
The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

author:Dean Yuan Zhou


On 29 June, the Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Arab States said that the League members had agreed not to designate Allah Lebanon as a terrorist organization.

At this point, Allah, which had been on the Arab League blacklist for almost 10 years, was finally released.

Regarding the Lebanese Allah Party, I believe that friends who pay attention to international politics are certainly no strangers to it, but everyone should usually see it in military-related news, either with Israel, or with the United States, and it looks as effective as the Houthis.

In fact, Allah and the Houthis do belong to the same arc of resistance, and as for why Allah was blocked and released by the Arab League, and why Allah has been able to resist Israel so often, everything has to start with the civil strife in Lebanon.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

True Lords

Speaking of Allah, then the first thing to mention is the environment in which it was born. The matter about the country of Lebanon is a long story, and it has little to do with what we are going to talk about today, so as long as you understand for the time being, the country of Lebanon is very loose due to various historical problems, and the old Japanese navy and army red deer are all of the same heart and one mind compared with them, because of such a sparse sake, the imperialists immediately took advantage of the situation to intensify the local contradictions, resulting in continuous internal wars in Lebanon, and completely fought a feud, which has not been quelled to this day.

The international community has always been blessed with good and bad, and in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon in a full-scale manner at a time when everything was thriving in the country. At that time, Israel still had a fighting force, and it destroyed 80% of the villages in southern Lebanon, and eventually caused 400,000 Lebanese people to flee their homes.

At that time, the chaotic Lebanese political parties could be said to have everything, and there were many political parties supported by foreign forces, and the leadership of the organization was controlled by Syria. There are many Shiites in Lebanon, and when they see that this is definitely not going to work, those who refuse to accept the result continue to fight.

As we mentioned earlier, Iran often helps such organizations, and naturally will not let go of this opportunity, immediately saying that the people who fight Israel are my friends, and with a wave of his hand, he sent 1,500 Revolutionary Guard members to help them establish a base area, and then because the various organizations are too scattered, Khomeini helped integrate them, and gave the organization a name - Allah.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

Through Iran's aid, Allah finally had the appearance of an organization, but it was still carefully developed, and it was not until 1985 that it felt almost the same, and came out to tell everyone not to think that Israel has succeeded, and Lebanon still has us to resist! And all sorts of propaganda is carried out, their slogan is "Israel is the little Satan, America is the big Satan, the Falangists are the armed Christians, we are going to overthrow them"! For a time, many Lebanese who hated Israel came to vote, and Allah finally made a name for itself for the first time.

Originally, according to this trend, Allah either followed Khomeini to establish a new party, or continued to be Iran's pawn, but Khomeini died soon after, and Iran was too poor to be pants because of the Iran-Iraq war for ten years, and there was no time to care about Allah. So Allah began the internal line struggle and institutional reform.

Such a change can be regarded as a misstep into a romantic figure for thousands of years.

In 1991, the Lebanese civil war ended and the parties signed the Taif Agreement. One clause in the agreement reads: "All factions are to be disarmed". I also know that if there were no guns in such a chaotic place in Lebanon, and I didn't know that it would become like this, Allah would certainly not agree, and directly said that "as long as Israel still invades Lebanese territory, we will not lay down our arms."

The toughness of Allah is mainly due to the fact that they have indeed fought a good battle before, and as far as the other little Karami in the country are concerned, it is too much to fight them with one hand, so the other parties can only condemn them morally at most. By May 2000, Israel had withdrawn from southern Lebanon and Allah had occupied it. With weapons and territory, and seeing that the raw rice had been boiled to the full Han table, Allah successfully entered the cabinet in 2005 and officially became one of Lebanon's official political parties.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

Lebanese-Israeli border

In 2006, Allah began to engage in fierce exchanges with Israel in order to regain the Lebanese land occupied by Israel, and Israel was exhausted.

Why is Allah so able to fight? As a modern Leninist party, with democratic centralism, committees for unified regulation and strict discipline, it was nothing more than a veneer of religion.

At that time, seeing that Israel was being beaten like this, the United States also said that "Lebanon is Israel's Vietnam." It seems that in the face of this familiar guerrilla warfare, the United States cannot help but think of the US-Vietnam War when the grass and trees used to speak.

The government came out of the barrel of a gun, and when the people rejoiced when they saw Israel holding their heads, the government that originally said that they wanted Allah to disarm saw that it was quite capable of fighting, so they acquiesced.

Allah has grown from fragmentation to growth step by step, and we can see from the history of Allah that it was founded to confront Israel and later to confront the United States.

Why did the Arab League blacklist such an organization? Don't they hate Israel too?

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

U.S. efforts

As we mentioned in the previous article, the United States has been fighting the war on terror since 2001, and although the United States really hates Iran, it has really helped Iran beat two opponents, and because of the military discipline that the United States has and the extremely unpopular comprador government that it supports, there is a power vacuum everywhere. This feeling is like throwing money on the ground, Iran is still a person if you don't look at it? Immediately happily supported a large number of local armed forces.

The United States spends astronomical sums on the war on terror, and in the end, it is all a wedding dress for Iran, not to mention a lot of countries that hate the United States. It can only be said that it is worthy of him!

The Arab coalition is very unhappy to see that the Iranian forces have infiltrated these places like a sieve. The Arab League itself did not deal with Iran, and the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran was extremely poor, and as a result, the United States overthrew all the regimes that could deal with Iran, causing Iran to go sideways in the Middle East. The Arab League did not like Iran very much, and Allah, which was supported by Iran, was naturally blacklisted by them as a terrorist organization.

In 2011, the Arab Spring broke out, and the United States even brought down the former pro-American government of Egypt to support the Muslim Brotherhood. If you follow the United States, you will be beaten, and if you don't, you will be beaten, so it is better to beat him.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

In the beginning, the countries of the Middle East were not united with each other, and some countries even had deep hatred. As a result, after 20 years of provocative warfare and various efforts by the United States, an unprecedented result has finally been reached -- the Arab world has decided that we will not care what we do, and the United States, you will get out of here immediately!

On March 6, 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iran resumed diplomatic relations under the mediation of China.

At this moment, Allah has also become a cross-ideological organization, regardless of religion, as long as it opposes Israel and American hegemony, can participate in Allah activities, can receive military training.

At that time, everyone already realized that the Saudi-Iranian reconciliation was a major event, and when we look at the current world situation, we found that it could be even bigger.

Middle East reconciliation, united front.

The United States, by the generals.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves

United front

My generation watches the news every day and feels like the Middle East is forever in chaos, and there is no time when there is no time without war.

We have mentioned many times in previous articles about the important geographical and geopolitical disputes in the Middle East, and as for why the Middle East is so chaotic, it is still simple and old-fashioned.

The Western world does not want to see a united Middle East, or rather, the United States does not want to see any united individual, not even Europe, where the United States is located, infighting, let alone the Middle East, which has a lot of energy at its disposal.

The dispersion and chaos in the Middle East in the past was largely a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the Hamas, Houthis and Allah supported by Iran were actually used against Saudi Arabia at first - so why is it now said that China's mediation of the Saudi-Iranian reconciliation is a stroke of genius and a righteous scheme.

For the first time, the Middle East, which has been in chaos for a century and has been manipulated by Western countries, has a chance to break the deadlock.

The Arab League no longer lists Allah as a terrorist organization, which means that the actions and positions of Allah are partially approved by the Arab League, and can be supported in the light of the future, and there is no need to hide it at all. Some friends may ask, isn't it possible to come secretly in the past? This position shows that if Israel goes to war with Allah in the future, the entire League of Arab States can help Allah. In the face of such a behemoth, can the United States not panic?

It is clear that the Arab countries have also realized that no matter how much the Middle East is not in harmony, it is their own business, and they must not be consumed into endless wars by the West. Why did Israel always win wars in the Middle East? Is it really because of how strong Israel is? Everyone has seen the combat effectiveness of the IDF now, and in the past, when something happened to the Arab countries, they scattered and fled, how could they not be divided and eaten?

There have been rumors that Saudi Arabia has refused to renew the U.S.-Saudi oil security agreement, but now it seems to be true. Allah is Shia, the Arab League is Sunni, and in the face of the United States, the most serious religion in the entire Middle East does not care, and it seems that the Middle East really wants to completely stand on the opposite side of the United States.

The Arab League has loosened its grip on Allah, a united front is being formed in the Middle East, and the Israeli army will not have good fruit to eat if it moves


The Middle East now looks chaotic, but has begun to unite all the forces that can be united to deal with Israel and the United States, Israel and Lebanon again war is estimated to be very close, according to the US media revealed news, said that there will be a war this month, in Iran has expressed its support for Allah, the Arab League has also released a signal of support, the accelerated journey of the Middle East united front, maybe we can really see the end of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

However, every time I see things in the Middle East, I can't help but be amazed that the United States has spent 20 years and huge sums of money to fight the war on terror, and the result is that the Middle East has given up a series of contradictions such as geopolitical disputes, historical hatred, and religious conflicts.

To reach this point, it is really right for the "Nobel Peace Prize" to be awarded to the United States.

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