
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

author:Ping An Han Yin

To say the most explosive man this summer

I had to nominate Fang Xiewen

A mouth makes people emotionally unstable

Every "dangerous statement" is impressive

That being the case

When the police used Fang Xiewen's tone to counter fraud

What should you do?

受骗群众抱着手机不撒手时be like

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

推广国家反诈中心app时be like

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

Be like when anti-fraud dissuasion

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

群众不听劝阻时be like

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

找不到受骗群众时破防be like

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!
Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

-----------------I'm a divider----------------

Before the masses are deceived

Appear in time to avoid losses

This is anti-fraud dissuasion

One is irreplaceable

Yet Glory

And a job with a sense of mission

There is a long way to go in the anti-fraud work

And we will overcome obstacles and forge ahead

Who's in the phone? Police Alert!

Police remind

If you receive a 96110 call, be sure to answer it

Please also be sure to download and use the "National Anti-Fraud Center" app

Receive any messages from unknown sources

Not gullible

Not disclosed

No transfers

May "the world be free of fraud"

Source: China Police Network

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