
Gardens by the Bay New attraction is online! Technology and art combine to see rare and endangered flora and fauna

author:Singapore Eye

Gardens by the Bay, which has just been voted Asia's number one attraction, has a new attraction!

A new exhibition, "The Hidden Forest", uses sophisticated digital technology and artistic techniques to renovate and bring the cloud forest to life. This forest not only showcases the diverse plant ecology, but also shows visitors some rare and endangered flora and fauna.

Gardens by the Bay New attraction is online! Technology and art combine to see rare and endangered flora and fauna

Located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay, the Uncharted Forest is the result of a collaboration between Gardens by the Bay and Japanese creative agency NAKED, INC. The aim of the exhibition is not only to provide an immersive art experience, but also to raise public awareness of the rare biodiversity in the world, with a total of 17 species of plants and 16 species of animals on display.

Gardens by the Bay New attraction is online! Technology and art combine to see rare and endangered flora and fauna

In this mystical forest, visitors can see unique plants such as Dracula simia, Brugmansia sanguinea, and Cecropia, the anonymous "tree of laziness" eaten by sloths, grow up close on the big screen, and catch the Resplendent Quetzal spreading its colorful wings flying before them.

By interacting with the exhibits, such as touching the walls, visitors are able to activate the growth of plants or observe the slow movement of sloths, enhancing the immersive experience!

Gardens by the Bay New attraction is online! Technology and art combine to see rare and endangered flora and fauna

In addition to showcasing biodiversity, Gardens by the Bay has also launched a new '5G Digital Learning Path', which will be officially launched from 1 July. It aims to further enhance the learning experience by allowing students to learn about plants and natural sciences in the cloud forest through tablets using state-of-the-art technology.

Gardens by the Bay New attraction is online! Technology and art combine to see rare and endangered flora and fauna

Gardens by the Bay's new exhibition, The Hidden Forest, officially opened on Saturday (29 June). Come and experience this magical forest!

秘境森林(The Hidden Forest)

Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m

Location: Gardens by the Bay Cloud Forest



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Gardens by the Bay Instagram丨Image source

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