
The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

author:Ejina, China

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The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Mom, can you become a party member?"

"Mom is already there~"

"Wow! Can I also become a party member in the future? ”



I always hear my mother humming in my ears

At that time, we did not understand the meaning of the words "members of the Communist Party of China".

But I have learned a lot of tunes from my mother

What is the "Chinese Communist Party"?

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

The Communist Party of China (CPC) takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as its guide to action.

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and represents the requirements for the development of China's advanced productive forces, the direction of progress of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the Chinese people. The highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party is the realization of communism.

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of a sickle and a hammer.

The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag decorated with a golden and yellow party emblem on the flag.

The emblem and flag of the Communist Party of China are the symbols and symbols of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at all levels and every party member must safeguard the dignity of the party emblem and flag. It is necessary to make and use the party emblem and party flag in accordance with the regulations.

Remember the oath you took when you joined the party?

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, fight for communism all my life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party.

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

The oath of joining the Communist Party of China is an oath of members of the Communist Party of China, and it is the strict requirements made by each party member for himself, the self-assurance made to the party, and the solemn commitment made to the people when joining the Communist Party of China.

Do you remember what it was like when you first joined the party?

"Please raise your right fist and swear with me! I swear! ”

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, you are like a beacon that illuminates our way forward."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Wherever I go, I am proud to be a member of the Communist Party of China."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's policies are like a spring breeze, warming our hearts."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Under the guidance of the party, our life has become more and more prosperous."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, you are our strong backing, so that we have nothing to fear."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Under the cultivation of the party, I have grown into a person who is useful to society."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's kindness is as deep as the sea, and I will always remember it."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's education has taught me what responsibility and responsibility are."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

The smile of the party member is the best gift for "July 1st".

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's call is the driving force for me to move forward, and I will unswervingly follow it."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's care is like sunshine, sprinkled in the hearts of each of us."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's banner flutters high in my heart, inspiring me to keep moving forward."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The strict discipline of the party keeps me clear-headed at all times."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's policies are like rain and dew, nourishing our hearts."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"I will practice the purpose of the party with practical actions and contribute my strength to the cause of the party."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The history of the party is a magnificent epic, let us remember history and never forget our original intention."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, you are our faith, let us be indomitable in the face of difficulties and bravely climb the peak."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, you are our leader, leading us to a better future."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's kindness is as deep as the sea, and I will always remember the party's kindness and inherit the party's spirit."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Under the glorious light of the party, we have strengthened our faith and moved forward bravely."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, your teachings are the precious wealth of my life."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's wise decision-making has made our country more prosperous."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"I will always be loyal to the party's cause and work hard for the party's ideals."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Thank you to the party for creating a beautiful era for us, let us create a more brilliant future together."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"The party's policies are like a spring breeze, bringing us infinite hope and motivation."

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile

"Party, you are our faith, let us be indomitable in the face of difficulties and bravely climb the peak."

After more than 100 years of trials and hardships, you have always been as firm as ever, and hundreds of millions of people have woven the dream of rejuvenation together, wishing our party eternal youth, still letting the light of faith shine on the road ahead, and wishing the party a more brilliant tomorrow

Source: Ejina Financial Media Editor: Wang Yi Review: Wu Huimin Final Review: Yuan Weinian

The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile
The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile
The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile
The party flag is flying丨Bless the party! The original mission in the smile