
All 3 baths in the West Coast New Area are open! Take a bath in the sea!

author:Peninsula Metropolis West Coast News

On July 1,

Qingdao West Coast New Area

Golden Beach, Silver Beach, Lingshan Bay

All 3 beaches are open,

The happy life of taking a bath in the sea has begun again!

Golden Beach Beach

All 3 baths in the West Coast New Area are open! Take a bath in the sea!

The golden sand beach with fine sand and golden color is like gold,

Stretches out in the shape of a crescent,

Here the water is clear and the beach is flat,

It is a rare natural beach.

All 3 baths in the West Coast New Area are open! Take a bath in the sea!

Golden Beach Beach and Golden Beach Beer City are adjacent to each other.

Tired of playing on the beach,

You can also take a stroll around the Beer City.

Silver Beach Beach

All 3 baths in the West Coast New Area are open! Take a bath in the sea!

Photo by Han Jiajun

Silver sand and gold sand are sister beaches,

The beach slope is gentle, the water quality is clean,

Because the sand is fine and uniform,

Shining silver in the sun,

It is named after a silver plate set in blue silk.

Lingshan Bay Beach

All 3 baths in the West Coast New Area are open! Take a bath in the sea!

Lingshan Bay Beach

Located in the city balcony scenic area of the West Coast New Area,

The total length is nearly 2 kilometers,

Between Watchtower 1 and Watchtower 2

The swimming area is 500 meters long.

The baths are well equipped,

It provides a comfortable space for citizens and tourists to cool off.


1. Please abide by the relevant regulations of the beach, travel together, take care of your belongings, and pay attention to your own safety.

2. Please swim in the sea during the opening and business hours of the beach, pay attention to the warning signs, it is strictly forbidden to swim in the sea after drinking, and it is strictly forbidden to swim in the sea in the non-swimming area.

3. Warm up before swimming to avoid cramps.

4. Citizens and tourists with high blood pressure, history of epilepsy, heart disease and other diseases should not swim in the sea.

5. Children must be supervised by an adult, and children under the age of 5 cannot be left in the care of minors.

6. In case of bad weather the beach is closed, please cooperate with the management of the beach, for the safety of you and your family, do not enter the beach, let alone swim in the sea.

7. It is hoped that the general public and tourists will enhance their awareness of environmental sanitation protection and civilized and green travel. After playing in the beach, consciously take away the garbage around you, and jointly protect the clean beach and the blue sea and blue sky.

◆Source: Qingdao Chengguan, Guanhai News; The copyright of the picture and text belongs to the original author!