
Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

author:Railway soldier culture

After the release of the "Notice of Solicitation of Poems in Praise of the Heroes Long Junjue Martyrs" on June 7, it received enthusiastic responses from poetry lovers across the country, all walks of life in Long Junjue's hometown, comrades-in-arms of railway soldiers, employees of China Railway Construction, and readers in Zhangping, Fujian, where the Long Junjue Martyrs Cemetery is located. At present, more than 100 poems have been received from Xinhua News Agency, Minzu University of China, and Guizhou Provincial Party, Government, Culture and Education System. Here, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the authors who actively participated in and created!

It is a serious and solemn cultural project to erect a monument to commemorate the spirit of martyrs and inspire future generations. In line with high standards and high quality to complete this meaningful work, we will continue to "collect poems to praise the heroes and martyrs of Long Junjue", please pay attention to this activity and revere the friends of the martyrs of Long Junjue to actively contribute, so that the deeds of the hero Long Junjue and your works will last forever.

In order to let everyone know more about the deeds of the martyr Long Junjue, the article "Long Junjue's Good Son" written by Long Junjue's comrade-in-arms Long Jiayan in the book "Memories of Railway Soldiers" was specially selected. Because the author was familiar with the martyr before his death, and he was a comrade-in-arms from the same township, the deeds described in detail are more detailed. Long Junjue was born in poverty; joined the army to resist US aggression and aid Korea, brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifice; Participate in the construction of railways, study technology, and take the lead in hard work; At the critical juncture, he forgot his life and died and sacrificed himself bravely. The characters are flesh and blood, and the deeds are tear-jerking, which is worthy of being Comrade Lei Feng's "example" for learning.

Recommended by experts, Liang Jun, a comrade-in-arms of the railway soldiers, poet and former secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway Construction Bridge Bureau, Wang Huanxiang, the grave keeper of Long Junjue, and Mo Zhanghai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Qiandongnan Prefecture People's Congress of Guizhou Province, were selected here.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

Call for poems praising the heroes and martyrs of Long Junjue

  Tianzhu County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, is the hometown of the martyr Long Junjue, the "firefighting hero" of the railway soldiers. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the climate is mild, the resources are abundant, and the people are outstanding. Tianzhu is a large county of mineral resources in Guizhou Province and the hometown of barite in China. It is also the birthplace of the first Miao Hanlin Song Renpu, Wu Jianju, Wu Jianmu, Yang Shuqi, Chen Mingqing, Wang Tianpei, the pioneer of the Northern Expedition, and Wu Shaozhou, the anti-Japanese general. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Long Junjue, a model for Comrade Lei Feng to learn from and a hero of the Republic, was born.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has required the whole Party to stay true to its original aspiration, keep its mission in mind, and advocate heroes from the strategic perspective of realizing the Chinese dream and strengthening the army. In order to carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs, the hometown of the martyr Long Junjue, Dahebian Village, combined with the implementation of the beautiful rural construction, has created the "Long Junjue Martyrs Deeds Exhibition Room", planning on the 3-kilometer forest plank road from the Long Junjue Heroes Square to the hero's former residence, to set up a monument for the Long Junjue tree, collect poems that praise the martyrs of Long Junjue, and invite well-known calligraphers in China to write, set up a stone monument, and commemorate it forever.

  To this end, we sincerely invite the majority of poetry lovers, especially the comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers, to actively contribute to the manuscript.

  1. Submission Object

  He is a member of the poetry society of various provinces and cities across the country, a poetry lover, a former comrade-in-arms of the railway soldiers, and an employee of China Railway Construction.

  2. Requirements for works

  1. The works are mainly quatrains and rhythmic poems, followed by ci, fu and free-form poems.

  2. Each work is controlled within 70 words (including punctuation marks), the words are small orders, and the free style poem is limited to 8 lines.

  3. The work must be original, whether it is published or not, and it is strictly forbidden to plagiarize the works of others.

III. Submission method

  1. Please send the work in the form of a Word document to the mailbox: [email protected], and indicate "Poetry Solicitation" in the subject of the email, contact: Long Wen, telephone: 18386714989.

  2. Please indicate the author's name, contact information, and 100-word personal introduction.

  3. At the end of the call for papers, organize expert review, and all the selected works will be selected with solid texture and dark green color of Guizhou's famous Qingshui River stone, and please engrave it by folk carvers.

  4. Present a commemorative book of poems to the author of the adopted works.

  4. Submission time: from July 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024.

  The Red Memory Museum by the Dahe, Bangdong Street, Tianzhu County, Guizhou Province

  June 5, 2024

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended
Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

Selected poems for the application

Commemoration of Long Junjue

Liang Jun

The heroic generation is alive in the fire,

Turned into green mountains and thousands of trees.

Followed by the spring tide of rubbing shoulders,

The heart towers over the Heavenly Pillar Peak.

(Liang Jun, former member of the Third Division of the Railway Corps, was the Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Railway Construction Bridge Bureau before his retirement, and a member of the Chinese Writers Association.) )

Kudos to the heroes

Deng Minwen

Dragons and fires are heroes,

Divide your life evenly to save the sky.

Why should the title be conferred by the Son of Heaven,

Hymns are given to the dragon among the people.

(Deng Minwen, researcher at the Institute of Ethnic Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is a native of Qiandongnan, Guizhou.) )

The Heroic Soul lives on

Luo Zuquan

Qianjiang Junjue Iron Soldier,

Rong Ma has a proud life.

The stubborn enemy of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,

The Eagle builds a road and blooms.

At the critical moment, the public goes first,

Take righteousness and sacrifice your life.

The heroic souls of the martyrs live forever,

Ordinary and great, posterity praises.

(Luo Zuquan, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xinhua News Agency, former cadre of the 73rd Regiment of the 15th Division of the Railway Corps, and a native of Qiandongnan, Guizhou.) )

Ode to the heroes

Mo Zhanghai

Meritorious service in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,

Zhangquan firefighting is a hero.

died before the marriage ceremony,

Dong Zhai Erlang is loose.

(Mo Zhanghai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Qiandongnan Prefecture People's Congress in Guizhou Province.) )

Inspire future generations

Wang Huanxiang

Fifty spring in the grave of wind and rain,

The hero was moved to tears.

There is love in my heart to learn Junjue,

Only for the hometown to inspire future generations.

(Wang Huanxiang, the grave keeper of the martyr Long Junjue, a retired employee of the Panluo Iron Mine in Fujian, and the daughter of Wang Zhongfu, a former comrade-in-arms of Long Junjue.) )

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

The party's good son, Long Junjue

Long Jiayan

Comrade Long Junjue is a native of Tianzhu County, Guizhou Province, Dong nationality, born in 1931, joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Railway Corps to fight in Korea in 1951, joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in 1953, returned to China after the Korean War armistice, served as a squad leader in the 13th Regiment of the Third Division of the Railway Corps, and in 1957, he became a staff member of the army and served as the technical guide of the civilian labor detachment of the regiment headquarters. He was awarded one second-class meritorious service and two third-class meritorious services in the emergency repair of the railway to resist US aggression and aid Korea and the construction of the Yingxia railway. On November 9, 1958, a forest fire broke out near the construction site of the Zhangquan Railway Branch Line in Fujian.

Comrade Long Junjue and I are both Dong people from Guizhou, and we participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after returning to China, we have been working together in the 13th Regiment of the Third Division of the Railway Corps. But I knew Comrade Long Junjue after he went to Fujian to build the Yingxia Railway.

At that time, our Agency lived in Lingtou. One day, I was lying in ambush and was drawing a road map, when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder and said, "Hello, fellow!" I looked up and saw a sturdy young man in black, dressed in an old-fashioned military uniform dyed almost brown with sweat and mud, standing in front of me. He had big eyes that burned with passion, thick and dense eyebrows, broad lips, and two rows of white and neat teeth, which made his face even darker. I looked at him for a long time, but I still couldn't remember where I had seen him. He was like an old comrade-in-arms who hadn't seen him for many years, and said affectionately: "I have wanted to come to you for a long time!" But it didn't explain the reason why he didn't come early, so I walked straight over and flipped through the books on the shelf, I saw him take out a book of common sense of the line, turn a few pages with a bang, clamp it under his armpit, and take out a copy of "Railway Construction Regulations", while reading greedily, while saying to himself: "Your conditions here are too good!" The voice was full of envy and joy. This uninvited guest, and his headless words, made me a little at a loss.

After he left, the comrades in the department told me that he was Comrade Long Junjue, who was of the same nationality as me. He used to be a squad leader in the company, he was very kind and very active in his work, and on the Yingxia line, the operation group he led won the glorious title of "excellent air gun group", and now he is a technical guide in the migrant labor detachment.

He often came to our Agency. Sometimes it's to get assignments, sometimes it's to do research, sometimes it's to borrow books. Back and forth, we often talked together and talked about everything. He not only loves to talk and laugh, but also loves to sing and play ball, and is a very optimistic and hearty person. He is very easy-going with people, but he is very serious about his work, and sometimes he is stubborn and doesn't know what to do. Once, me, Xiao Gao, and him, the three of us went to plant sweet potatoes together, the ground was turned over, the seedlings were cut, and suddenly it was pouring down. I said, "Run, or all three of us will be drenched in soup!" He said, "You are really, it is easy to live when it rains to plant sweet potatoes!" I said, "Forget it, won't you survive if you plant it after the rain?" He didn't argue with me at all, saying, "Okay, whoever wants to go." I really ran away with Xiao Gao. After running for a ride, I looked back, the rain and fog were like a white curtain, but I didn't see Long Junjue coming, I thought to myself: This guy is really crazy. Then he said to Xiao Gao: "Anyway, our clothes are also soaked, so let's just go back and finish planting with him." When we came back from planting sweet potatoes, we were all shivering with cold, but he sang all the way like a radio car:

"The artillery fire shook our hearts, and the victory inspired us ......"

I said, "How nice your old ram voice is!" He didn't care and said, "Don't break my emotions." ”

In short, his initial impression to me was: like a pot of fire, it is hot when it is simmered.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

In the summer of 1958, when the construction of the Zhangquan Railway branch line began, Long Junjue and I followed an advance team to a place on the banks of the Kowloon River. This is the base for the construction of the future railway, with high mountains and deep streams, and sparsely populated. More than 20 of us advance team members were temporarily crammed into a small house. There was only a shabby table in the house, everyone slept on the floor, and the food was cooked in the open air. It's so hot that you want to peel off a layer of skin; It rained, the house was full of mud, and life was hard enough. Long Junjue said happily: "What is glory, the more difficult the conditions, the more things can be done well, this is glory!" We are paving the way for socialist bridge construction, and no matter where we go, we must be able to take root and establish a foothold. "He does whatever he says, and he never gets ambiguous. One of our most prominent tasks at that time was to arrange a better living and working environment for thousands of construction troops and migrant workers. According to calculations, 3,800 dormitories alone had to be prepared, and there was no other way than to build them by yourself. As soon as the advance team settled down, Long Junjue led a detachment of migrant workers up the mountain to cut wood, and did not come back quietly until it was dark. I asked in amazement, "Why haven't you heard your old ram singing today?" He said with a heavy heart: "Don't mention it, cutting for one day is only enough to build three houses." According to this progress, these dormitories will not be able to be built in three years! I said, "What's the use of you being in a hurry, anyway, the leader will always come up with an idea." His big burning eyes glared at me: "You, ......" halfway through his words, he suddenly lowered his eyebrows, and changed his words: "It's too hot, and I'm frizzy." Let's go, go take a shower. "That's when I noticed that he was covered in sawdust and mud, and his face was covered in blushing marks. After jumping into the river and swimming for a while, he suddenly asked, "You say, will there be no bamboo forest in such a big mountain?" "I haven't been out since I got here, so I can't answer.

The next morning, I woke up to see that Long Junjue's bunk was empty. When it was time for lunch, I didn't see him come back. After asking Chief Xie, I learned that he was not yet bright, so he went up the mountain alone with a crutch to find bamboo. He said that he was going to come back for lunch, but he didn't bring dry food. When the sun turned west, he did not return. I was also anxious for him, because there were many wild beasts in the surrounding mountains, and it was dangerous to be alone. Chief Xie said confidently: "Don't be afraid, the old dragon has a good body, and he is clever, so nothing will happen." However, climbing the mountain on an empty stomach is not comfortable. Xiao Gao also said: "I drank a lot of bowls of boiling water at home today, and I still don't quench my thirst, the leaves outside are rolled up, and he runs outside, don't make him thirsty." ”

Until it was completely dark, Long Junjue still didn't come back. Chief Xie was also anxious. I was about to send someone to find it, when suddenly someone outside sang the "Battle Song of the Volunteers", the rhythm was bright and powerful. When I listened carefully, my heart jumped: it was the voice of the old ram! Hurriedly walked out the door. Long Junjue rushed into the door like a gust of wind, leaned against the wall, and shouted happily: "Found it, found the bamboo!" "Looking at his joy, it was like catching a group of prisoners on the battlefield of Qi Joseon. Everyone also jumped along and shared the happiness together. Chief Xie reminded: "Look, the old dragon has many holes in his clothes, and his lips are cracked, so hurry up and prepare something for him to eat!" ”

That night, after taking a bath, it was already late at night. I heard Long Junjue still playing the harmonica, which was a song from the movie "Shangganling", and he played it so beautifully.

Within a few days, he found a bamboo forest of about 30,000 trees on another mountain, which completely solved the problem of materials for building a shed. More than two months later, brand new bamboo houses were built one after another, and a large number of troops and migrant workers drove into the construction site. On the construction site, you can hear the sound of opening mountains and chiseling stones all day long, the Jiulong River, which has been sleeping for thousands of years, the waves of progress at the beginning of the well, the vigorous crowd everywhere, and the scene of dragons and tigers leaping everywhere. We successfully completed the task of fighting the front war, and we all moved into the new barracks on the construction site. The thousand-year-old Jiulong River began to stir the waves of progress, full of vibrant crowds, and everywhere was the scene of dragons and tigers. We successfully completed the task of fighting the front war, and we all moved into the new barracks on the construction site.

I share a bamboo shed with Long Junjue. We were bed-side-by-side, we shared a lamp, we shared a table, and we were closer to each other than we used to be. We rarely spend time together during the day, I draw at home and he goes to the construction site to organize the construction. After finishing work, he went to play basketball for a while, and then we went to swim in the river together, and went back to the dormitory to read the newspaper and study together. I was very impressed by his energy and curiosity.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

Long Junjue slept late at night, he always had to read engineering and technical books, write and paint until late at night: in the morning, he got up early, hummed and sang when he got up, cleaned the floor, and tidied up the drawings, pen and ink, and drawing tools that I put on the table when I was sleeping, and then went to work. In the evening, he always came back from work very late, and as soon as he arrived at the door, he took off his blue-dyed military shirt, and shook it in his hand into the air, and immediately fell into a cloud of smoke-like dust. I once said to him, "You don't look like a technical director at all!" His big round eyes widened and he asked in surprise, "What is not like it?" I said, "Guidance, guidance, pointing, and pointing, and I don't ask you to be a worker, why do you go to roll in the mud every day!" His black face suddenly turned purple: "You, I've wanted to talk about you for a long time." Perhaps seeing that I was a little nervous, he calmly explained: "As the saying goes, you don't know how difficult things are. If you don't touch and do it with everyone, you won't know where they have problems, and you won't know how to solve them. Besides, to guide the construction of this bridge and culvert, I am also a big girl on the sedan chair - the first time in my life! How can you learn by doing without being on site?"

That's true. He often came to me with drawings and asked, "Look, look, I don't understand what is painted here." Sometimes, just in time for me to be busy, he asks a few more questions, and I get impatient: "I can't settle the bill!" He always said patiently: "A century-old plan, quality first, okay?" Once, I was not too busy, and I said, "I will draw whatever the engineer tells me to draw, and if you don't understand, ask them." He smiled and said, "The engineer is very busy there, or I'll ask you what you're doing!" I said, "You're always rambling. He still smiled and said, "Okay, if you don't tell me, you don't want to work." "I know he's a man of all kinds, and if you don't tell him, he'll really not leave, and I ended up telling him anyway. When I think about it now, I feel guilty all the time. After his death, I learned that his family was a poor peasant, and when he was two years old, my father worked as a long-term laborer for a landlord and was tortured to death; When he was ten years old, his elder brother was arrested by the reactionaries again, and the family was old and young, unable to live, and the two elder sisters were given away as child daughters-in-law at a very young age, leaving him and his mother to live by renting land and herding cattle for others. Although he went to private school before and after, most of his cultural knowledge was slowly accumulated in the party's training education and the army's big school after joining the army. For such a brother who grew up in bitter waters, if I had been able to help him sincerely at that time, I would have been able to alleviate many of his difficulties in his work. But sometimes he asks questions tightly and diligently, but I am often impatient.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

He didn't do that to me. I was already very weak, and I was stuffy in the house all day, and the weather was very hot at the time, so I fell ill. At first, the head was swollen, the body was hot, and the stomach was diarrhea, and then it turned into dysentery. At night, when there was lightning and thunder outside the house, the house was stuffy, my clothes and quilt were often soaked with sweat, he always got up on time to pour me water and take medicine, wiped the sweat off my face and body, and fanned me when it was too hot, or took a towel to the small river next to the house and dipped it in cold water for me to put on my forehead. One night, as soon as he returned from the construction site, he entered the house and asked, "Have you taken any medicine?" Before I could answer, he said, "Why does it smell in the house?" He hurried over and lifted my covers. It turned out that my body temperature had risen that day, I was groggy, and I didn't know that I was sleeping and pooping in my pants. He wanted to take the quilt to wash, but I said that he would not say anything, and he was angry: "You, really, if I am sick, will you not wash me?" He washed my quilt and went to the doctor for a follow-up.

When I was seriously ill and couldn't eat, he went to buy mooncakes and fruits for me to eat. I remembered that he was usually reluctant to spend a penny, so I said, "Why are you spending all this again?" He said, "Do you really think I'm an iron rooster ——— pluck my hair?" We both laughed. Indeed, he lived a very frugal life, did not smoke, did not drink, received allowances, except for paying party dues, sending some to his mother, and buying some daily necessities for himself, the rest was deposited in the bank. He often said, "A penny, a match, it seems to be very small, but the little adds up, and the country is engaged in large-scale construction, and all of them can be used." I remember one time, I accidentally spilled a bottle of ink on the table, and he immediately showed a very sorry expression. I said, "This little bit of ink is worth all the fuss!" As he sucked the ink into the bottle, he said in a critical tone, "You. . . You don't feel sorry for the public stuff at all!" Actually, I don't care about what is public or private. For example, if the quilt is torn, I throw it on the ground and it's done. But he picked it up, washed it, and mended it to be strong and beautiful, and then gave it to me. I blushed and said, "It's not mine, I don't want it." He smiled and said, "Take it quickly, don't be so generous, this little bit of things is created by the hard work of the people. Just spoil. But it's a sin. "I also heard that when he was the leader of the air gun team, a drill flower fell into the hole of the gun, and he didn't eat, he didn't get off work, and he had to think of pulling it out, and sometimes in order to get a drill bit, he continued to work for four or five hours in the next shift before it came out.

At that time, I was suffering from a personal problem, and when I recovered, I was still like someone who had lost a battle. Long Junjue obviously saw some signs too, so he simply gave up the habit of playing basketball after dinner for the time being, and invited me to go out for a walk. I told him all the things I had done to find a partner and how the organization had advised me to be cautious. After listening carefully, he asked me seriously: "You said that woman was sad about the political trial?" I nodded. He immediately talked about why the army especially needed political purity and gave some lessons from history. I said, "I understand all these things, but I can't get rid of them emotionally." He said, "What's there to be nostalgic about!" Paul and Donnie just couldn't go up the road. I said disapprerovingly, "Now that you have a partner, of course you can say that." He said categorically: "No, my comrade! The organization advises you because it cares about you. Those of us who have sacrificed our youth for the sake of the revolution can also give up our lives when necessary. You have such a little relationship, what can't you give up!" Every word he said, every word, was like a cooling agent, which made me sober up at once. That night, we talked late, and I gave my whole heart to him.

Soon, there was a vigorous high-yield campaign on the site, and there were fewer opportunities for us to exchange ideas together. No matter the wind or rain, he always stayed up in the middle of the night and got up to work, often when I got up, he had folded the quilt and ran; I fell asleep and he hasn't come back yet; When I woke up, he was still sitting under the lamp reading or writing something, so I often saw that his eyes were red. Once, tidying up my room, I stumbled upon his red notebook that he had to take out every night to write and draw. Out of curiosity, I opened it without his permission. This is a diary, and most of the content is from work. For example, I was in a good mood today and did something; If there is any question I haven't figured out today, who should I ask? Sometimes, it is a record of the opinions of a comrade of a migrant worker on a certain issue, and below it is also indicated which detachment leader he intends to contact, or who he will ask to handle it, and so on. I remember less in life. In recent times, his fiancée has been writing from him every week and will soon be married. I wanted to know his attitude on these matters, so I went on. Sure enough, in the diary two days earlier, these two lines were written: "I don't know how to do it, the company commander sent two telegrams in a row. Anyway, I don't have time right now, so I'll wait for later. His fiancée is from Northeast China, and his lover is a sibling with Comrade Dong Dexian, deputy commander of the Fourth Company. He was afraid of delaying his work and was unwilling to ask for leave to get married, so he postponed the marriage again and again. This time, Dong Dexian went home on vacation, and he was going to bring Long Junjue's fiancée to the army for a wedding. The diary reads, "The company commander sent two telegrams in a row," which refers to this incident. I had just put the diary back in its place, when the dragon rushed into the dormitory. I asked curiously, "How do you have time to come back in the middle of the day?" He said: "The progress of the project is too fast, let's give us a few new finalized drawings!" He said, "You are in a hurry, but you are not in a hurry at all. I repeated, "Wait for later!" He realized that I was making fun of his diary, and chased me for a while, threatening to beat me in the head. In the future, the culvert detachment he was responsible for the construction of the project progressed faster and faster, and the number of times he came to urge the construction drawings became more frequent. During this time, he spent less and less time going back to his dormitory to rest, sometimes not returning at all at all.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

One morning in mid-October, he organized a surprise construction on the construction site, and as soon as he returned to his dormitory, he was busy rolling up the covers. I saw that his usual big flexible eyes were bloodshot at the moment, so I asked suspiciously, "Is your lover really from the Northeast?" He was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed heartily: "You think I'm going to move to a new house?" It depends where you go. In the past few years, everyone has been fighting for the top, and our bridge and culvert detachment has carried out several assaults, but it still ends in the middle of the stream, and everyone wants to fight for this breath. Every second counted, so I decided to move to the migrant workers' team. He refused to let me send it, and before leaving, he said passionately: "Comrade, all the drawings you have drawn on the paper will soon appear on the Jiulong River." Work hard, be energetic, emotional, and free, come to our construction site to have a look. Good. Goodbye!"

Who would have thought that this breakup would become a farewell! Half a month later, on November 9, Comrade Long Junjue, an outstanding Communist Party member, a good son of the people, and my closest comrade-in-arms, gave his life in Dashen, Zhangping County, Fujian Province, in order to extinguish the mountain fires and save the country's assets.

Ever since I met Long Junjue, I have been hearing many stories from my comrades about his life and death for the revolution. On one occasion on the Korean battlefield, enemy planes dropped two time bombs on the newly repaired bridge, and the platoon and bridge deck were also damaged in several places. Trains carrying munitions were stuck on the side of the bridge and could not get to the front in time. At this critical moment, Long Junjue stepped forward and picked up a time bomb that could explode at any time. Putting it in a safe area ensured the timely repair of the iron bridge and the smooth flow of trains. Again, Long Junjue and his comrades were rushing to repair a bridge, and the air defense soldiers suddenly gave a signal, and people quickly ran to the air raid shelter. Long Junjue looked back and saw that some tools were still scattered on the bridge. He thought to himself that the tool was the weapon of the railway soldiers, and if it was damaged, it would delay the time to build the bridge. He immediately turned back to the bridge, and as soon as he sorted out his tools, four enemy planes had already rushed overhead, and several bombs were thrown down with a clatter, followed by a fierce strafing fire, and water and debris continued to burst on him. He knew that 50 meters in front of him was an air-raid shelter, and as long as he jumped a few steps, he would be able to get out of danger, but in order to prevent the enemy planes from discovering the hiding places of his comrades, he kept crawling on the edge of the bridge and held on until the enemy planes flew away, and then he and his comrades-in-arms made a surprise repair. On another occasion, a flash flood washed away a lot of bridge-building equipment, and I saw that the thick logs were smashed by the rocky cliffs on both sides. In order to salvage the logs, Long Junjue jumped into the rapids desperately, although he had a safety rope tied around his waist, the fierce wave peaks, and the large logs that flew like meteors, lifted him to the bottom of the water several times in a row; The comrades who pulled the rope on the shore were anxious for him for a while, and cheered for him to salvage timber for a while. After more than an hour of fighting, he salvaged a lot of wood and returned to shore safely. Such an iron soldier who has experienced all kinds of hardships and dangers, such a hero who was baptized in the frenzied artillery fire of the enemy, has now gloriously sacrificed his precious life for the cause of socialist construction.

When the bad news came, I and many of my comrades-in-arms immediately rushed to the place where Long Junjue's body was found. Following the rugged mountain trail, bypassing a few hills, you will see a charred mountain forest in front of you: the hugging trees, all the branches and leaves have been burned, and the black trunks remain; The ground was covered with more than a foot of ash, and the road was out of sight. There were many comrades who came to pay respects to the body of Comrade Long Junjue, and at the bottom of a steep slope, several migrant workers were telling people about the heroic fighting of the martyr Long Junjue, and they were all the first to run to the fire scene with Long Junjue. From their mouths, we learned that a quarter of an hour before the fire, Comrade Long Junjue had just come down from the construction site, and was about to go to the station to meet his fiancée who had come from afar. Long Junjue immediately called the migrant workers who reported the news to inform the team leaders, and he called again to report the fire to his superiors, and then rushed to the fire first with the nearby migrant workers. Along the way, the migrant workers persuaded: "You are not alone in fighting fires, let's take your lover to go, people are new to the city, and they are not familiar with life, so don't let her wait in a hurry." Some said, "Yes, wait a while, everyone will come, and you have to hold a wedding tonight, so you have to go and prepare!" Long Junjue shouted as he ran: "Marriage is a personal matter, and it's nothing to be a day late." You can't put out the fire later!" Long Junjue grew up in the mountains since he was a child, and he usually likes to exercise, and he is a good hand at climbing mountains and running. When the migrant workers ran to the bottom of the steep slope they had just spoken, Long Junjue had already climbed to the top of the cliff alone and rushed to the front of the fire road along another ridge. At that time, the wind was tight, the grass was withered, the fire burned very fast, and the flames jumped up several feet high, even if they were tens of meters away, they would choke people so much that they could not open their mouths and could not breathe. These migrant workers couldn't see Long Junjue in a blink of an eye.

I looked in the direction the migrant workers pointed out, and the top of the cliff was now blackened by the fire, it was five or six feet high above the ground, and the steep wall was covered with a thin layer of grass ash, and there was not even a place to step on it. We had to go around it and keep going.

Long Junjue's body lay more than two miles away from the cliff top we saw earlier. All the clothes on his body were charred, only one liberation shoe was still relatively intact, and the other only had a sole left (later, this burnt shoe was preserved as a martyr's relic in the Chinese Military Museum). Behind the mountain of the remains of the martyrs is the Panlo iron mine and the gasoline and machinery warehouses of the 509 geological exploration team. Many of those who participated in the firefighting said: "It is from here that the wind and flames blow behind the mountain, and it is the most dangerous place." "Obviously, Long Junjue ran so fast precisely to intercept this fire, so that the fire could not spread to the warehouse and the iron mine.

Looking at his remains, I couldn't help but shed tears.

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

In order to commend Long Junjue's courage and fearlessness and self-sacrifice for the public, the Party Committee of the Third Division of the Railway Corps gave him a posthumous first-class meritorious service and held a memorial meeting. The railway soldiers and the leading organs of the Fuzhou Military Region called on all comrades to learn from him and become the most loyal defenders and builders of the motherland and the people. The "Railway Soldier" newspaper and many newspapers and periodicals across the country publicized and reported on Long Junjue's heroic deeds. The Organization Department of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army also published the book "Long Junjue, the Party's Good Son," which was distributed to all companies of the army as a reading material for party members of the army.

You are an outstanding member of the party, and you are a good example for young people.

Go through hardships and dangers to create miracles, forget life and death and go to the battlefield.

For the country and the people, the fire has been sacrificed, and the bride has been sacrificed.

Fame will always be the same as the sun and the moon, and it will shine for thousands of years.

This is a poem written by Comrade Qian Ying, Minister of Internal Affairs, to mourn the martyr Long Junjue, expressing the admiration of thousands of revolutionary comrades-in-arms for the martyr Long Junjue. Whenever I was a little slack off in my work and study, Comrade Long Junjue's swarthy face and big burning eyes seemed to appear in front of me, and he seemed to say to me with a look of love and reproach: "You!" I can feel that although my closest comrade-in-arms, Comrade Long Junjue, has sacrificed, he is still by my side all the time, encouraging me and spurring me on, always moving forward and moving forward!

(Originally published in "Railway Soldiers, Reminiscences of Historical Materials")

Solicitation of poems praising the heroes Long Junjue Martyrs Author/Tianzhu Dahe Mei Zixiang recommended

Edit: Have fun