
Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

author:Huzhou Xingtu Experience Center

On July 2, Chery's high-end brand EXEED Xingtu announced its sales report for June, with a total of 13,252 new cars sold, a year-on-year increase of 34.6%; Among them, new energy accounts for 64.95%, and the transformation of new energy has been rapidly realized. It is worth noting that with the hot sales of the Epoch ET, the price of a single car in June reached 195,500 yuan, and the brand's premium ability has been continuously improved, becoming the main force of China's high-end car brands worthy of the name. Up to now, Xingtu has sold 54,447 vehicles from January to June, a year-on-year increase of 28.9%, and has achieved positive year-on-year growth for six consecutive months.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

Star Era ET is selling well, leading Xingtu to "sell more than 10,000 per month"

Under the pressure of the auto market that is swept by the price war this year and the decisive battle at the beginning of the year, reasonable product iteration is the key to the outbreak of "Xingtu Speed". A good product is always the underlying structure to attract consumers, and it is also the fundamental strength of the brand to break through in the fierce market competition. Behind the growth of sales, it is closely related to the fact that Xingtu opened the "first year of new energy" to accelerate product iteration and renewal, and its product strength has reached the forefront of its own brands.

In the new energy era, Xingtu is taking the two major technology platforms of "M3X super-hybrid + E0X electric" as the cornerstone, fully laying out the full-track technical routes such as plug-in hybrid, pure electric, and range extension, so as to realize the new energy of all products. Since the beginning of this year, Xingtu has successively launched new high-quality new energy models such as C-DM, Yaoguang C-DM, and Star Era ET, and the product structure has become more perfect. At the same time, Xingtu also actively listens to the voices of users, continues to iterate on existing products, and continuously meets the needs of consumption upgrades with better product strength.

Among them, the Star Era ET, which was listed on May 9, is undoubtedly the hero who helped Xingtu achieve the largest "monthly sales of more than 10,000". With the industry's highest mass production of 44.5% thermal efficiency, 1L oil power generation of 3.65kWh, measured range of 2141.4km and other cutting-edge selling points to achieve a far leading "quality-price ratio", once it came out, it detonated the consumer market, after the first month of listing best-selling 2,770 units, and strongly ranked No.3 in the sales list of 200,000-250,000 medium and large new energy SUVs in May and the first in the same class of pure electric sales, the sales volume of Epoch ET in June successfully won 4,100 units, a new high. At present, the ET production capacity of Epoch is rapidly climbing, scheduling production at full capacity, and sprinting to a new round of delivery goals.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

In addition, the Yaoguang C-DM also performed well in June, becoming another pillar model of Xingtu. As the new flagship of the Xingtu brand, the Yaoguang C-DM is equipped with the industry-leading fourth-generation global hybrid technology, from the engine, transmission, chassis and battery to the hybrid exclusive equipment, which not only has a comprehensive range of 1343km, but also achieves a qualitative leap in power performance.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

Technical marketing, Xingtu and users emotionally resonate

On the one hand, the continuous growth of Xingtu's sales comes from years of solid basic skills in traditional fields such as technology, quality, and safety, and on the other hand, under the new opportunities given by the times and the core demands of the new generation of groups, Xingtu's innovative technology marketing, which has repeatedly set industry precedents, has also made it have a good emotional resonance with consumers, providing a thick soil for the continuous increase in sales. Based on the concept of "user-centric" and the high degree of alignment with the brand's continuous upward spirit. From the perspective of persistence in dreams and extreme challenges, Xingtu is trying to create the same frequency resonance with users in a more diversified dimension.

A long and tedious lecture is far less than a practical exercise. On April 14, Yin Tongyue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, together with Luo Zhenyu, a friend of time, and Wu Pei, a well-known automotive media person, drove the Epoch ET to start a Beijing-Tianjin intercity high-end intelligent driving long-distance challenge. In the 3.5-hour live broadcast, the three celebrities conducted a comprehensive in-depth test on the high-end intelligent driving, gimbal intelligent chassis and NVH performance of the Star Era ET, so that the tens of millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast could feel the charm of the top high-end new energy models.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

To resonate with the user, it is bound to enter the user. On May 10, Yin Tongyue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, Gao Xinhua, Executive Deputy General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and CTO of Chery Automobile Engineering Technology R&D Institute, Huang Zhaogen, Assistant General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and General Manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, and other senior management teams communicated with users at close range, and personally handed over the new cars to users at the site of the first batch of 1,000 cars delivered to Guangzhou Station of Epoch ET.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

Yin Tongyue also said at the delivery site: "Respect for users is the foundation of the long-term development of the brand, Chery Group adheres to the user-centric, and senior executives must meet with users every year. In the future, we hope that more users can participate in the work of product definition, upgrading and improvement, so that the car you buy back can be used more and more new, stronger and stronger, and bring more surprises to everyone. ”

In addition to going deep into users and understanding users, since this year, Xingtu, which has always taken "exploration and daring to surpass" as the core concept of brand value, has also held many industry record "Extreme X Tests". On May 7th, Star Era ET used its strength to interpret "safety is the biggest luxury", reproducing the thrilling bridge section that will appear in the movie, the whole vehicle was hoisted in the air by the crane in the way of the head downward, the low end of the car Z is 31.9 meters from the ground (equivalent to the 11th floor of an ordinary residential building with a height of 3 meters), the fall site is laid with a 4 cm thick steel plate, the test vehicle falls in free fall, the front of the car is 100% overlapping with the steel plate, and the test vehicle touches the ground at the end speed of more than 90km/h. In the end, the Star Era ET successfully completed the task with the perfect performance of "the A-pillar is not deformed, and the battery does not catch fire". At the same time, the Star Era ET delivered an exaggerated result of 2141.4km in another extreme X endurance challenge with full load and high speed.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

In the "Four Seasons of a Week" activity, Yaoguang C-DM lasted 15 days, from the extremely cold Mohe River to Hainan, all the way 6000km ultra-long distance, 70 °C regional temperature difference test, with the most severe weather environment, the most real car scene, the most complex road conditions to train the product performance under large variable working conditions. The C-DM has a measured cruising range of 1200.1 km on the northern route and 1418.2 km on the southern route, with WLTC achievement rates of 92.3% and 109.1% respectively, once again "rolling" to a new height. The combination of "testing and live broadcasting" has also become the object of imitation by major car companies in the later stage.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

The above performance of "leaving no way back for yourself" has won influence, reputation and reputation for Xingtu in a wider market, and product dissemination is a natural success. In addition, combined with a series of cross-border marketing such as "De Ye bravely enters the valley of death" and "Shi Hailin sets a high-altitude flat belt Asian record", it has brought a more three-dimensional and immersive exploration experience to Xingtu's innovative marketing, and deeply resonated with the spirit of contemporary young people who are curious about the unknown and enjoy the pleasure brought by Ji X, and at the same time continue to convey the brand spirit of "exploring and daring to surpass", laying a solid foundation for more culturally confident, enterprising, and willing consumers to try new things.

The rapid growth of network layout creates a "supply station" that users can rest assured

Xingtu is well aware that building a "high-end brand" is not an overnight thing, in addition to striving to improve the hard power of products, it is also to accelerate the layout of high-end brands corresponding to the service system and perfect after-sales B barriers. As another carrier for users to enjoy high-end experience, Xingtu has laid out 450+ service networks across the country, with a coverage rate of more than 90%, and Xingtu car owners can obtain professional after-sales service within a distance of no more than 50 kilometers in most areas of the country.

Xingtu continued to "soar", and its sales increased for 6 consecutive months

In addition, Xingtu is also continuing to improve the satisfaction of users entering the store, including the Six One Service Commitment, the "Dual Network Repair" worry-free service network plan, Quality Lunch 2.0, exquisite car wash service, etc., and the multi-integrated high-end service built by Starlight Club, which has been widely praised by users. In the future, Xingtu will continue to lay out the "three highways" - channel construction, digital system construction, and energy system construction, and in the future, Xingtu will achieve more than 450 stores and build more than 120 brand stations around 28 core cities. Charging facilities will be installed outside the brand station, and at the same time, more than 500,000 public charging piles will be connected to the company, covering core urban and rural areas and along highways.

In the era of "involution" in China's auto market, the Xingtu brand has not lost itself in the "price war", as Huang Zhaogen, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, said in an interview, "Compared with speed and scale, we pay more attention to the improvement of quality and connotation. Become a 'marathon' runner on the new energy track." It is this corporate philosophy of "volume height" and "volume pattern" that makes Xingtu make great strides in 2024.

As the "spire" of Chery Group's brand pyramid, Xingtu will continue to focus on quality improvement and brand building in the future, and bring a super comfortable and beautiful car experience to global users through new energy and intelligent upgrades, making Xingtu a new energy luxury brand loved by the world.