
Half of the year has passed, may all the good things come like "seven"!

author:Read Time Magazine

In early summer, I walked with Fangfei with the flowing water, and in midsummer I came with a verdant and warm breeze.

The concubine smiled, the plum remained sour, and tasted every fruit of midsummer; In the crystal curtain, the wind enters the strings, playing every sweet snoring on a rainy night.

If you are interested, you can also make an appointment with three or five friends to see the graceful lotus flowers, see the stars in the sky on a summer night, and go to the top of the highest building to watch a gorgeous fireworks!

Half of the year has passed, fireworks in July, slowly coming, in the second half of the year, may all the good as "seven" come!

Half of the year has passed, may all the good things come like "seven"!
  • In July, a glass of wine for the past, may there be no years to look back!

"Xuanzhou Xie Huanlou Farewell School Book Shuyun"

Don Lee Bai

Whoever forsakes me will not remain in the day of yesterday;

Those who disturb my heart will have many troubles today.

The long wind sends autumn geese thousands of miles, and you can be a tall building for this.

Penglai's article is built on the bones, and Xiao Xie is clear in the middle.

All of them want to fly with great joy and want to go to the blue sky to see the bright moon.

Draw the knife and cut off the water, the water is more flowing, and the glass is more sorrowful.

Life is not satisfactory in the world, and the Ming Dynasty spreads flat boats.

It has been said that there are three kinds of steps in time: the future is long overdue, the present is flying like an arrow, and the past is forever still.

Looking back on the past six months, whether it is a regret, a loss, or a scorching heat; Still satisfied, happy, cool; The past is gone.

The world is noisy and chaotic, let go of helplessness, may the mountains and rivers be wide, the scenery is still the same, time is the same, you and I are the same.

And a glass of wine to the past, may there be no time to look back, let us say goodbye to June freely, and happily embrace the new July.

  • In July, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridgehead, and there will always be hope ahead!

"Visiting Shanxi Village"

Song Lu You

Mo laughs at the farmer's wine, and the guests are full of chickens and dolphins in the harvest year.

There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village.

The flute and drum follow the spring society closely, and the clothes are simple and ancient.

From now on, if you are allowed to ride the moon idlely, you will knock on the door with a cane all the time and night.

The extremes of things must be reversed, otherwise the poles will come. Heaven can't always be so unfair.

He closes a door for you, and he will surely open another window for you, and all that is lost will come back in another way.

A desperate situation is a state of mind, as long as the seeds of faith are planted in your heart, no matter the wind or rain, one day it will blossom and bear fruit.

In the past six months, if you have encountered any difficult hurdles, don't be afraid, the second half of the year will definitely be bright.

Half of the year has passed, may all the good things come like "seven"!
  • In July, may you have wine today and get drunk today, and enjoy the moment!

"Xijiang Moon: The World is as Short as a Spring Dream"

Song Zhu Dunru

The world is as short as a spring dream, and human affection is as thin as autumn clouds.

There is no need to worry about hard work, everything is fateful.

Fortunately, three glasses of wine are good, and a new flower is in good condition.

Laughing and blind date for a while, tomorrow is undecided.

I often hear people say: life is unsatisfactory, nine times out of ten.

And I want you: always think about one or two, not eight or nine. Let the past stay in the past, and don't embarrass yourself.

Life is in a hurry, let go of obsession and burden, and the heart can be clear.

In the new July, may you love yourself well, cherish the moment, and enjoy the moment.

  • In July, may you like it willingly with your heart and live a peaceful life!

Drinking Alcohol (Part 5)

Wei Jin Tao Yuanming

The knot is in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses.

How can you ask you? The heart is far away from itself.

Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see the South Mountain.

The mountain weather is good, and the birds are returning.

There is a true meaning in this, and I have forgotten to distinguish it.

More than half of the year, like a person reaching middle age, fades away from restlessness and smooths out the edges and corners.

Life may be sunny and rainy, but there will also be fireworks and poetry.

If the day is sunny, enjoy the idle clouds; If the rain knocks on the window, listen to the wind; If there is love in the passing years, the heart will bloom with the flowers.

In the new July, leave some time for yourself, return to your heart, and pursue the life you yearn for!

Half of the year has passed, may all the good things come like "seven"!
  • In July, may you have loved ones by your side and friends by your side!

"The Night Collection of the Liangzhou Pavilion and the Judges"

Don Cen Shen

The moon rises and hangs on the head of the city, and the moon rises at the head of the city to shine on Liangzhou.

There are 100,000 families in Liangzhou, and the Hu people play the pipa half-untied.

The pipa is broken, and the wind is bleak and the night is long.

There are many old people in the Hexi curtain, so don't come to the third or fifth spring.

Seeing autumn grass in front of the Huamen Tower, how can you look at the old with poverty.

How many times can you laugh in your life, and you must get drunk when you meet in a wine fight.

Life is impermanent, and it is not easy to get together. If you are fortunate enough to be together, you should do your best to make sure that your fellowship is not in vain.

As the saying goes: a confidant in life is enough to comfort the wind and dust.

It is a great blessing in life to have someone who understands you, accompanies you, and supports you.

In the new July, may someone read you warmly, understand your joys and sorrows, and give you peace of mind; May someone accompany you through all your lonely years.

  • In July, may all you see is bright and everywhere you go!

"Xijiang Moon: Night Walk in the Yellow Sand Road"

Song Xin gave up the disease

The bright moon is not a branch to frighten magpies, and the breeze chirps cicadas in the middle of the night.

The fragrance of rice flowers says that there is a good year, and the sound of frogs is heard.

Seven or eight stars outside the sky, two or three points of rain in front of the mountain.

In the old days, at the edge of the forest of the Maodian Society, the road turned to the river bridge and suddenly saw it.

Bai Luomei said: "Waiting for the flowers to bloom in the passing year, keeping the truth in the prosperity, and recuperating the mind in the chaos." ”

We stand at the intersection of July, put the unforgettable past in the palm of our hands, and watch the time fade away from the warmth of the passing year.

In the quiet years, make a pot of tea, read an idle book, listen to a falling rain, and enjoy a tree and flowers. No noise, no arguing, no quarrels.

In the new July, may you live as a beam of light, transparent and bright; May you live as a flower, bright and moving; May you live like a cloud, free and elegant.

Half of the year has passed, may all the good things come like "seven"!
  • In July, may all happiness come as promised, and may all good things come as scheduled!

"Fixing the Storm"

Song Su Shi

often envy the world's jade lang,

Tianying begged with a little crispy girl.

As far as the song goes,

The wind rises, the snow flies, and the sea becomes cool.

The less Yan returns from thousands of miles,

Smiling, smiling with the fragrance of Lingmei.

Let's ask if Lingnan should be bad,

But he said: This place of peace is my hometown.

On the way forward, the waves will not always be calm, and stormy waves are always inevitable, but as long as there is light in the heart, you will not lose your way in the storm.

Be an open-minded person, laugh when you're happy, and laugh again after a while when you're unhappy. No matter how difficult the world is, find a place for your soul.

June, goodbye. May you take away, all irritability and exhaustion.

Hello July. May you send, all happiness and goodness.

Sanmao said: "The beauty of the years lies in its inevitable passing, spring flowers, autumn moons, summers, and winter snow." ”

In life, we always have to keep falling, keep working hard, keep moving forward, live without compromise, and live up to ourselves in order to get what we want.

In the first half of 2024, we have walked through thorns and roads, we are at ease, pure and happy, although time has passed, but we have done our best!

Source: WeChat public account "Poetry World"

Editor: Pan Xi

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