
It is time to learn history and recall the original intention, and it is time for training

author:Defense Times

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to further cherish the memory of the martyrs and inherit the red gene, on July 1, 2024, the task detachment of a certain brigade of the radar corps of the Air Force of the Southern Theater actively used the interval of the exercise and training task to organize officers and soldiers to go to the Baisha Uprising First Shot Memorial Park to carry out the July 1st special party day activity with the theme of "learning the party history and the party constitution, practicing the original mission, and being an excellent party member". It is necessary to further arouse the enthusiasm of officers and men for the exercise and training, and inject a steady stream of forward momentum into the exercise and training tasks.

It is time to learn history and recall the original intention, and it is time for training

Review the oath of joining the party

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" This is the scene where the officers and men of the detachment carried out special party day activities on the front line of the exercise and training. The bright red party flag and sonorous voice have further strengthened the confidence and determination of the vast number of party members to faithfully perform their duties and cultivate excellent skills, and it is a baptism of thought and a spiritual shock to every officer and soldier, and it is also a solemn promise made by everyone to the party and the people again, and further encourages and leads the vast number of officers and men to strengthen the fighting spirit of overcoming difficulties.

It is time to learn history and recall the original intention, and it is time for training

Wear party membership badges for new party members

"Today, in front of the historical monument built by the revolutionary martyrs with their blood, I solemnly swear that I have officially become a member of the Communist Party of China, and I feel that I am extremely honored and have a heavy responsibility, and I will definitely strive to become an excellent Communist Party member at an early date." Zhang Jiahao, a radar repairman, said, "Revolutionary ancestors like Wang Guoxing used primitive weapons and equipment such as powder guns and wooden bows and arrows to carry out revolutionary struggles, and still pledged the noble quality of the party and the country, overcoming all difficulties to find and unswervingly follow the organization. ”

It is time to learn history and recall the original intention, and it is time for training

Officers and men observe and study

In the memorial park of the first shot of the Baisha Uprising, the commentator introduced the red revolutionary deeds in the Baisha area to the officers and soldiers in five parts, and told the history of the arduous military revolutionary struggle launched by the rebel army, mainly the Li and Miao ethnic minorities in the Baisha area, to oppose the oppression of the Japanese invaders and the Kuomintang army and local armed forces”。

Listening to the glorious deeds of the revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely and were not afraid of sacrifice, the officers and men profoundly understood the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese communists in uniting and leading the people of all nationalities throughout the country to go forward and fight bravely.

It is time to learn history and recall the original intention, and it is time for training

Group photo of the visit

It has been learned that the officers and men will immediately devote themselves to the next stage of the exercise and training tasks after returning home, and the officers and men have said that they have listened to the deeds of the red revolution at the station's first shot, and that they will and determination to win every battle for the next exercise and training tasks even stronger.

(Author: Bao Yuli, Pan Yue, Zhu Junlei, Photography: Zhang Jiahao, He Zhaotao)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Yuan Yi

Editor: Xu Xiaojuan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]