
News is one more time丨Trains are suspended, exams are suspended...... What is the flood situation in many places in the south?

author:Beijing News

Recently, there has been continuous heavy rainfall in many places in the southern part of the mainland. Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall, the water level in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province is approaching the height of the traffic light, and Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province has suspended after-school services and high school final exams. Quick facts.

Future rainfall trends across the country

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning for heavy rain

Rainfall will increase in North China, Huanghuai and other places

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning for heavy rain at 18 o'clock on July 2: It is expected that from 20 o'clock on July 2 to 20 o'clock on the 3rd, there will be heavy to heavy rain in parts of southeastern Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, southwestern Shaanxi, western Sichuan Basin, southeastern Guizhou, central, western and southern Guangxi, northwest and southeast Yunnan, southern Anhui, northern Zhejiang, northeast Jiangxi and Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains, among them, there will be heavy rain (100~120 mm) in the northwest of Sichuan Basin. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20~50 mm, and can exceed 60 mm locally), and there are strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds locally.

News is one more time丨Trains are suspended, exams are suspended...... What is the flood situation in many places in the south?

Photo/Central Meteorological Observatory

On July 2, the main rain belt of the mainland remained in the area from Guizhou to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Starting from the 3rd, with the northward lifting of the subtropical high, the rainy weather pattern in the above areas will come to an end, but due to the recent accumulated rainfall, it is still necessary to be vigilant against the lag of geological disasters. At the same time, the rainfall in North China, Huanghuai and other places will increase, and the drought in some areas may be alleviated, but it is necessary to be vigilant against the rapid turn of drought and flood. As the rainfall decreases and weakens, many places in the south of the Yangtze River will join the high temperature camp, and South China will maintain the "simmering mode", and the night temperature in many places can also exceed 25 °C, and the summer heat will last all day.


Pingjiang: The water level in the urban area broke a 70-year record

Aerial photography of Pingjiang flood relief in Hunan: highest water level since 1954. Video/Beijing News

The Yueyang Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Center of Hunan Province issued a water situation report: At 00:30 on July 2, the flood peak water level of 77.67 meters appeared at the Pingjiang Station of the main stream of the Miluo River, exceeding the warning water level (70.50 meters) by 7.17 meters and exceeding the guaranteed water level (74.00 meters) by 3.67 meters.

According to the data of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 3 o'clock on July 1 to 3 o'clock on July 2, the 24-hour precipitation in Pingjiang County and Miluo City was 274.6 mm and 205.4 mm respectively, ranking first and fourth in the country.

Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall, many places in the central urban area of Pingjiang County were waterlogged, and the water level in the urban area broke a 70-year record. At 23 o'clock on July 1, the water level in Pingjiang County reached 77.65 meters, and the super-alert water level was 7.15 meters. As of 19 o'clock on the 1st, a total of 190 reservoirs in the county overflowed. A total of 7,000 meters of embankments in Pingjiang County overflowed, and the county was waterlogged after a short period of heavy rainfall, with a local water depth of 3 meters, and the water level approached the height of the traffic light. Many towns and villages in Pingjiang were seriously flooded, with landslides, road disruptions, house collapses, and flooding in many places.

It is understood that at present, nearly one-third of the old city of Pingjiang is flooded, and nearly half of the new city is flooded. According to preliminary statistics, a total of 340,000 people in Pingjiang County have been affected by the disaster, more than 2,600 bridges and roads have been washed away, 10 houses in 5 households have been completely destroyed, 26 houses in 11 households have been seriously damaged, and nearly 170,000 mu of crops have been damaged, causing economic losses of more than 200 million yuan. As of the evening of the 1st, there were power and communication interruptions in some areas of Pingjiang County.

As of 14 o'clock on July 2, the water level of the county section of Pingjiang Station on the Miluo River reached 76.51 meters, the ultra-alert water level was 6.01 meters, and the ultra-guaranteed water level was 2.51 meters, and the water level showed a rapid downward trend, and it is expected to withdraw from the guaranteed water level from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. on the 3rd.

At present, as the water level of Pingjiang is gradually declining and the weather is gradually improving, the disaster relief work will move into the transitional resettlement and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction stage.

Huaihua: Suspend offline education and teaching activities in primary and secondary schools

Video/Hunan Fire Fighting

From 08:00 on June 29 to 10:00 on the 30th, moderate to heavy rain fell in Huaihua City, and some heavy rains in the central and southern parts of the city, including Xinhuang, Hongjiang City, Huitong, and Jingzhou. At the same time, due to the combined influence of water from Guizhou and local rainfall, obvious flooding occurred in Yuanshui, Wushui and Wushui.

On June 30, the Education Bureau of Huaihua City, Hunan Province, issued an emergency notice on suspending the city's primary and secondary education and teaching activities to ensure the safety of the flood. According to the Huaihua Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters to start the flood control level II emergency response work requirements, to ensure the safety of the city's education system, after research, it was decided to suspend all offline education and teaching activities in the city's primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, and off-campus training institutions.

The Chenxi County Meteorological Observatory in Huaihua, Hunan Province continued to issue a red warning signal for heavy rain at 9:59 on July 1, 2024, and in the past 6 hours, the rainfall in Xiuxi Town, Chenyang Town and other towns in Chenxi County has reached 140 mm.

The Chenxi County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued an announcement on the 1st, saying that according to the current flood situation and the relevant provisions of the "Chenxi County Flood Control Emergency Plan", the county flood control index has decided to upgrade the flood control emergency response from Level II to Level I from 15 o'clock on July 1, 2024.


Jiujiang: Suspension of after-school services and high school final exams

Part of the foundation of a residential building was washed away during the heavy rain in Jiujiang: the relevant departments are dealing with it, and the residents are basically evacuated. Video/Beijing News

From the night of the 1st to the early morning of the 2nd, many places in Jiujiang City were hit by heavy rainfall. In 11 hours, the average rainfall in the city was 49.9 mm. This round of Jiujiang City has short-term heavy precipitation, most of the urban area 3 hours of precipitation is more than 100 mm, Jiujiang Meteorological Observatory issued the first ever red warning of heavy rain at 5:52 on July 2. The precipitation was mainly affected by the Meiyu belt, and the duration of heavy precipitation was long, and the short-term rain was rare in history. All stations in the urban area experienced short-term heavy precipitation of more than 30 mm in one hour, and two stations reached more than 50 mm in one hour.

As of 17 o'clock on the 2nd, the water level of Xingzi Station, the landmark hydrological station of Poyang Lake, was 21.24 meters, and the ultra-alert water level was 2.24 meters.

Since 12 o'clock on July 2, Jiujiang City has upgraded the flood control emergency response to Level II.

The Jiujiang Municipal Education Bureau issued a notice of class suspension, and schools across the city temporarily suspended after-school services and suspended high school final exams.

Chaisang District issued an announcement on the 2nd, saying that in view of the current flood control situation, according to the "Emergency Plan for Flood Control and Drought Relief in Chaisang District, Jiujiang City", with the consent of the commander of the district prevention command, it was decided to upgrade the flood control emergency response to Level I from 15 o'clock on July 2.

Pengze County issued an announcement on the 2nd, saying that in view of the current flood control situation, according to the "Pengze County Flood Control and Drought Relief Emergency Plan", with the consent of the county prevention commander, it was decided to start the flood control level I emergency response from 17 o'clock on July 2.

Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall in northern Jiangxi, on July 2, there was a sudden flood between De'an Station and Gongqingcheng Station of Changjiu Intercity Railway, and between Yongxiu Station and Xinqizhou Station of Beijing-Kowloon Line.


Nanjing: Part of the riverside trail was submerged

News is one more time丨Trains are suspended, exams are suspended...... What is the flood situation in many places in the south?

Aerial photograph of the Hanzhongmen Bridge section of the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, July 2, 2024. Figure/IC

From 7 o'clock on July 1 to 7 o'clock on the 2nd, precipitation occurred in Jiangsu Province, including heavy to heavy rain in the Huai area, and heavy rain in some areas. The largest amount of spot rainfall was in Yugou Town, Huaiyin District, Huai'an City, reaching 259.3 mm. Affected by heavy rainfall and upstream water, the water level of Nanjing Station, Zhenjiang Station, Shuibiqiao Station of Shuiyang River, Dongshan Station of Qinhuai River, Xiaoqiao Station of Chuhe River and Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province is currently over-alarmed. The water situation of other rivers, lakes and reservoirs in the province is generally stable.

At 0:30 on July 2, the Jiangsu Provincial Flood Control Command launched the flood control level IV emergency response in the Huaibei region of Jiangsu Province, and continued to maintain the flood control level IV emergency response in Jiangsu along the Huai River and south of the Huai River.

Affected by the incoming water from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and local rainfall, the water level in the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River continued to rise. At 12:15 on July 1, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Water Resources upgraded and issued a yellow warning for floods in the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River.

On the afternoon of July 1, some media went to the riverside trail near Jiangbian Road in Nanjing, and saw at the scene that part of the riverside trail had been submerged, and many riverside parks had been cordoned off and had special personnel on duty. Nanjing's "check-in point" finless porpoise viewing place, which was once popular with citizens and tourists, has also been submerged for most of its signs.

On July 2, some media learned from the water information released by the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Survey that the water level of many monitoring stations in Nanjing is still above alert.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, some media saw along the Qinhuai River that most of the trails along the river had been submerged, and many street lights and monitoring equipment set up along the river had been submerged by the river.


Hefei: The Twenty-Bu River has a flood once in nearly 100 years

A small community in Hefei was flooded by river water in the early morning: the community was flooded and there was a power and gas outage. Video/Beijing News

From July 1st to 2nd, Hefei suffered the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the plum season, with strong extremity and heavy rainfall, and the rain belt was distributed in a narrow belt in the northeast and southwest. Of particular concern is the maximum hourly rainfall intensity of 102.7 mm, the third highest since meteorological records began in Hefei.

Affected by heavy rainfall, the Nanqi River and the Shiwuli River in the urban area have flooded beyond the alert water level, and the Shibu River has experienced a flood once in nearly a century.

50 mm is the level of heavy rainfall, and the average rainfall in Hefei city is 91.2 mm, and the maximum rainfall in the city is 255 mm (extremely heavy rain level).

Sources: CCTV News, Beijing News, Jimu News, Hunan Daily, Yueyang Release, Huaihua Emergency Management, Jiangxi Radio and Television Station, Jiujiang Release, Hefei Evening News, etc

Edited by Ai Zheng Proofread by Fu Chunxuan

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