
Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

author:Eternal Chi Guosheng

The TV series [Li Wei as an official] said that Suyang County ordered Li Wei to break into Gao Shiqi, the prime minister's mansion

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Home, because the rank is too low (seven grades) there is no seat for him, and he sits on Gao Shiqi's feet with a big grin.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

This move was neither in line with etiquette nor in line with the hierarchy, and according to the words of the time, it was "defiled officials" and undignified.

The top boss, Suzhou Governor Ge Chunlin (Wupin), scolded Li Wei, Li Wei said unhurriedly, I sat in front of the emperor.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Xiangye Gao Shiqi immediately couldn't sit still, and hurriedly arranged for someone to move chairs for Li Wei, and everyone stood up.

Li Wei didn't have to play a round, just make up the 500,000 taels of the imperial court's flood control and embankment repair allocation.

The TV series is purely made up, with two fatal injuries.

There is no Suyang County on the earth at all, and Gao Shiqi's Xiangye Mansion is in Yuyao, Zhejiang.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

In the play, it is explained that the prime minister Gao Shiqi is participating in the Kangxi Qiansuo banquet

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

When he returned, he was congratulated by his protégé and his colleagues.

It's even more ridiculous, the time is not right.

There were two Kangxi Qiansu banquets, in the fifty-second year of Kangxi (1713) and the sixty-first year of Kangxi (1722), Cheng Ting's dedication to the Han banquet (饽饽banquet) was the second time.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

According to the Qiansuo banquet, it was held in winter (Kangxi's birthday), and there was a hot pot in the Qiansu banquet during the Qianlong period, so almost all the people who participated in the Kangxi Qiansuo banquet died in February and March.

In the play, Gao Shiqi, the old slippery head minister, claimed to have become a minister, and he couldn't meddle in local affairs, so he shirked it directly.

Gao Shi Qizhishi was the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi (1689).

Gao Shiqi climbed up step by step from the grassroots, and he belonged to the elite, was sleek and sophisticated, shrewd and capable.

He retired because he was impeached for corruption.

The TV series said that he was a saint, and it was not wrong that Kangxi later ordered him to accompany him, consult and deal with affairs at any time, and be prosperous and rich for a lifetime.

Gao Shiqi is a capable minister and a talent, but it is true that he asks for bribes and accepts bribes.

[Henan Tongzhi, Volume 69]

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi
Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Record [Huangqing, Chen Weisong, the word year, Yixing people, ancestral Yuting, the former Ming Dynasty Zuodu Imperial History. Father Zhenhui and Shangqiu Hou Fangyu were friendly, and they suffered from the disaster of Ruan Dacheng (Yincheng). After Fang Yu avoided chaos and Yang Xian took the female Xu Weisong brother Zong Shi, Zong Shi entered the family, and then became a Song person, and Wei Song also lived in Song and lived with his brother. Wei Song is longer than the row of couples. Wang Wan of Changzhou was called a person in 700 years, and later used erudite macro words to remove the Hanlin review, compile and revise the [History of the Ming Dynasty], and died in the official].

Chen Weisong, a poet of the Yangxian faction, a leader in the literary world in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

participated in the compilation of the [History of the Ming Dynasty], as the emperor's favorite minister Gao Shiqi was also one of them.

Gao Shiqi heard that Chen Weisong's ancestor was a famous family and a collector, so he wanted to knock him on the bamboo pole.

Chen Weisong is a native of Yixing, Jiangsu, and Yixing's specialty is a purple clay pot.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

In the early stage, the Dabin purple clay pot was a large teapot, and in the later stage, it was a fist pot

The purple clay pot is especially treasured by the famous pot maker Shi Dabin.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Shi Dabin's purple clay pot has been handed down very rarely, extremely precious, often three thousand taels of silver, Chen Weisong six officials, and only forty-five taels of Yulu.

After changing the 00s, he had already rectified the workplace, lifted the table and left.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Chen Weisong was dying of old age at this time, his life was difficult, eating was a problem, and he couldn't buy food with money.

This is a common phenomenon and is caused by the general environment.

The Xiaoice River period lasted until the late Qianlong period, and Kangxi himself was starving and out of shape.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Chen Weisong had no vigor at this time, and in order to keep the iron rice bowl and not offend Xiangye (according to, there was no prime minister in the Qing Dynasty, it probably means), so he had to endure the pain and cut his love.

The law is not lightly preached, and it is not sold cheaply, although the purple clay pot of Shi Dabin is a treasure, it is actually an inconspicuous gadget.

Write poems to point out how precious the purple clay pot is, how exquisite, how reluctant he is, and in order to show respect for Xiangye Gao Shiqi, he specially wrote poems:

[Qing Chen Weisong Gift Gao to be read by the people (澹音but, Gao Shiqi 字澹人) to Yi pot two utensils and tied to poems]

The author of the pot pushed Gong Chun, and at the same time the master Shi Dabin.

Bishan Yincha Pu Qian bamboo, the world is full of arts.

Bin is also depressed and old, and the sand is ancient and the texture is even.

It is like a fragrant pot that is depicted squatting.

Another example is the boneless painting of the Northern Song Dynasty, which is hard to make hemp skin.

For more than 100 years, Wanbao has exhausted its poverty.

The emperor's fortune has been affected, and this thing has also been affected by thorn hazel.

The Qing madness record was occasionally abandoned, and one body was still worth three thousand pounds.

Later, the past or the occasion, the cutting of strange and ingenious people.

The brown brown is easy to regulate, and it is soft and charming.

My family used to live at the foot of the mountain, and the valley rain has passed the bud tea new.

A pot full of Bishan Meal, rubbing will feel better than drinking.

All over the world are fresh and good, and the bowl is inlaid with agate and canal silver.

Even if there are people selling in the pot market, it is often a fake that is not the real thing.

The Gao family worships the most faint, and the sheep's mouth is crumbs and ointment my lips.

Every year, the official bakes the urgent delivery, and the first point is given to the cousins.

The head of the eight cakes is the foot road, and the sunflower jade is waiting for Ning.

Set the annoyance of the elegant utensils and the fine tea, and endure the thatched hut to bury the beauty.

It is not difficult to do this kind of home, but Zhuo Ju is only afraid of chariots.


Yesterday, he searched for two weapons, and walked away to the city.

It is only in the middle of his posture, and he dares to wipe the chess scarf.

The family letter has been sent and continued, and I have seen Lizi Heng Aidian.

To the effect that although my purple clay pot is flawed, it is genuine, even if the purple clay pot is sold outside, it is not necessarily true, I heard that Gao Shiqi has an elegant meaning (not a bribe)!

Rummaging through the cabinet to find out, wipe clean, but unfortunately there is damage, has repaired the book to send a message to the family, maybe there is a good one.

Gao Shiqi was very happy to receive the pot, a piece of Xiucai love paper, and a poem:

[Qing Gao Shiqi Yihu Song Answer Chen Qinian (Chen Weisong Zi Qi Nian) Review]

At the foot of Jingnan Mountain, the river is painted, and the stream is clear and muddy.

The natives take sand as a tea vessel, and the name of Dabin is with Gong Chunqi.

The regulations are simple and delicate, and they are light and can be carried in a cage.

Shanjiaya is the first to say, Qingquan is good to become three springs.

The word is cold and indifferent, and he gives Jia Peng Chixi.

Towards the court and go straight to the palace, the night chong street drum and listen to the chicken.

During the day, the young son's face is gone, and the bad wife keeps the sweet and salty taste.

Even if there is a history of Xiaoxuan's map, it can be a retreat.

Near-to-the-day fishing calendar, spring and summer with eight horses' hooves,

Autumn comes to sit alone under the north window, and Yuchuan Dianfa thinks about the mountain stream.

To Zhayuan Long's begging device, he bothered to take away Xiao Xi.

The two pots are different in shape, and the city is solemnly wrapped in brocade.

The long story is inscribed with hundreds of words, and the narrative is the same as the long-term appreciation.

When wiping the menstrual period, I don't let go, and the childlike heart loves to play and is still a child.

The Hunan curtain rolls up at night, and the bamboo bed is drunk and lying low.


The vase flower arrangement is fragrant, and the small things can be the same as Yangui.

Longjing new tea tiger runs water, and Huiquan Temple fights for drums.

He has been invited to sail in the new year, and I will bring it back to my hometown.

To the effect that it is too precious to receive a round and two purple clay pots on one side, such a delicate tea set, I can't put it down, how can I match it with Longjing tea, Hupao Spring, and the second spring in the world in Wuxi, Jinsha Temple's Bishan Dai (Yinjie, tea name).

[To Zhayuan Long's begging device, so he bothered to give away Xiao Xi] It's not a bribe!

[The word is cold and indifferent, and he gives grace to Jia Peng Chixi].

Chen Weisong has an indifferent temperament, not a bribe-giver, and he gave me a precious purple clay pot, which is a testimony of our friendship.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi

Little flicker: The master can't smash it! It's a testimony that your brother and sister are back together


Why is Gao Shiqi called Golden Bean?

First, this person is a human spirit, and he is extremely good at figuring out the holy will, and secondly, he bribed Kangxi's personal eunuch with golden beans to investigate Kangxi's relevant intelligence, what books Kangxi usually reads, who he sees, what he says, and controls it in time and responds at any time.

Off topic

I've been using the system to automatically generate micro headlines several times, but none of them have succeeded, so I'll try again this time.

Golden Beans Gao Shiqi
