
Re-deployment, re-promotion, and re-implementation Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting

author:Vitality Liubei
Re-deployment, re-promotion, and re-implementation Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting

According to the forecast of the Liuzhou Hydrological Center, the Liujiang Liuzhou Hydrological Station will have a flood peak water level of about 82.3 meters (warning water level of 82.5 meters) around 20 o'clock on July 2. On the morning of July 2, Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting to thoroughly implement the spirit of the video dispatch meeting on flood control and disaster relief work in the autonomous region and Liuzhou City, redeploy, promote and implement the flood control work in the urban area, and actively and effectively respond to a new round of heavy rainfall to ensure a safe and stable flood.

Re-deployment, re-promotion, and re-implementation Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting

Shi Zhonghua pointed out that the whole urban area should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control, and resolutely fight a protracted and tough battle for flood prevention work. Adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, always tighten the string of flood prevention, flood resistance, disaster relief, and disaster relief, and grasp the five passes of forecasting and early warning consultation, flood discharge monitoring and dispatch, risk investigation and risk removal, relocation and resettlement support, and epidemic prevention, recovery and reconstruction, so as to minimize disaster losses and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

In view of this round of flood control work, Shi Zhonghua asked all departments at all levels to stick to their posts, maintain a high degree of vigilance, and comprehensively investigate all kinds of risks and hidden dangers. It is necessary to continue to strengthen the release of information on rain and water conditions, and promptly remind the masses to avoid emergencies. Strengthen inspections and patrols at key parts of flood control levees, risk and hidden danger points, and waterlogging points in urban areas, and promptly discover and eliminate dangerous situations. It is necessary to strengthen emergency duty, strictly implement the system of leadership and 24-hour on-duty duty, strengthen the construction of emergency rescue teams and emergency material guarantees, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety during the flood season.

At the meeting, Li Chunfan, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, conveyed the spirit of the video dispatch meeting of the flood control and disaster relief work of the autonomous region and Liuzhou City, the district flood control office reported the recent weather, hydrology and reported the flood prevention and preparedness situation, and the towns, streets and relevant departments made supplementary speeches on flood prevention and preparedness.

The meeting was attended by the member units of the district flood control and drought relief headquarters and the principal responsible persons of various towns and neighborhoods.

Source: Propaganda Department of the District Committee

Re-deployment, re-promotion, and re-implementation Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting

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Re-deployment, re-promotion, and re-implementation Liubei District held a flood control work deployment meeting

Editor: Wei Cheng

Proofreading: Qin Moyan, Rong Jie, Yi Lu

Reviewer: Huang Shaliu

Submissions are welcome to [email protected]


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