
After the rainstorm, sunny and hot weather is coming

author:Micro Kaifu
After the rainstorm, sunny and hot weather is coming

The Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning for heavy rain at 06:00 on July 02:

It is expected that from 08:00 on July 2 to 08:00 on the 3rd, there will be heavy rain in the south of Hengyang and Yongzhou, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather, please strengthen precautions.

After the rainstorm, sunny and hot weather is coming

It has been raining in Hunan since the 16th, when will the weather turn clear? Listen to what Zhou Hui, the national chief forecaster of the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory, has to say.

Q: What has been the rainfall in Hunan since the 16th, and how strong is the comprehensive intensity of heavy rainfall?

Zhou Hui: According to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, from June 16 to July 1, the average rainfall in Hunan was 257 mm, 1.2 times more, the second highest in the same period since 1961, of which Changsha, Changde, Yueyang, Yiyang, Xiangtan, Hengyang, Yongzhou and other places were 2 to 4 times more, and the largest was 871.6 mm in Daweishan Town, Liuyang. Combined with the comprehensive evaluation of the duration, impact range, cumulative rainfall and other indicators of heavy rainfall, this round of heavy rainfall ranks second in the comprehensive intensity of heavy rainfall in Hunan since 1961, and the intensity index is still increasing.

Q: What is the trend of the weather in Hunan in the coming period and when will it become clearer?

Zhou Hui: It is expected that this round of heavy precipitation will continue until July 1 to 2, and there are still heavy to heavy rains and localized heavy rains in central and northern Hunan provinces, with cumulative rainfall of 70 mm to 100 mm in central and northern Hunan provinces, 150 mm to 200 mm in some areas, and more than 300 mm locally. The process tends to end on the 3rd, and from the beginning of the 4th to the 9th, most of Hunan will enter a period of sunny, hot, high temperature and little rain.

Q: What do the public need to pay attention to in the later period of continuous heavy precipitation?

Zhou Hui: It is necessary to focus on preventing disaster risks such as river basin floods, mountain floods, geological disasters, and urban and rural waterlogging, and carry out water storage and conservation on the premise of ensuring safety. It should be particularly reminded that due to the lag of geological disasters, areas with continuous heavy precipitation still need to strengthen precautions.

When the rain stops, pay more attention

These geological hazards


After the rainstorm, sunny and hot weather is coming

Source│Changsha Evening News

Editor│Cao Shanshan first trial│Dai Kaiqin second trial│Yuan Jintao third trial│Su Tiantian│Kaifu District Rong Media Center submission mailbox丨 [email protected]

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After the rainstorm, sunny and hot weather is coming