
Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

author:The cold moon is a little windy wind

On July 2, Beijing time, the Los Angeles Clippers sent 3 messages, let's take a look.


Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

Not long ago, Paul George refused to exercise his $4,880w player option for next season because he couldn't agree with the Clippers about a contract extension, and was ready to test the free market (George wants a four-year salary cap, but the Clippers are willing to give a three-year salary cap). Yesterday, George reached a four-year, $212 million max contract with the 76ers, officially ending his five-year Clippers career. It is worth mentioning that Clippers owner Ballmer is worth as much as 100 billion dollars, not only the richest of the 30 NBA owners, but also once ranked in the top ten of the Forbes list in the United States. It can be said that as long as the league rules allow, he has the capital to provide the maximum salary to 15 members of the team, which also makes many fans quite concerned about why the Clippers want to stick to the bottom limit and not make concessions on renewing George's contract.

Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

今日,快船随队记者Law Murray报道了‬乔治‬的‬离队‬内幕‬,Murray说道‬:“上赛季‬常规赛中后期‬,快船‬连吃‬败仗‬、战绩‬有所下滑‬,乔治‬公开‬质疑‬球队‬特质‬,这让‬主帅‬泰伦卢‬和‬其他‬球员‬感到‬困惑‬和‬愤怒‬。 季后赛‬首轮‬,在‬小卡‬受伤‬无法上场‬的‬情况下‬乔治‬没有‬挺身而出‬,打出了‬季后赛‬生涯‬最糟糕的‬表现‬,那时候‬快船‬管理层‬就觉得‬乔治配不上‬多年‬顶薪‬。 休赛期‬,乔治‬在‬自己‬的播客节目中‬疑似‬嘲讽‬队友‬伦纳德‬不愿意‬带伤‬出战‬,这直接‬成为了‬压垮‬快船‬心中‬底限‬、坚决‬不在‬续约‬乔治‬一事‬上‬做出‬让步‬的‬最后一根‬稻草‬。 ”谁能‬想到‬19年‬对‬为‬家乡‬球队‬效力‬感到‬欣喜若狂‬的‬乔治‬会在‬5年后‬以‬如此‬不愉快‬的‬方式‬和‬快船‬分手‬,着实‬令人‬唏嘘‬。 不管‬怎样‬,既然‬离开了‬,也希望‬就此翻篇‬,祝福‬乔治‬在‬76人‬越打越好‬,快船‬也能‬重新‬扬帆起航‬。


Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

Today, ESPN's WOJ reported that free agent Batum has agreed to a two-year, $9.6 million contract with the Clippers. The 35-year-old Batum is 2.03m tall, weighs 105kg, and plays the No. 3 and No. 4 positions on the field. Batum played 16 seasons in the NBA, played a total of 1,053 regular season games, averaged 10.4 points, 5 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 0.9 steals and 0.6 blocks in 29.7 minutes per game, and scored 5x5 data many times, making him one of the league's all-round fighters. From 20 to 23 years, Batum has been playing for the Clippers and is one of the team's important rotations. Earlier last season, Batum was sent to the 76ers in a trade involving Harden.

Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

For the Clippers, Batum's return has multiple benefits and effects. First of all, Batum is familiar with the Clippers' system, and it doesn't take much time to run in to quickly integrate, and he has comprehensive skills, can shoot suddenly, and has good air cutting skills, which can enrich the Clippers' offensive tactics; Second, although Batum's individual defense is not as reliable as when he was younger, he still has excellent help defense ability and can increase the aggression and margin for error on the Clippers' defensive end; In the end, Batum's arrival allowed Leonard to return to the familiar No. 3 position, which also reduced Leonard's physical consumption and avoided unnecessary injury risks to a certain extent.


Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

今日,据NBA名记Chris Haynes报道‬,快船‬用一份‬一年‬底薪‬合同‬签下了‬自由球员‬克里斯邓恩‬。 现年‬30岁的‬邓恩‬身高‬1.91m,体重‬92kg,在场上‬司职后卫‬,他是‬16年‬首轮‬第‬5顺位‬秀‬,在‬NBA打了‬8个‬赛季‬,累计‬出战‬333场‬常规赛‬,场均‬上场‬23.2分钟‬得到‬7.9分‬3.3篮板‬4.2助攻‬1.4抢断‬,最高‬拿过‬32分‬10篮板‬。 而随着‬邓恩‬加入‬后‬,快船‬后卫线‬多达‬8人‬,分别是‬哈登‬、威少‬、波特‬、鲍威尔‬、海兰德‬、邓恩‬、曼‬和‬克里斯蒂‬(今年‬46号‬签‬)。 其中‬,除了‬威少‬确定‬离队‬(被交易‬或‬裁掉‬),还将‬至少‬有‬1-2名‬球员‬会被‬纳入‬交易谈判‬。

Clippers News: The inside story of George's departure was exposed, the all-round warriors returned, and the 32+10 guards joined

Dunn is a player with obvious strengths and weaknesses. The advantage is that the offensive end has a strong breakthrough ability and good organizational tandem skills; Defensively, he has both awareness and ability, and can take on the heavy responsibility of marking the opponent's arrows in the backcourt. The disadvantages are poor projection, lack of stability on the offensive end, and hot temper and uncontrollable, which is easy to have conflicts with opponents on the field, affecting the team's tactical deployment. Overall, it was worth it for the Clippers to sign Dunn, who was in his playing years, with a base salary.