
The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting


After Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" reform bill was submitted by the green camp for "constitutional interpretation," the struggle between the green camp and the blue camp did not stop, but became more intense.

For example, the issue of "constitutional interpretation" was decided by a vote of 15 justices in Taiwan, but these justices were all nominated by the DPP, and they have a close relationship with the DPP in private, and the two sides often have dinners, so Lan Ying always believes that the justices are unreliable and may deliberately suppress the reform bill.

The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting

In order to allow the reform bill to pass the "constitutional interpretation" and at the same time warn the justices, the blue camp recently held a press conference to name the justices Xu Zhixiong, Lu Talang, Huang Ruiming, Cai Zongzhen, Zhu Fumei, You Boxiang, and other justices, including Xu Zongli, the person in charge of Taiwan's "Judicial Yuan," saying that they are "green to juice" justices and must take the initiative to apply for recusal, otherwise the result of the constitutional interpretation will lose its fairness. Of course, it's another thing for the justices not to hear.

Moreover, the green and blue battalions are fighting each other for the recall movement. In order to suppress the blue camp, the green camp has entered the second stage of the recall campaign launched by the green camp against Xie Guoliang, the mayor of Keelung, who is a Kuomintang member.

The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting

As a counterattack, the blue camp made two preparations, first, prepared to remove the DPP's Keelung City Council Speaker Tong Ziwei and the Green Committee Wu Siyao, Tong Ziwei is Lai Qingde's cousin, and the blue camp's recall of Tong Ziwei is the diaphragm Lai Qingde. 2. Amend the Law on the Election and Recall of Public Employees to raise the threshold for recall. The recall bill will be voted on Thursday.

The two moves of the blue camp did catch the green camp off guard, but at this critical time, the white camp dropped the chain. A number of Taiwanese media reported that several bigwigs in the white camp shouted to the blue camp one after another, and the white camp did not support the revision of the "Recall Law". The People's Party's president, Huang Guochang, publicly stated that he did not approve of raising the recall threshold, and that the recall system has been abused by certain political parties as a tool to launch political attacks, create social conflicts and confrontations, and even turn the tables after losing the election.

The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting

Netizens who know about Taiwanese politics know that after the green camp loses its majority in Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" in 2024, many bills will be vetoed by blue and white, and even lose more than 20 votes in a row! Because the blue camp occupies 52 seats and the white camp has 8, the blue-white cooperation can almost be "invincible".

However, the white camp has made it clear that it opposes the amendment of the "Recall Law", and the possibility of the blue camp losing the vote is almost "certain". What is the reason for the sudden backlash of the white camp?

The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting

A well-known scholar in Taiwan agrees with Tudou that Bai Ying is mainly for his own interests. After the blue camp first proposed to amend the "Recall Law", the chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, immediately jumped out to oppose it. Ke Wenzhe knows very well that the white camp is weak and has little influence, and once the recall threshold is raised, the white camp will have no status in front of the green camp and the blue camp.

On the contrary, with a lower threshold for recall, the white camp can also pose a threat to the green camp and the blue camp, and the white camp will continue to play a "key role" in some issues and become the target of the blue camp and the green camp. The White Camp did not want to lose all this.

There is another saying in the market, Bai Ying Huang Shanshan took a fancy to the position of Keelung mayor and was supported by Ke Wenzhe, in this case, Bai Ying naturally would not support Lan Ying. However, Huang Shanshan just said that she had never considered the mayor of Keelung, which is a rumor.

The blue camp revised the recall law, and on the eve of the vote, the white camp suddenly turned back, and the green camp was ecstatic: Just wait for your infighting

Perhaps to appease the blue camp, White camp legislator Mak Yuk Chun said that although the People's Party does not approve of raising the recall threshold, it supports more rigorous management of the method of co-signing, such as attaching a copy of the ID card to the co-signing. What slapped Mai Yuzhen in the face was that some Taiwanese media broke the news that Huang Guochang had also opposed the joint signing and attaching a copy of his ID card.

The happiest is undoubtedly the Green Camp. It has been learned that in order to increase its momentum, the Green Camp will once again call on the Blue Bird to gather outside the venue on the voting day of Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" to resist the revision of the "Recall Law."

Original: Potatoes