
Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

author:I love fishing every day

The summer with the highest temperature is also the most difficult time for fish to catch. The essence of the difficulty in catching fish is that the feeding time is shorter, and the time to catch the fish is also shorter. The shorter feeding time is due to high temperature and strong light, which makes it impossible for fish to forage in shallow water for a long time. In fact, the fish in summer are still very energetic, and they also have more requirements for food. If the timing is right, the catch will not be too bad, so don't go out blindly when you go out fishing in summer, and be sure to pay more attention to the weather forecast.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

1. It should not be a small water surface

The smaller the water surface, the faster it heats up, and the larger the water surface, the slower it heats up, so the fish naturally spend longer feeding on the larger water surface. From the perspective of the size and type of fish, summer is also suitable for fishing large waters. Because the small water surface is basically only crucian carp, yellow catfish and all kinds of miscellaneous fish. Although the density of fish in large water is not as high as that in small water, there are many types and choices, and there are usually large fish, although it is more difficult to come across. Large water surfaces such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs are more suitable for fishing rivers in summer. Because the rivers are usually relatively empty, the wind is strong on the river, which is effective in improving the dissolved oxygen in the water, and the angler will be more comfortable. Rivers are basically bridged, and there are not only many fish but also shade near the bridge.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

Second, it is not suitable to fish on sunny days

The temperature is high on sunny days, especially on sunny days with west and southwest winds, and there is not much coolness in the evening and early morning. Because of the high temperature, the lack of oxygen in the water is serious, and the phenomenon of fish floating heads is the most common. In fact, it is not impossible to go out on a sunny day, and you can also fish for silver carp and grass carp, but the number of grass carp is generally not much, whether it is a wild pond or a free-range pond. Bighead carp is very good to catch in summer, but it is not fished in many places. Besides, when you go out on a sunny day, you can only fish early in the morning and at night, especially in the early morning, which can be very hard. Fish conditions are generally relatively good at night, which is the time when fish concentrate on feeding.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

3. It is not advisable to fish before the rain

In summer, there are roughly several kinds of weather for fish floats, west wind, southwest wind, foggy weather in the morning, and before the rain, as long as the fish float is basically not caught. Here's a tip on whether the weather is good for fishing. There will definitely be trash fish in natural water wild fishing, if you find that there are no trash fish after the rod is off, you can basically determine that the weather is not appropriate, and the big fish will definitely not open their mouths. The weather suitable for summer fishing must have the characteristics of "cool", such as light rain, after a thunderstorm, after rising water, etc., or after a typhoon passes, and a north wind blows on a continuous rainy day, which can also be protected in summer.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

Fourth, it is not suitable to fish in still water

The biggest difference between still water and living water is that the dissolved oxygen conditions are different, and the living water has the characteristics of high dissolved oxygen, which is more likely to have a fish, and the live water can actually be divided into many types. For example, rivers flow all year round, and wild fishing rivers usually do not fish rapids, but behind some boulders, near bridge piers, and large bays, where the water flow is gentle, it is suitable for fish to stay for a long time. In fact, the best choice is the living water in the still water, which can better reflect the advantages of the living water, such as near the inlet and outlet. Especially near the inlet, you can catch almost any kind of fish, and the outlet is mainly for carp fishing. The gate and water pumping station are also good choices when there is water discharge. In fact, the downwind outlet is also living water, because there is convection between the upper and lower water layers, so that the dissolved oxygen at the bottom is higher than the downwind position.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

Fifth, it is not advisable to be rigid

As the saying goes, the law of fishing, adaptation is the main thing, and it is necessary to adapt to the characteristics of the fish and choose the right fishing method, so that there can be a catch. There are a lot of fishing methods that are commonly used in summer, and the regular fishing methods are almost not suitable for summer, which is very interesting. For example, there are many fish in the live water position, whether it is day or night, it is a good choice, even if the air pressure is low and the fish in other positions do not bite the hook, the live water can often have two melons and dates. Fishing for live water, especially when the current is relatively fast, it is necessary to use fishing methods such as big running lead, double lead, and running lead. If the current is too strong, you can also use a taper tip fishing without floating. If you fish crucian carp, the best effect is long-rod and short-line multi-nest fishing, especially near the lotus leaf gap and reed, and it is best to match the seven-star drift. If the big fish are not easy to catch, then fishing for small fish, fly lead fishing is a good choice.

Wild fishing in midsummer 5 is not suitable, these skills are easy to master, and fishing is guaranteed not to be empty

If you want to easily use less equipment, rock pole drifting is a good choice, and if you want to be more lightweight, the effect of the lure pole drifting is also good. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!