
Strengthen safety inspections and smooth life passages

author:Yantai Fusion Media

Recently, in order to effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property and eliminate potential safety hazards, Binhai Road Street has carried out a comprehensive and in-depth safety inspection of unblocked life passages.

Strengthen safety inspections and smooth life passages

In this operation, the street emergency response office, the comprehensive management office, the planning and construction service center, and the grid staff jointly formed an inspection team to conduct a dragnet investigation of residential quarters, hotels, nine small places and other densely populated places within the jurisdiction. It was important to check whether the evacuation channels and safety exits were unimpeded, whether the evacuation indication signs and emergency lighting facilities were intact and effective, and whether the fire-fighting facilities and equipment were operating normally.

Strengthen safety inspections and smooth life passages

During the inspection, the inspectors found that some places had problems such as the evacuation passage being blocked by debris, the safety exit being locked, and the fire protection facilities being damaged. In response to these problems, the inspectors issued a rectification notice on the spot, ordered the relevant units and responsible persons to rectify immediately, and required them to strictly implement the main responsibility of fire safety, strengthen daily fire safety management, and ensure that the life channel is unblocked.

Strengthen safety inspections and smooth life passages

At the same time, the inspectors also popularized fire safety knowledge to the person in charge of the site and the residents, emphasized the importance of unblocking the passage of life, and reminded everyone to always be vigilant, consciously abide by fire safety laws and regulations, and jointly maintain the smooth passage of life.

In the next step, the street will continue to increase the inspection of life channels, establish a long-term mechanism, and regularly carry out "looking back" to ensure that rectification measures are in place, resolutely put an end to the rebound of hidden dangers, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

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