
Vulvar itching, leucorrhoea, beware of this common disease

author:Dr. Lilac
Vulvar itching, leucorrhoea, beware of this common disease

The abnormality of the private parts is almost every woman's "unspeakable hidden".

For the vast majority of women, they have experienced vaginitis at least once in their lives and have encountered the following problems:

Itching of the private parts, but not easy to scratch;

emit a peculiar smell, always feel that it can't be cleaned;

increased vaginal discharge, damp and sticky underwear;

In many cases, because they cannot correctly judge whether they are infected or find gynecological problems difficult to talk about, they will choose to let it go and miss the best time for treatment.

The following is a wake-up call for everyone, when you encounter the following symptoms, you should be vigilant.

➊ Abnormal discharge

  • abnormal color, yellow-green, purulent, dark yellow;
  • tofu-like, white lumps, or pus-like, foamy-like may be accompanied by blood stains;
  • Peculiar smell, with rotten eggs or fishy smell.

❷ Discomfort

Itching, pain, and even redness or urgency in the vulva or vagina.

❸ Other symptoms

If there is a growth on the vulva, there is pain, bleeding, peeling, rough and whitish skin on the vulva, pain during intercourse, and fever in the lower abdomen.

When the above 3 symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

Because vaginitis is divided into different types according to the cause, and the treatment for each type is different. Identifying the problem and cause is the first step in treatment.

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The first consultation for the newlyweds starts from 9.9 yuan

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*Online consultation should provide case information with a clear diagnosis, such as outpatient medical records, diagnosis certificates, etc., to help doctors judge the condition more accurately.

Vaginitis always comes and goes

Can it be cured completely?

Most vaginitis can be cured as long as the following are done.

➊ Correct understanding of vaginitis

Vaginitis is inflammation of the inside of the vagina. Vaginitis can occur with or without sexual activity, as adults and as young babies.

Don't feel that the disease in your intimate parts will be difficult to talk about, and you will be treated sideways, and you must consult a doctor in time.

❷ Identify the cause and treat the symptoms

Depending on the cause, the treatment of vaginitis will be different, and symptomatic treatment is required.

The treatment of bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis vaginitis, etc., is usually systemic or topical drugs, and the course of treatment is generally 7~14 days. However, for refractory or recurrent vaginitis, consolidation of 1~2 courses may be required.

It is not recommended to go to pharmacies or buy drugs online for use, nor is it recommended to rinse the vagina with disinfectants or water, and it is not recommended to use some intimate care products at will, which will affect subsequent diagnosis and treatment.

➌ Concurrent treatment of partner infection

Some inflammations, such as trichomoniasis vaginitis, can be transmitted between couples and need to be treated by both husband and wife. It is only for women, and there is a possibility of recurrence once they have intercourse, so men need to cooperate with the treatment even if they have no symptoms.

➍ Don't stop treatment when your symptoms are gone

Some patients, after two or three days of taking the drug, feel that the symptoms have disappeared, so they stop the drug on their own.

When encountering problems such as whether to add or stop medication, it is recommended to adjust the relevant treatment actions under the guidance of a professional doctor, otherwise the gains outweigh the losses.

Women will encounter a variety of hidden gynecological diseases in their lives, and the worry and fear of these hidden dangers will be aggravated step by step with an inexplicable shame.

"Gynecological diseases" are also common diseases, and diseases should be treated by a professional doctor.

Whether you want to relieve your symptoms quickly, or if your previous treatment has not worked, and you are tormented by repeated conditions, you can come to Dr. Lilac for a try.

It is impossible to choose a doctor for general outpatient clinics, and it is difficult to register for specialist outpatient clinics. Here, depending on your situation, you can choose a doctor who specializes in treating vaginitis.

The doctor will give you a response plan according to your symptoms, and you can also prescribe online, place an order directly, and deliver it to your home, which is very convenient.

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The first consultation for the couple starts from only 9.9 RMB

Seats are limited on a first-come, first-served basis


*Online consultation should provide case information with a clear diagnosis, such as outpatient medical records, diagnosis certificates, etc., to help doctors judge the condition more accurately.

Troubled by vaginal inflammation

Much more than just itching and odor

Because of the special physiological structure of women, it is difficult to keep the private parts dry in many cases, creating a good living environment for germs.

While worrying about the odor of the private parts, the itching of the private parts makes it difficult to sit still.

In addition to these discomforts, vaginitis has the potential to cause infertility in women.

Vaginal flora is disturbed, and bacteria or certain microorganisms travel up the vagina into the pelvis, which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic inflammatory disease generally refers to an infection of the upper genital tract in women, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

When severe inflammation occurs, it affects ovulation, fallopian tube peristalsis and egg pick-up function, which may lead to inability to conceive or ectopic pregnancy in the long run.

Therefore, gynecological problems must be taken seriously. As long as you seek medical treatment promptly, most vaginitis can be cured.

Ask a gynecologist Private and reliable

The first consultation for the couple starts from only 9.9 RMB

Seats are limited on a first-come, first-served basis


*Online consultation should provide case information with a clear diagnosis, such as outpatient medical records, diagnosis certificates, etc., to help doctors judge the condition more accurately.

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Vulvar itching, leucorrhoea, beware of this common disease

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A common Q&A is asked

❶ Consultation entrance: After searching for the Lilac Doctor applet, enter the homepage and click "Ask Doctor" to ask a doctor online.

❷ Consultation method: At present, the platform supports graphic consultation, telephone consultation and video consultation.

The picture and text consultation includes 3 opportunities to ask questions (one question and two follow-up questions), each time you can enter multiple questions (up to 500 words), and supports uploading videos and pictures (inspection reports, drug pictures, etc. can be uploaded to photos), which is valid for 24 hours.

The duration of a single consultation is 15 minutes for a telephone consultation and a video consultation, and after the call, you can listen to the recording/watch the video and receive a text summary.

❸ View reply: If you have an ongoing consultation, you can enter the Lilac Doctor Mini Program and click "My" - "My Consultation" at the bottom to receive a reply from the doctor as soon as possible.

❹ Manual customer service: For more questions, you can enter the Lilac Doctor mini program, click "My" - "Online Customer Service" at the bottom to inquire about customer service.

Planning and production

Planning: Song Hui, Wen Sheng | Executive Producer: Fei Fei

Vulvar itching, leucorrhoea, beware of this common disease