
Xin Aiai gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education

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Xin Aiai gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education

The official WeChat of the Organization Department of the Jincheng Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Xin Aiai gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education

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Reading time: about 2 minutes

On July 2, Xin Aiai, member of the Standing Committee of the Jincheng Municipal Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, gave a special party class to all cadres of the ministry with the theme of "deep study and careful understanding, careful thinking and practice, and striving to be the vanguard of learning discipline, knowing discipline and discipline".

Xin Aiai led the party members and cadres of the organs to deeply study the great significance, principle requirements, and practical paths of strengthening the party's discipline construction, closely followed the "six disciplines", interpreted the main content, essential requirements, and main types one by one, selected typical cases in our city, and warned the people around them with the education of things around them, and put forward clear requirements for the organization of cadres to abide by the party's discipline in an exemplary manner, so as to promote the study and education of party discipline with higher quality and efficiency, and point out the direction for strengthening the self-construction of the organization department in a strict and practical manner.

Sinai Ai emphasized

It is necessary to deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on strengthening the party's discipline construction, fully understand the importance of strengthening discipline construction and carrying out discipline education and the harmfulness of ignoring party discipline and violating party discipline, and effectively enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness of learning discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline.

It is necessary to accurately grasp the main content and practical requirements of the "six disciplines", pay attention to taking typical cases as a reference, and consciously use party rules and party discipline to correct thoughts, words and deeds.

It is necessary to adhere to the implementation of discipline requirements in all aspects of the whole process of organizational work, establish the awareness of "vanguard", implement the requirements of "six most stresses", practice the work style of "strict, meticulous, deep, practical and excellent", continue to deepen the construction of model departments and excellent teams, and always be loyal to the party, abide by rules and disciplines, and take responsibility for hard work.

Xin Aiai gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education
Xin Aiai gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education

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