
A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

author:The Paper

On the great journey of reforming and strengthening the people's army, another important moment has entered the annals of history——

On April 19, 2024, the inaugural meeting of the Information Support Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was held in Beijing Bayi Building. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the military flag to the Information Support Force and delivered a speech, extending warm congratulations to all officers and soldiers of the Information Support Force on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission.

After the flag-awarding ceremony, Xi Jinping delivered a speech. He pointed out that the readjustment and establishment of the information support force is a major policy decision made by the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in the light of the overall situation of strengthening the military cause, and is a strategic measure to build a new type of structural layout of the services and arms and to improve the system of modern military forces with Chinese characteristics, and is of great and far-reaching significance for speeding up the modernization of national defense and the armed forces and effectively fulfilling the missions and tasks of the people's army in the new era.

According to the decision of the Central Military Commission, the newly established information support forces will be under the direct leadership and command of the Central Military Commission, and at the same time, the number of strategic support forces will be revoked, and the leadership and management relationship between the military space forces and the cyberspace forces will be adjusted accordingly.

Reform is the requirement of the times to realize the Chinese dream and the dream of strengthening the army, the only way to strengthen the army and rejuvenate the army, and also a key move to determine the future of the army.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the people's army has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, and guided by the Party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era, comprehensively implemented the strategy of reforming and strengthening the army, deeply cracked down on the institutional obstacles, structural contradictions, and policy problems that have long restricted national defense and army building, and deepened the reform of national defense and the army to achieve historic achievements. We will take firm steps on the road of strengthening the army with Chinese characteristics.

Reform promotes a strong army, and a strong army supports a strong country. Standing at a new historical starting point, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the people's army, which has achieved an overall and revolutionary reshaping, is striding towards becoming a world-class and providing strategic support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Strategic planning, the commander at the helm and pilot

Reform is the distinctive feature of contemporary China and the distinctive character of the communists.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and national defense and army building have also entered a new era. In the face of the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century, as well as the deep-seated contradictions and problems that have long constrained national defense and army building, President Xi Jinping has judged the situation and taken the overall situation into account, and resolutely made the strategic decision to reform and strengthen the army.

A strong country must strengthen the army, and a strong army must be reformed. "Once military backwardness is formed, the impact on national security will be fatal. I often read some historical materials of modern China, and when I see the tragic scenes of backwardness and beating, I feel painful in my heart! "President Xi profoundly pointed out with a strong sense of historical concern that the reform of national defense and the armed forces is an important part of comprehensive reform and an important symbol of comprehensively deepening reform. The armed forces should keep pace with the central authorities and resolutely push forward various reforms in the armed forces in the spirit of opening roads in every mountain and building bridges in the face of rivers. Everyone must have such a historical responsibility.

Only reformers advance, only innovators are strong. President Xi encouraged the whole army: "The new military revolution has provided us with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we must seize the opportunity and work hard to not only catch up with the trend and the times, but also strive to be at the forefront of the times." ”

Since the founding of New China, our army has carried out 13 relatively large reforms, and the size and structure of the armed forces have been constantly adjusted, and they have played an important role in different historical periods. At the same time, under the influence of various factors, deep-seated contradictions restricting national defense and army building still exist to varying degrees.

"The reform of national defense and the armed forces has entered a period of tackling tough problems and deep waters, and most of the structural obstacles, structural contradictions, and policy problems that have accumulated over a long period of time are to be resolved, and it is indeed not easy to push forward." President Xi warned the whole army that "without reform, we will not be able to fight and win the war." ”

The thinking is deep, and the practice is more and more diligent.

In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held. The Party Central Committee has decided to include the deepening of national defense and military reform in the overall plan of comprehensively deepening reform, and elevate it to the will of the Party and the behavior of the state.

For the first time in the history of the plenum, the reform of national defence and the armed forces was included in the decision of the plenum as a separate part.

Only four months later, another piece of heavy news has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad: President Xi decided to establish the Central Military Commission's Leading Group for Deepening National Defense and Military Reform, and served as the leader. This is also the first time that the general secretary of the party has personally served as the head of the Central Military Commission's leading group for deepening national defense and military reform.

These two extraordinary "firsts" have demonstrated the firm will and determination of the party's core, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the people's leaders to deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and have greatly stimulated and rallied the majestic forces of the officers and men of the whole army to support, support, and devote themselves to reform, and have become the fundamental guarantee for promoting reform.

For the armed forces of a large country, there are issues of what to change and how to change, as well as issues of goals and layouts, issues of stance and viewpoint, and issues of methods and paths. President Xi has devoted a lot of effort to the design of reform demonstration, presided over the meetings of the Central Military Commission's Leading Group for Deepening National Defense and Military Reform, the Central Military Commission's executive meeting, and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on many occasions......

Reform has always been aimed at problems, and problems have been used to force reform. At each stage of the reform, each plan has pointed out the methods and paths to solve the real problems, and the solutions to each practical problem are finally gathered into a series of specific reform measures.

Deepening the reform of national defense and the armed forces is an overall change, and it is necessary to strengthen top-level planning and system design. At an important meeting of the armed forces, President Xi stressed the need to grasp the relevance and coupling of reform measures, so that the reform of the leadership and command system, force structure, policy system and other reforms can promote and complement each other, form an overall effect, and achieve overall results.

Plan the layout of the article, and the sound of the fall.

the establishment of an expert advisory group of the Central Military Commission's Leading Group for Deepening National Defense and Military Reform; Establish a database of consulting and evaluation experts on military policy and system reform composed of more than 200 military and local experts and leaders, and give full play to the role of third-party independent assessment; The Academy of Military Sciences and the National Defense University have been entrusted with relevant research and demonstration tasks to give play to their role as think tanks......

Gather the wisdom of the whole army and all quarters to form the "greatest common divisor" of reform. President Xi went to the organs, entered the squad platoon, went to the plateau, went to the island, boarded chariots, and took warships to conduct in-depth investigation and research. The whole army and all sectors enthusiastically offered suggestions and suggestions, from outside the army to the army, from organs to troops, from generals to soldiers; Field research in all directions, discussion and interviews at all levels, and large-scale questionnaire surveys; A situation report, a letter of opinions, a message on the Internet...... Many good ideas, good suggestions, and good ideas have entered the reform program.

"Whatever you do, you can't win; Whatever the wisdom of the crowd does, nothing can be done. "Under the leadership and planning of President Xi, a set of reform designs that solve deep-seated contradictions, have major innovative breakthroughs, and have distinctive characteristics of the people's army have emerged.

In July 2015, President Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Central Military Commission's Leading Group for Deepening National Defense and Military Reform, a meeting of the Central Military Commission's Executive Committee, and a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to deliberate and approve the overall plan for deepening national defense and military reform.

In the process of leading and promoting this round of reform, President Xi Jinping has set up a series of directional, fundamental and overall strategic ideas on deepening the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and established the fundamental principles and action guidelines for reforming and strengthening the armed forces.

From the overall layout of the party and the state to the coupling of various systems of the armed forces, from the overall plan, the plan in major fields to the special plan, from the leadership and command system, the size and structure of the army, and the organization of forces, to the orderly progress of the reform of the military policy system, the goal map, road map, and construction drawing of the reform of the people's army in the new era have been drawn, and a historic change of rebirth and new strength has been vigorously launched.

Overcome difficulties and deepen reforms

A history of the development of the people's army is a history of reform and innovation.

November 24, 2015 is a day destined to go down in the history of the people's army. The Central Military Commission's reform work conference was held in Beijing, and President Xi Jinping issued a mobilization order to deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, comprehensively implement the strategy of reforming and strengthening the army, and unswervingly follow the path of strengthening the army with Chinese characteristics.

According to the commander-in-chief's order, the whole army obeyed the order, rallied to the heart, exerted strength to the battle, and tackled difficult problems.

Historic changes in the leadership and command system

The reform of the leadership and command system implements the general principle that the Central Military Commission is in charge of the general affairs, the theater is the main battle, and the services are the main construction, and the long-standing system of the general headquarters, large military regions, and large armies has been established, and the leadership and management system of the "Central Military Commission-services-troops" and the operational command system of the "Central Military Commission-theater-troops" have been established, and a new "four beams and eight pillars" of the people's army have been erected. The "four general departments" have withdrawn from the stage of history, and 15 functional departments of the Central Military Commission have been reorganized, the path of command, construction, management, and supervision has become clearer, the allocation of decision-making, planning, execution, evaluation, and other functions has become more reasonable, and the functions of the Central Military Commission in centralized and unified leadership, strategic planning, and strategic management have been effectively strengthened. The "seven major military regions" have fulfilled their historical mission, readjusted and set up five major theaters, improved the command structure of joint operations of the Central Military Commission and the theater, and built a strategic campaign command system that integrates peacetime and wartime, operates normally, specializes in main operations, and is capable and efficient. The leadership and management system of the services and arms has been further improved. The armed police force is under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission. The reserve forces are fully integrated into the leadership and command system of the army. Stepping into the "time of the new system," the vast number of officers and men have both "turned around" and "changed their minds," emancipated themselves from all outdated mindsets, inherent patterns, and path dependence, gradually broken down the barriers of the alliance, and gradually highlighted the effectiveness of warfare.

In the course of the exercises and trainings, units of different services and arms that were relatively independent in the past carried out joint exercises and joint training on a regular basis under the dispatch of the theater. Data and information, which was difficult to share in the past, are now efficiently circulated among the various services and arms in the theater. Reconnaisance is no longer "fighting on its own," commanders are no longer "singing their own tunes," and firepower is no longer "fighting each in its own way." They are born one by one with a joint iron fist.

The size, structure, and strength of the armed forces have been profoundly reshaped.

This is a new figure that has never appeared in the history of the people's army: the proportion of the army in the total number of personnel in the whole army has dropped to less than 50%; The number of active personnel in non-combat institutions of the armed forces has been reduced by nearly half, and the number of officers has been reduced by 30 percent......

This is a new term that has never appeared in the history of the people's army: composite brigade, air assault brigade, aircraft carrier formation, airborne troops, information support troops, and joint logistics support forces......

The dialectic of reduction and increase is not only to slim down, but also to strengthen the body, and it is an epoch-making reshaping of strength. The reform of the size structure and the organization of the force has promoted the development of the armed forces in the direction of substantiation, integration, multi-ability, and flexibility.

On April 27, 2017, the Ministry of National Defense disclosed at a regular press conference that the 18 group army numbers of the army were revoked, and the 13 group army numbers after the adjustment and formation were announced at the same time. In addition, the newly readjusted units also include many new combat forces.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

During the Army's training and preparation for war and transformation and construction, an air assault brigade conducts a live-fire drill (photo taken on May 23, 2018). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yongjin

After the readjustment, our army has become more capable in scale, more optimized in structure, and more scientifically organized, fundamentally changing the long-standing force structure of the land combat type, changing the distribution of troops in the territorial defense type, and changing the winning mode of heavy armed groups and winning by quantity; new combat forces such as strategic early warning, far-sea defense, long-range strikes, strategic projection, and information support have been enriched and strengthened, and a joint combat force system with elite combat forces as the mainstay is taking shape.

The reform of the military policy system has been comprehensively promoted——

Recently, in 2024, the whole army will open the recruitment to the public, and the civilian personnel who have been hired will report to various units one after another. In June 2018, for the first time, the whole army openly recruited civilian personnel from the public, and among the recruits, the highly educated group and the "second enlistment" group were particularly eye-catching. This indicates that the openness and competitiveness of our military's work in bringing in qualified personnel have been greatly enhanced. Civilian personnel are an integral part of the military personnel and play an increasingly important role.

Let the vitality of all elements of combat effectiveness burst forth in a competitive manner, and let the source of all military modernization fully flow. The establishment and improvement of the new-type civilian personnel system is a vivid microcosm of the reform of the people's army's policy system.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Civilian staff members of the Chinese Navy's hospital ship Peace Ark wave goodbye to the crowd at the end of a visit to Tonga (photo taken on August 4, 2023). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Xu Wei)

This reform has completely changed the piecemeal approach of the past, systematically planned, designed forward-looking, innovated and developed, and reshaped as a whole, established and improved the system of socialist military policies and systems with Chinese characteristics, and formed the "four major plates" of the military party building system, the military force utilization policy system, the military force building policy system, and the military management policy system.

President Xi presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, which successively deliberated and adopted the "Regulations on Party Building in the Communist Party of China and the Political Work of the Army" and other backbone systems for Party building in our army. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has successively deliberated and adopted the newly revised "National Defense Law of the People's Republic of China," the newly revised "Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China," and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status and Rights and Interests of Military Personnel."

Establish a leading group for talent work of the Central Military Commission and establish a cadre evaluation committee of the Central Military Commission. The "Interim Regulations on the Management of Officers on Active Duty" and 11 supporting policies and systems have been promulgated, and substantial progress has been made in establishing a professional system for officers with Chinese characteristics. The "Interim Regulations on Non-commissioned Officers", the "Interim Regulations on Conscripts", the newly revised "Regulations on Civilian Personnel of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" and supporting regulations were promulgated.

build a military honor system and hold a ceremony to award honors and titles; Optimize the treatment of military personnel, issue support subsidies for military parents, spouse honors, and implement new medical security policies such as free medical care for military spouses and children...... One heart-warming event after another, enhance the sense of professional honor of officers and men, and make military personnel a profession respected by the whole society.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Staff at Changqing Street, Baohe District, Hefei City, hang a "Home of Glory" sign in front of the home of resident Wei Songmei (right) (photo taken on January 14, 2019). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Junxi

The reform of the military policy system has matured and advanced one by one, more than 20 basic laws and regulations in major areas have been promulgated one after another, and a large number of supporting policies, systems, and major reform measures have been intensively introduced, further liberating the army's combat effectiveness and the vitality of officers and men, and continuously unleashing the effectiveness of reform.

In-depth implementation of major cross-military and civilian reforms——

"Coordinate economic construction and national defense construction, and strive to achieve the reunification of a rich country and a strong army." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping has attached great importance to major cross-military reforms, made many deployments, and promoted the implementation of a series of measures.

Just after the Spring Festival in 2018, the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated and adopted the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions and the Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions.

Combined with deepening the reform of the Party and state institutions, deepening the cross-military reform of the armed police force, promoting the reform of the active public security force, and establishing the Ministry of Veterans Affairs; Implement the reform of the air traffic control system and establish the Central Air Traffic Management Committee; Promote the reform of the national defense mobilization system and build a modern national defense mobilization force system; The paid service of the armed forces has been completely stopped, and the goal of the armed forces not engaging in business activities has been basically achieved......

"If you don't have the strength of all the people, you can't do it." The central government organs, local party committees and governments, and all sectors of society have introduced a series of policies and measures to support reform and service reform, and the military and local governments have gathered a strong joint force to promote reform.

In the late autumn of 2021, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) adopted the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle, which fully affirmed the historic achievements made in deepening the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and called it "the most extensive and profound reform of national defense and the armed forces since the founding of the People's Republic of China".

Rebuild and reshape to become world-class

The reform and strengthening of the army has brought about a series of profound changes to the people's army, and the people's army has accelerated its transformation from a cocoon to a butterfly change in the "time of the new system": the army's mobile combat and three-dimensional offensive and defensive capabilities have been significantly enhanced, the navy has accelerated the transformation from a coastal defense type to a far-sea defense type, the air force has accelerated its transformation into an air-space integrated and offensive and defensive one, and the rocket force has continuously strengthened its nuclear and conventional capabilities and all-domain deterrence capabilities......

This is the new look of the people's army after the reform and remodeling.

In July 2023, at the Air Force Aviation Open Event, Changchun Air Show, the J-20 was displayed for the first time in a four-plane formation, the Y-20 was displayed with J-20 and J-16 for the first time in the air refueling with the picture of "five aircraft in the same frame", and the J-10S and J-11BS were displayed for the first time in a special-shaped aircraft simulated air battle......

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

At the Air Force Aviation Open Event Changchun Air Show, a refueling formation of the Y-20, J-20 and J-16 flies over the MiG-15 aircraft (photo taken on July 29, 2023). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Yu Hongchun)

The event demonstrated the People's Air Force's ever-changing level of equipment development, the quality and effectiveness of actual combat military training, and the strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

"The YF-20 is no longer a single static display and a single flight display, but an all-round presentation of the system's capabilities, showing the combat posture commonly used in our daily combat training." Wang Yuling, a pilot of the Y-20 Yunyou, said: "Reforming the strategy of strengthening the army has enabled the people's army to achieve a historic change in its organizational form and force system. It is precisely because of the reform that our troops have been reorganized and reshaped and accelerated to become world-class. ”

On October 1, 2019, more than 200,000 soldiers and civilians celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Republic of China with a grand military parade and mass parade.

This is the first National Day military parade in which socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and it is also the first overall appearance of the armed forces of the Republic after the reform and remodeling.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On the morning of October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This is the leader of the command team to be reviewed. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pang Xinglei

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On the morning of October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This is the equipment parade through Tiananmen Square. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pubu Zhashi

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On the morning of October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This is the Joint Logistics Support Force. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing

The leading command team, which made its debut for the first time, is a team with the most distinctive imprint of reforming and strengthening the army and commanding joint operations -- its members are drawn from 15 departments of the Central Military Commission, various theaters, organs of various services and arms, and armed police units.

The leading and commanding platoon created two firsts: the first platoon in the history of the people's army's military parade to be drawn from the leading and commanding organs, and the first platoon composed of generals.

For the first time, the parade set up teams of joint logistics support troops, scientific research personnel of colleges and universities, and civilian personnel, showing the results of the overall and revolutionary reshaping of the organizational structure and force system of national defense and the armed forces, and showing the new composition and new style of the people's army in the new era.

580 sets of ground equipment are formed into 32 equipment squadrons, and more than 160 fighters of the army, navy, and air force are formed into 12 air echelons...... All the equipment reviewed is made in China, and 40% is the first appearance, showing the momentum of the people's army to basically realize mechanization and accelerate the progress towards informatization.

This is a more capable and efficient command structure of the people's army after the reform and remodeling.

From May 23 to 24, 2024, the Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized the army, navy, air force, rocket force and other forces of the theater to carry out the "Joint Sword-2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island.

The exercise focused on such subjects as joint naval and air combat readiness patrols, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, and joint targeted targeting of key targets.

This is also a powerful punishment for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces' act of seeking "independence" and a serious warning against external forces' interference and provocation.

Military experts believe that during the exercise, under the unified command of the Eastern Theater, the theater's army, navy, air force, rocket force, and other services and arms participated together, demonstrating the coordination capability and overall combat strength of the Chinese armed forces in joint operations after the reform and remodeling.

More than 4 years ago, the new crown epidemic broke out.

At the sound of the order, medical personnel from the army, navy, air force, rocket force, joint logistics support force, armed police force and other medical units quickly assembled and rushed to Wuhan.

aviation, railway, highway, three-dimensional delivery; Efficient circulation of manpower, materials and information; active duty military, civilian, militia, close coordination; Joint Command, Joint Grouping, and Military-Civilian Joint ......

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

The Air Force dispatched 11 transport planes of Type 3 to simultaneously airlift medical team members to Wuhan in multiple places (photo taken on February 13, 2020). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yun

"The speed of entering the state, the rapid assembly of troops, and the rapid development of operations are the real speed of war." "Command and coordinate a map, use forces in a game of chess, and implement a rod -- this is a real system for fighting wars." Some military observers commented on the performance of the Chinese military in the anti-epidemic operation in Wuhan. With no time to prepare for the battle, no rehearsal for the battle, and a decisive battle in the first battle, the people's army handed over an excellent answer sheet of "going to the front on the day of receiving the order, controlling the situation within three weeks, and completing the task within three months." This miraculous "fastness" stems from the fact that the people's army has been reformed and reshaped, with a more efficient command structure, a more capable force scale, and a more scientific structure.

"The people's army's anti-epidemic answer sheet condenses the reshaping of the people's army's capabilities and the changes of the times, and demonstrates the new look and confidence of an army after reform and remodeling." Yin Hao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the Institute of Systems Engineering of the Academy of Military Sciences, believes that although the fight against the epidemic is a non-war military operation, it tests and embodies the actual combat capability of the people's army after reform and remodeling.

Military experts believe that after the reform and readjustment, the concept of preparing for war and joint combat and joint training has been further strengthened, and all theaters have played the role of hubs for joint operations and joint training, and units of various services and arms have closely connected with the needs of the theater's joint combat capability, and have continuously increased the contribution rate of winning battles through joint training with the support system for capability training of all services and arms.

This is a new type of exercise and training style explored by the people's army after the reform and remodeling.

From 11 to 25 September 2021, the SCO Joint Anti-Terrorist Military Exercise "Peace Mission-2021" was held at the Donghuz shooting range in the Orenburg region of Russia.

In this joint exercise, the command structure of the Chinese participating troops is composed of the Chinese Command Department and the Chinese Anti-Terrorism Cluster Command Headquarters with the Northern Theater as the main editor, and the mission force is mainly composed of a composite battalion of a brigade in the Northern Theater and is composed of relevant support detachments.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On September 23, 2021, the multinational joint forces conducted coordinated ground and air operations during the "Peace Mission-2021" Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) joint anti-terrorism military exercise held at the Donghuz firing range in the Orenburg region of Russia. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Shixiong

Under the new structure and new establishment, the composite battalion of the Chinese participating units includes infantry, armored troops, artillery, reconnaissance, communications, engineering and other forces, integrates multiple arms into one, and realizes the reshaping and leapfrogging of the force structure, personnel formation, equipment allocation, and element grouping.

During the live-fire exercise on 23 September, this reporter saw the advantages of the modular and multi-functional combat organization of the composite battalion in a certain new combat command vehicle, and boldly practiced the new combat style of multi-source perception of operational command, a high degree of integration of operational elements, and the multi-dimensional expansion of the combat space, so as to give full play to the role of the composite battalion as a "forward tentacle."

On July 23, 2023, with the successful conclusion of the "anchorage defense" exercise of the ship formation, the "Northern Joint-2023" exercise completed all the scheduled drill items.

Focusing on the theme of "maintaining the security of strategic maritime passages", the exercise involved the joint planning, joint command and joint operation of the naval and air forces of China and Russia, effectively tempering and testing the actual combat capability of the far sea and remote areas, and making innovative breakthroughs in the organizational form of the joint exercise and the mode of force integration.

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On July 20, 2023, during the "Northern Joint-2023" exercise in a sea area of the Sea of Japan, Chinese and Russian participating ships carried out a naval and air escort exercise. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Liu Dan)

A review of the achievements of national defense and military reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

The Navy's Liaoning aircraft carrier formation sailed to the western Pacific (file photo). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Mo Xiaoliang)

On May 17, 2024, the China-Mongolia "Steppe Partner-2024" Army Joint Training was held at a training ground in East Gobi Province, Mongolia.

In accordance with the basic tactics of "striking at key points in all depths, conducting centripetal assaults in multiple directions, and clearing and encircling and annihilating them in different regions," the Chinese and Mongolian troops participating in the training jointly carried out joint training on the topic of dealing with the activities of illegal armed groups.


New system, new forces, new equipment, new tactics...... The people's army has taken on a new look from the inside out, and its confidence in shining its sword to deter the enemy has become even fuller.

There is no end in sight to reform. The people's army, which is forging ahead courageously on the road of reforming and strengthening the army, is bound to continue to win new victories in national defense and military modernization.

In 2027, the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army will be realized;

By 2035, the national defense and military will be basically modernized;

By the middle of the 21 st century, the people's army will be built into a world-class army in an all-round way......