
All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

author:Qi Shuai


Four days ago, that is, on June 28, the Chinese Olympic Committee announced several lists of national table tennis participants on its official website, but not all of them. That list includes Chinese men's singles players: Wang Chuqin and Fan Zhendong. Women's team players: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Wang Manyu. Women's singles players: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng. Mixed doubles: Sun Yingsha, Wang Chuqin.

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition
All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition
All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

This evening, the Chinese Olympic Committee has determined all the players in the men's team and women's team, especially the list of substitute players, that is, P card players, are clearly in the list, as follows:

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition
All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

In this way, all the players of the Chinese national table tennis have been determined. - Although this is a procedural issue, it is also a certification. The 10 players of the Chinese national table tennis are also about to start their journey to the Paris Olympics.

First of all, let's talk about the final time of the table tennis competitions at the Paris Olympics, the following are Beijing time: At 20:30 on the evening of July 30, the mixed doubles final begins. At 20:30 p.m. on August 3, the women's singles final. At 20:30 p.m. on August 4, the men's singles final. At 21 o'clock in the evening on August 9th, the men's team final! At 21 o'clock in the evening of August 10, the women's team finals.

Since the establishment of table tennis in the 1988 Olympic Games, a total of 37 gold medals have been won since the start of the Paris Olympics. The Chinese team won a total of 32 gold medals. It's a veritable dream team. In 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004, the five Olympic Games were all 4 table tennis gold medals. That is, men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles. In the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympic Games, there were still 4 gold medals per session, and they were changed to: men's and women's singles, men's and women's teams. At the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, the mixed doubles gold medal was added to the original four gold medals.

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

At the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese men's singles champion is Ma Long! The women's singles champion is Chen Meng! The men's team championship belongs: Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin. The women's team champions belong to: Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha, Liu Shiwen, Wang Manyu. In that competition, Wang Chuqin and Wang Manyu participated in the P card. But in the mixed doubles final, Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen lost to Misei Ito and Mizutani Hayabusa.

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

Three years have passed, and China's national table tennis continues to update and iterate on the basis of the original. Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen faded out of the first team, and the two Tokyo P card players grew up. Especially Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha, two post-00s, this time in the Paris Olympics, they are three.

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

From the perspective of the opponents of national table tennis, the pressure on men's singles is a little greater, because among our opponents, Japan's Tomokazu Zhang has been familiar and thoroughly understood, but it is Brazil's Hugo, France's Lebrun brothers, and even several South Korean players, who have hidden murderous intentions and have good strength. Chubby and big-headed people need to be vigilant.

All officially announced! The Chinese Olympic Committee determined the list of 10 national table tennis players: Ma Long, Chen Meng, and Sha Tou led the competition

The pressure on the women's singles was relatively less, and Ito did not participate. Japan's Miu Hirano and Hina Hayada are not particularly threatening. However, India's Batra needs to be careful, as she occasionally hits unexpected shots.

In the mixed doubles competition, the Japanese team focused on cultivating the combination of Tomokazu Haramoto and Hina Hayata. Especially in the past month, the Chinese national table tennis has been training in Chengdu, Sichuan, and has not gone out to compete. The Japanese mixed doubles pair won three consecutive championships: Zagreb, Croatia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Tunisia. Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin At present, the biggest threat to the mixed doubles is Japan's Hina Hayada and Tomokazu Zhangmoto.

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