
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?


It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?

It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?
It's called "Qi Tian", and the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and the grandfather was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?

"It's called 'Qi Tian', the nurse wrote an extra stroke, and grandpa was overjoyed, so he didn't change it, and wrote that one?" When this funny story was brought up at our family gathering, it instantly caught everyone's attention.

That day, Grandpa sat in the middle of the living room, smiling at us juniors. Mom couldn't help but ask him, "Dad, why did you name my brother 'Qi Tian' in the first place?" ”

Grandpa stroked his beard and began to narrate: "When your brother was born, your grandmother and I both hoped that he would have a safe and carefree life, so we named him 'Qi Tian', which means that I hope he can be as lofty as the sky and have a big heart. ”

"What's the matter with the nurse writing an extra penny?" I asked curiously.

Grandpa laughed and said, "At that time, when your younger brother was just born, when the nurse registered his name, she may have been in a hurry, and wrote an extra stroke of the word 'Qi' in 'Qi Tian' and changed it to 'Zhai'. ”

"Ramadan?" The little sister was surprised and asked, "That name sounds a little weird!" ”

Grandpa nodded: "Yes, the nurse also felt strange at that time and asked me if I wanted to change it back." I took a closer look and found that the word 'Zhai' is actually quite good. 'Zhai' has the meaning of pure heart and few desires, and the heart is as calm as water, which is very consistent with our wish for peace in his life. ”

During the inner monologue, I thought about my grandfather's explanation, which did have a point. Although the word 'Qi' is good, the word 'Zhai' has a calming and calming artistic conception.

"Then grandpa, why didn't you change your name?" Xiaomei continued to ask.

Grandpa replied with a smile: "At that time, I discussed it with your grandmother, and I felt that since it was a coincidence, it was also a kind of fate to write an extra stroke, so I didn't change my name." As a result, your brother has really been going well, and his personality is also very peaceful. ”

Everyone thought the story behind the name was interesting and reasonable. A name is not just a title, but also an expectation and blessing for a person's life.

"Your brother has indeed always been very sensible since he was a child, and he rarely let us worry about it." Mom sighed.

"Yes, every time he encounters something, he can always deal with it calmly and has a very good attitude." I couldn't help but admire.

Grandpa listened to our compliment, and the smile on his face deepened: "So, the name is very particular." A good name not only has a good meaning, but it also brings good luck. ”

In my inner monologue, I felt that the culture and meaning behind the name were indeed profound. A small word 'Zhai' contains so many blessings and expectations.

This family reunion not only gave me an understanding of the origin of my brother's name, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the meaning of the name. A name is not just a code name, but also a blessing and expectation for a person's life.

On the way home, I thought about this interesting story and decided that when I decided to choose a name for my child in the future, I should also study it carefully, not only to have a good meaning, but also to meet my expectations.

Through this discussion, I understood the importance of names, and I hope that everyone can learn some useful knowledge from this and choose a meaningful and beautiful name for their children. After reading these, it is really beneficial, savor it, every detail of life is worth taking seriously and thinking about.