
The price is cut in half! It is being listed in large quantities and is loved by many people

author:Urban barcode

In the past two days, a large number of plums have been on the market,

The price of bee candy plums, which was previously higher, has been greatly reduced,

In the Jinma Zhengchang fruit wholesale market,

The wholesale price of bee candy plums is higher than half a month ago

It's more than half cheaper!

The price is cut in half! It is being listed in large quantities and is loved by many people

He Wei, a plum wholesaler: "Forty-four to four-five calipers are 38 to 45 yuan per kilogram, 35 to 39 are 25 yuan a kilogram, and 30 to 35 are only 15 yuan a kilogram, so now is the cheapest time." ”

According to wholesaler He Wei, bee candy plums begin to be listed in early June every year, and enter the peak production period from the end of June to mid-July, with pale yellow flesh, delicate flesh and crisp and sweet taste, so it is the most popular among plum varieties.

The price is cut in half! It is being listed in large quantities and is loved by many people

He Wei, a plum wholesaler: "This year's rain is heavy, and the sun is coming out and it raining, which causes the bee candy plums to crack when they are hung on the tree, so the loss is relatively large. This year's production has declined, resulting in sugar content not as high as last year's, and the taste is not as good as last year's, but the price is higher than last year. ”

He Wei said that when bee candy plums were first launched in early June this year, the wholesale price was as high as more than 100 kilograms, and the price only began to fall last Friday. In addition to bee candy plums, another of the more popular May crisps is the opposite, with prices doubling from last week.

The price is cut in half! It is being listed in large quantities and is loved by many people

He Wei, a plum wholesaler: "A lot of fruit hangs on the trees, and when it rains and the sun comes out, the fruit automatically cracks, so the yield decreases, leading to an increase in prices." May crisps have almost doubled now, from four or five pieces before last Friday to eight or ten pieces a kilogram. ”

Plums according to the variety and origin of the different, the time of listing is also a large gap, the earliest from the end of April to the market, the middle of July is a number of varieties of concentrated listing time, to August, plums gradually ebb tide, like friends can seize the time.

Reporter: Xu Jian, Ma Chitao

Editor: Hou Jing

Editor-in-charge: Liao Fei and Wang Rui

Editor-in-Chief: Hou Siming

Final review: Gu Bin