
Geng Ying: My father has never lost a battle in his life, and I think it's because he believes in the party and trusts the party

author:Red IP

Source: China Cultural Heritage Foundation

Geng Ying: My father has never lost a battle in his life, and I think it's because he believes in the party and trusts the party

On August 26, 1999, in order to celebrate the 90th birthday of her father, Geng Ying painted two poems and composed eight poems as a birthday gift, expressing to her father the thoughts of the past four years and the wandering heart of her life.

The picture below shows the reader "Man Jianghong", one of the series of birthday gifts prepared by President Geng Ying for his father.

Geng Ying: My father has never lost a battle in his life, and I think it's because he believes in the party and trusts the party

"Man Jianghong"

Cut off the hustle and bustle, it is rare to walk alone, this love is not endless;

The heart is cold, afraid of delaying guests, and lazy to move the product.

Hatred starts from busyness, and the Zen heart looks for it;

The Los Angeles Speeder groaned with me.

The voice is quiet, and it is more drummed; The incense of the furnace rests, and the boots stop;

The lone lamp went out, and he sat cross-legged; All things are gone.

The wind blows and hears the voice of the father, and the rain listens carefully to the plantain drops;

Suddenly, I vaguely dreamed of entering the Jingshan line, and my father greeted him with a smile.

Written in Los Angeles on October 30, 1996 Geng Ying

General Geng Biao's life has been full of miraculous feats and legends. During the Long March, he led his troops to fight the Xiangjiang River, cross the Wujiang River, storm Loushan Pass, and cross the Chishui River four times; During the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he and his comrades-in-arms defended Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningbo and recovered Zhangjiakou; In the War of Liberation, he was the chief of staff of the "Yang Luogeng" Corps, and was famous for his resourcefulness and skill, and his iron cavalry. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was the first "general ambassador" to a Western country and made indelible contributions to the creation and development of the diplomatic cause.

Geng Ying, the daughter of a general, said that her father had never lost a battle in his life, and I think it was because he believed in and trusted the party. Loyalty to the party - this was his belief, he always considered himself a son of the people, and even at the end of his life, he wanted to serve the peasants.

——From the magazine "Chinese Elderly".

Geng Ying: The life of his father Geng Biao

My father's generation, their whole lives are also closely related to our republic, they can go well, they can get free, and the republic will go well. When I talk about this period of history, everyone should clearly understand that our country is indeed a country with an ancient civilization, which has gone through thousands of years and has its own profound culture.

Our young people don't believe in anything but money. Let's not talk far, let's talk about our two hundred years of history, from 1840 to 1949, these 40,000 Chinese were defenseless, how did they live? Not to mention life, how did they live? Why is it so difficult for Chinese to live, everyone has the right to live, why do Chinese not have the right to live?

During this period of time, all kinds of warlords, all kinds of parties, the Japanese, the eight-nation coalition army, you sang and I appeared, how do you let the Chinese live? Really live like an ant, without dignity. But during this time, don't look at the Chinese like ants, but the Chinese are standing. This is a characteristic of our nation, the Chinese nation should be a great nation in the world, a nation full of wisdom, he stands, not only stands, he chooses, he makes a choice, in the case of so many powers, he chooses the Communist Party.

Geng Ying: My father has never lost a battle in his life, and I think it's because he believes in the party and trusts the party

Figure | Geng Biao was then the deputy chief of staff of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the head of the Liaison Office of the Headquarters

Why the Communist Party? Because you can live a good life with the Communist Party. New China was established and the socialist road was chosen, but we don't know how to do socialism, but 40,000,000 people believe in the Communist Party, and I will do what the Communist Party says, and this is the relationship between fish and water. After more than 60 years of tossing and turning, although we made some mistakes along the way, our republic did not lie down, because after decades of theoretical research on socialism, we have found the "Chinese-style" socialist road and enabled the people to live a good life.

After more than 60 years of tossing and turning, the People's Republic of China is still standing in the east of the world, and it is getting better and better, and only the Communist Party can do this. Does the Communist Party have any shortcomings? Are there any bugs? There is a big basket. But who is perfect? Is America perfect? Is Japan perfect? Where is the perfection? No. Our people should unite and correct their shortcomings if they have them, and only when we do our own things well and become strong can we be more convincing.

My father took up a gun at the age of 12 and participated in Chairman Mao's Autumn Harvest Uprising until he died at the age of 92. He did it to liberate the whole of China, let the people live a good life, but he didn't finish it. So what to do? Let's do it next.

—— This article is excerpted from Consensus Network "Geng Ying: The Life of Father Geng Biao"

[Source: "China Cultural Heritage Foundation"]