... That night, everyone who went to the party toasted the owner of the garage with a glass of wine, and everything disappeared without saying a word.

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?


So, what's the difference between school bullying now and in the past? I summarized that the causes of school bullying are now more adult and social, for example, there are many school bullying caused by emotional entanglements now, which was unimaginable in our time: I even wanted to vent my anger by beating my rival, but the problem is that I don't have a girlfriend yet! However, in reality, there are many people who start to fall in love in junior high school, young and vigorous + love suddenly and thoroughly, once bullying breaks out, the intensity is difficult to control, and group beatings are almost commonplace. For another example, the same is a money grab, and the robbers who used to be a dime or two were satisfied, but now? A lot of times there is no bottom line!

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?


In addition, I don't think there are any effective ways for schools to detect and curb school bullying! I remember very clearly that in the face of an off-campus robbery, it was the police who finally went out to surround and kill all the participants in one fell swoop, so that they were punished, and the school returned to peace. You must know that the deterrent effect of the police appearing on campus is very great, when they put the few people they caught on the rostrum, and casually said: People who have participated in the past come to the stage by themselves! Those who were not caught walked up one by one like lost dogs. But now, everyone, whether it is the police or the school, is full of concerns about dealing with this kind of thing, taking two steps forward and three steps back, and when inaction and mud become the mainstream thinking in dealing with such cases, then school bullying will become more and more unscrupulous, because without the power of punishment, evil will grow uncontrollably and savagely!

If education can stop bullying in schools, what more punitive measures are needed?


In the end, the complete elimination of school bullying may never be possible, because bullying is a combination of the ugly parts of human nature, which is the best of the original. But we can do it to punish bullying completely, completely, because it's just a matter of whether the person is willing or not. Therefore, instead of shouting the slogan of resisting school bullying, it is really better to make all bullies pay the price more socially, after all, for the wicked, preaching is an itch in the boots, and the punishment will be painful!

The words of a family are difficult to generalize, just throwing bricks and leading jade, I hope you will leave more messages to discuss! The illustrations in this article come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if you need to delete the original picture because of copyright issues, please contact me by private message as soon as possible, and I will try my best to cooperate with all actions to protect the copyright of the original author!

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