
Qiaodong: Carry out the "July 1st" art show

author:Released in Zhangjiakou

On the eve of "July 1st", Yuershan Community, Wanjia Community, Jianbei Community, and Wuyi Road Community, Wuyi Road Street, Qiaodong District, jointly held a literary and artistic performance of "Welcoming July 1st, Singing Red Songs, and Celebrating the Party's Grace".

Qiaodong: Carry out the "July 1st" art show

On the morning of the same day, the Yuershan market was very lively, and the art show kicked off in the opening "Dongfang Hong". The songs "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Singing the Motherland", "Herdsmen Sing the Communist Party" and "Hymn to Heroes" express their firm belief and loyalty to the party, praise the founding of the Communist Party of China and the course of struggle, as well as deep love and gratitude to the party. The opera "Embroidering the Red Flag" and the song "My Motherland" express profound patriotic feelings and yearning for a better life, and show the struggle and great spirit of the Chinese people in revolution and construction. One by one, down-to-earth and heart-warming programs led the audience to recite the hymns in their hearts and relive the glorious days of the party. Finally, the art show came to an end in the chorus "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China".

Qiaodong: Carry out the "July 1st" art show
Qiaodong: Carry out the "July 1st" art show

The art show not only enriches the spiritual life of the community residents, but also brings the community and the community closer together. (Reporter Lu Hui Correspondent Qiao Xuguang)

Edited by Ice

Source: Zhangjiakou Daily