
Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

author:Koala Science and Technology Museum

Text | Observe Jun

Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

On June 28, the State Financial Administration announced the approval of the dissolution of the Chouzhou Village Bank in Putuo, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, in which it agreed to the dissolution of the bank. It is understood that this is the latest official announcement of the dissolution of a village bank in the first half of this year.

Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

In addition, according to statistics, in the first half of this year, 51 banks in China have disappeared, and most of these disappeared banks are village and township banks, which basically ended in dissolution or absorption and merger.

It should be said that the speed of the disappearance of domestic banks this year is indeed amazing. Take the Zhoushan Putuo Chouzhou Village Bank mentioned above as an example, the bank took a very short time from the announcement of its dissolution to the final dissolution, and ordinary people did not even react, and the relevant publicity was also very secretive.

Let's talk about the topic that everyone is most concerned about, behind the dissolution of these banks at the speed of light, what will happen to depositors' money? Based on what we know, there are two main scenarios for this. In the first case, if the dissolved bank is absorbed by a larger bank, then the depositors' money will not be affected and can be deposited and withdrawn normally.

Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

In the second case, if the dissolved bank is not merged and absorbed, but goes bankrupt and liquidated in situ, the money depositors have in it can only be recovered normally under one circumstance, that is, the total amount does not exceed 500,000 yuan, and the bank has purchased deposit insurance services. In this case, the depositor can get the deposit normally through insurance claims. However, if the total deposit exceeds 500,000 yuan, then even if the bank has purchased deposit insurance services, it can only get a maximum compensation of 500,000 yuan at most.

And speaking of which, we really have to give everyone a reminder. I know that in the past year or two, all major banks in China have lowered their deposit interest rates, and many people will choose to deposit their money in village and township banks in order to pursue higher deposit interest rates, because the interest rate is higher than the lower one. However, in the current environment, I strongly discourage this approach, because the risk of failure of small banks is too high, and you must not lose the money you have worked hard to save for many years for the extra 1% to 2% interest difference.

Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

Here, I highly recommend that you try to keep your money in the four major banks, although the interest may not be high, but it is better to be safe.

Finally, let's show you the data, as of the end of last year, there were 4,490 domestic banks and financial institutions, a decrease of 77 compared with the data of 4,567 at the end of 2022. In other words, the number of banks that failed in China last year reached 77.

And this year is just half of the past, 51 banks have disappeared, and according to the current economic situation, the number of banks that have disappeared in China this year is likely to exceed the 100 mark, so we still have to prepare for capital hedging in time. In this environment, stability is the main keynote.

Another bank dissolves at the speed of light! In the first half of the year, 51 banks "disappeared", what to do with depositors' money?

In a word, in the era of economic prosperity, everyone failed to seize the opportunity to get rich, and now in this environment, don't toss blindly, the more you toss, the faster it cools, and the more you lose!

If you don't believe it, you can ask those who desperately saved money to buy a house in 2019, and those who borrowed money to buy a car in 2022. Therefore, at this stage, less tossing and holding on is the secret to victory, and the one who lives to the end will be the winner! What do you think?

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