
More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

author:Read Time Magazine
More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

In China, little is known when it comes to "Ding Long"; In the American sinology community, this name is unknown to everyone. Who is this Chinese?

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?
More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

Over the past 100 years, the United States has never stopped being arrogant and prejudiced against China.

More than 100 years ago, there was an ordinary Chinese worker who worked to change Americans' discrimination against Chinese.

Although he was a humble Chinese slave, his simple Chinese philosophical attitude infected the Americans around him.

Because of his efforts, Sinology was created and developed in the United States.

At that time, he was very famous in China and the United States, but he mysteriously disappeared into the long river of history.

His name should not be forgotten.

他就是丁龙(Dean Lung)。

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?
More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

The highest honor in the world of sinology

In 2007, the prestigious Columbia University in the United States issued a missing person notice.

Looking for a Chinese named Ding Long more than 100 years ago.

Why look for him? Who is Ding Long?

It all started with Columbia University's current vice chancellor, Paul Ander, and his wife, Mia.

Once, when Mr. and Mrs. Anderson visited the East Asian Institute of Columbia University, they learned that the title of "Ding Long Chair Professor of Sinology" is the highest honor for scholars of Sinology in the world, and only four professors have received this honor so far.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Indel

They originally thought that this Ding Long was a big man.

After inquiry, they were shocked: this Ding Long was just an ordinary Chinese laborer.

He donated $12,000 to open the Department of Sinology at Columbia, the predecessor of the East Asian Institute.

The Department of Sinology at Columbia University has had a great influence on modern Chinese literature.

During the Republic of China, more than 10,000 Chinese studied here, such as Hu Shi, Tao Xingzhi, Xu Zhimo, Feng Youlan, Ma Yinchu, Wen Yiduo and others all studied here.

It is a miracle that an ordinary Chinese worker has promoted the development of cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

But his exact identity remains a mystery.

The Anders became so interested in this Chinese worker that they even "went crazy".

In particular, Paul's wife, Mia, who had never been exposed to history, began to become a professional "archaeologist" in order to find Ding Long.

This has also attracted the attention of many Chinese media, triggering a wave of search for Ding Long.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ In June 2019, the scene of the expert seminar of the documentary "Looking for Ding Long".

In the fall of 2005, Mia began to dig up Ding Long's life story with all her might.

Not only did she read a lot of old newspapers in the archives and libraries, but she also went to the places where Ding Long lived to find clues.

However, the information about Ding Long that can be verified is pitiful.

It wasn't until February 2006 that through the couple's continuous efforts and research, Ding Long's life experience was finally sorted out.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

From servant to rich

Ding Long was born in 1857 in Guangdong, China, and his childhood and family circumstances are unknown.

In 1875, Ding Long, who was only 18 years old, was "sold piglets" and came to the United States to work as a Chinese laborer.

He began building railroads in California and later became one of Carpentier's many household servants.

Horace Volpe Carpentier was a big man.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Horace Volpe Carpentier

He is a graduate of Columbia Law School.

In the 50s of the 19th century, when gold was discovered in California, Carpentier immediately went to California, established his own company, and later founded the Bank of California, becoming the most influential tycoon in California.

He owns a significant amount of stock in the Pacific Railroad and sits on the boards of several railroad companies.

He built a brand new city, named it Auckland, and made himself mayor.

He also served as president of the California Telegraph Company and the Overland Telegraph Company, establishing the first telegraph line from the West Coast to Utah, connecting the east and west coasts of the United States.

If you have a lot of money, you will naturally have a big temper.

One day, when he was drunk, he scolded and punished all his servants, and threatened to drive them all away.

When I woke up the next day, I found that almost all the servants who had been disgruntled for a long time were gone.

Carpentier never married, and was the only one left in the huge house, alone and in a desolate mood.

Unexpectedly, Ding Long stayed.

Carpentier asked him why he could endure and not leave, and Ding Long said that he remembered what Confucius said, "Being entrusted by others and being loyal to others; Be faithful and cherish your honor.

Carpentier was touched by Ding Long's kindness and sincerity, and also began to understand Chinese culture in the East.

The relationship between the two also changed from master and servant to friends, and Ding Long also became Carpentier's butler.

By 1900, he was a companion of Carpentier.

His simplicity has also made his path to wealth.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ The New York Tribune on October 13, 1901 introduced Ding Long, picture source: Chen Jiaji

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?


In gratitude for Ding Long's many years of service and help, Carpentier asked him one day what he wanted in return.

Ding Long said that he hopes to establish a sinology department at Columbia University, one of the best universities in the United States, so that Americans can learn more about Chinese culture.

So, in June 1901, Carpentier donated $100,000 to Columbia University President Ceth Lowe.

And wrote a letter: "For more than 50 years, I have saved little by little money from bills for drinking whiskey and smoking tobacco. The money is attached to the letter. I dedicate my sincere pleasure to you the establishment of a faculty of Chinese and Chinese languages, literature, religion and law, and I hope that you will be named the 'Ding Long Chair Professor of Sinology'. This donation is unconditional and the only condition is that my name is not mentioned. However, I would like to maintain the right to make additional grants in the future. ”

Ding Long also donated his savings and wrote on a note: "Sir, I am sending a check of $12,000 as a grant for your school's sinology research - Ding Long, a Chinese." ”

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

Carpentier wrote several letters to Columbia University President Ceth Lowe, highly praising Ding Long's personality.

"There is no problem with Ding Long's identity. He's not a myth, he's a real person. And I can say that among the gentlemen of humble birth but noble nature that I have had the good fortune to meet, there are really those who are kind by nature and never hurt others. ”

“…… This is a rare person who is consistent, modest, thoughtful, brave and benevolent; Be cautious and thrifty. In nature and nurture education, he was a believer in Confucius; In faith, he was a Buddhist. ”

Ding Long, who let an American tycoon really understand the Chinese, also began to be interested in Chinese culture.

At the time, during the time of Chinese exclusion in American society, it was inconceivable to name a cultural program at a university after a Chinese servant.

This made Seth Lowe very hesitant.

So Carpentier wrote to him again, pointing out the prejudice against the Chinese in American society:

"I am not Chinese, nor am I a descendant of Chinese; Nor is it an apologist for a cruel and backward China. The sins of its rulers made it stumble and struggle in its journey. But it's time for us to learn more about the roughly 700 million people who live in East Asia and its surrounding islands. In our vague conception, they seem to be just an opium-smoking, pig-tail-like braided barbarian race, or an uncivilized people who worship the devil. ”

This incident had a huge impact on American society at that time, and even spread back to China.

At that time, when the Empress Dowager Cixi heard about it, she immediately donated more than 5,000 books, including the "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books of the King James Dynasty", which was donated by Li Hongzhang and Wu Tingfang, the Qing government's envoy to the United States.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Cixi's donation of "Collection of Ancient and Modern Books" has also become the treasure of the East Asian College of Columbia University

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, the first cultural project named after a Chinese donor in the modern history of Western culture was born.

As a result, Columbia University's Department of Sinology became the earliest and most famous department of Sinology in the United States.

Since then, Carpentier has not only continued to provide additional funds to the Department of Sinology, but also donated to the University of California in California for the study of Chinese culture and thought.

Why would an American tycoon be so helpful to his former servant and promote Chinese culture?

Maybe it's because he saw Ding Long's personality charm, and he realized the profundity of Chinese culture behind this personality.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ In the corner of the East Asian Department of Columbia University, a huge photo of Ding Long is hung

Ding Long hadn't read many books, and he didn't know too many big truths.

He only used his humble body and meager strength to eliminate the prejudice of the United States against China.

He is different from some Chinese people who donate huge sums of money to prestigious American universities today.

Money sometimes can't buy respect.

The nobility of the soul comes from simplicity and selflessness.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

Ding Long's true identity

In 1901, Carpentier and Ding Long returned from China and shared a superior room. The passenger next to him protested and demanded that the Chinese servant go to the lower class.

Carpentier tells everyone that he was the secretary of the Chinese, and that the Chinese was a famous philosopher.

After that, the people on the ship looked at Ding Long with reverence.

In Carpentier's eyes, wasn't Ding Long a "simple philosopher" who let him know Chinese culture and Chinese national character?

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Ding Long's information in the Colombian Archives

In 1906, Ding Long bought a ticket back to China, which could have been famous, but he remained silent.

He was annihilated in the crowd.

Where to live, and what to do, there is no more news.

Until this year, with the help of CCTV and the efforts of South African Chinese scholar Chen Jiaji, he finally found "Ding Long".

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

Ding Long, a native of Taishan, Guangdong.

His real name is Ma Wanchang, and when he went to the United States, he changed his name to Ma Jinlong.

"Jinlong" and "Ding Long" are similar in Taishan dialect, so they are misrepresented as Ding Long.

He returned to his hometown village from the United States, built a house and bought land, and lived a good life.

Until the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, his investment and family property suffered huge losses, and his family declined from then on.

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Carpentier's letter to "Ding Long" was provided by Ma Wanchang's descendants

After liberation, he became a pauper, like most ordinary people in China, and lived an ordinary life.

No one around knew that the highest honor in the world of Sinology was named after him.

Paul University, vice president of Columbia University, once said of him: "He is only one of the many first-generation Chinese immigrants in the United States, he donated money, but more importantly, he contributed his vision and ideals." ”

More than 100 years after his disappearance, China and the United States have found him: how can a humble Chinese laborer create a legend in the United States?

▲ Columbia University's "Ding Long Fund"

He should not be forgotten by history.

Americans should not forget about him either.

For he will remind the world that arrogance comes from ignorance, and prejudice comes from arrogance.

◇ References

1. Chen Jiaji. Find Ding Long's true identity

2. Qiu Weiting. Ding Long - A Chinese Worker Who Created an American Legend, World Culture, Issue 04, 2016

3. Wang Gansheng. The Ideal of an Illiterate Servant, China Youth, No. 17, 2016

4. "Investigative Journalism" 20190907 Looking for Ding Long (Part I)

5. "Investigative Journalism" 20190914 Looking for Ding Long (II)

Source: WeChat public account "Most Chinese"

Author: Lambo

Editor: Pan Xi

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "National Reading Promotion", and this article is reprinted for the purpose of conveying more information. If there is a source label error or other inaccuracies, please contact us. We will correct it in a timely manner. Thank you]

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