
Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

author:What is worth buying


This content comes from @What's worth buying APP, and the views only represent the author's own |Author:, You

Hello guys, I'm a scum......

~ Let's talk about two sentences at the beginning ~

After eating mangosteen in May (click here for details), the leaders of my family in June no longer want to hear the word "mangosteen". But in such a good time, how can you not eat fruit?!

Fruits, pineapples, kiwi and the like are tired of eating, and durian, cherries, dragon fruit and the like are ridiculously expensive...... Looking around, the leaders of my family set their sights on lychees......

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Although the high temperature last winter and the heavy precipitation in this year's production areas have caused the production of lychees to drop sharply this year, which has led to high prices, the vast majority of people can still afford to eat them compared to those precious fruits!

As a qualified friend, we are determined to spend the least amount of money to buy the best lychee! So, how should you pick lychees? Next, let's have a good chat~

~ About Lychee ~

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together
Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

△ The original lychee tree looks like this (゚Д゚)

Lychee is an evergreen tree in the family Sapindaceae, native to the Lingnan region of the mainland, and has been cultivated for at least 2,000 years. Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu" is written as "detached", and it gradually evolved into today's "lychee" around the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The production areas of lychee are relatively concentrated, basically fixed in the area between 18 and 29 degrees north latitude and the warm climate in the south. Don't look at the production area, but it is said that there are more than 600 varieties, which is worthy of the saying that "the world's lychee looks at China".

Of course, the varieties that we can buy better on the market are mainly concentrated in more than ten varieties such as March red, round branches, black leaves, Huaizhi, cinnamon, glutinous rice cakes, Yuan Hong, orchid bamboo, Chen Zi, hanging green, crystal ball, concubine smile, white sugar poppy, etc. Among them, the concubine smile, white sugar poppy, cinnamon flavor and black leaf are the most mainstream, and the main talk in the following article is basically these four.

But before we talk about lychee, let's talk about it again-

~ How to choose lychees? ~

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

▲First of all, look at the color and appearance.

In fact, not all fresh lychees are pure red in color, but most varieties have some variegated color, including but not limited to red with white, red with green, or light red with dark red. If there is a large area of brown or black on the peel, it is likely that it has already started to deteriorate.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

In the vast majority of cases, the scales on the lychee shell are larger and regular, which means it will taste better; If the scales are small and compact, they are most likely not fully mature. In addition, you should also take a look at the fruit when buying, if there is a black slag, there is a chance that it is a borer's poop, although it will not be poisoned under normal circumstances, but it may cause discomfort at the psychological level......

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

There are also bigwigs who say: the sharper the top of the lychee, the smaller the inner pit; The rounder at the top, the larger the inner pit. However, this article has not found a reliable endorsement, and my actual measurement is also ineffective, so it is for reference only and does not need to be used as a criterion.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

▲Secondly, smell the smell and try the feel.

Fresh lychees should have a light or strong fragrance. If you smell sour or alcoholic, it is likely that it has begun to deteriorate; If you can't smell anything at all, it doesn't rule out that it's not mature; If you smell strange chemical odors, you have been treated 100% of the time, don't buy it, and it's over.

Gently press the lychee with your hand, the lychee in the ripe state should be hard and soft and elastic; If it is too soft and inelastic, it is likely to be ripe or have begun to deteriorate.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

▲ Finally, look at the pulp and taste the taste.

If it's purchased offline, the boss generally allows one or two tastings. After peeling off the skin, the flesh of the fresh lychee must be crystal clear, and it is absolutely fine to look at the attractive color. The criteria for tasting freshness in the mouth are similar to smelling the aroma, but the specific taste depends on whether it is good or bad.

~ Tasting & Recommended ~

Disclaimer: I bought four common varieties from the Internet, and they were actually quite fresh when I got them, but I wanted to comment horizontally at first, so I had to wait for other styles to arrive; Later, they all arrived, and I didn't want to write about lazy cancer...... Thereupon...... Obstinately...... ...... by me Dragged to the outside doesn't look too fresh...... Seeing that if I don't get it, I'm going to be eaten up, so I finished this article. In addition, there was a period of time between the writing and some of the photos, so I can't guarantee that all the photos will not be confused...... But the sugar content and tasting experience are definitely right, the big guys make do with it......

(1) Himeko lol

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The varieties with the widest planting area, the longest mature market period, and the most common consumer varieties. If you want lychee freedom, you can't buy it. The skin is red and green, thin and relatively easy to peel, and the flesh is similar in color to ash.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Three were randomly selected, and the average size of the measurement diameter was 36cm, which is relatively large.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The pits bought in this wave are slightly larger, most of them are comparable to large red beans, and some are smaller. The edible rate was calculated by (fruit mass - husk mass - kernel mass)/fruit weight * 100%, and the final result was 68%, and the flesh yield was slightly lower.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Using an instrument to measure the sweetness, the concubine laughs at Brix around 18.5%, and the sugar content is still relatively high.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The scent smells slightly faint and can only be smelled when you are close; The flesh is crisp and tender in the mouth, full of juice, and the taste is mainly sweet, and the taste has the fragrance of lychee, but there is a sour and astringent feeling in the aftertaste, which affects the tasting experience to some extent.

Summary recommendation: One of the cheapest and most common lychees, characterized by a large amount of fullness, it is not wrong for the big guy who wants lychee freedom to buy it!

Purchase channel: Tmall Ganfuyuan flagship store. At present, the price of 5 catties is 61.8 yuan, and the order to participate in the discount activity of 10 yuan for 17 yuan or more, and the final price of one catty is about 12 yuan.

(2) Sugar poppy

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

As the name suggests, it is a lychee known for its sweetness, and it is usually available from late May. The shape is spherical, the skin is bright red and thin, the scales are relatively smooth, and the flesh is crystalline.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Three were randomly selected, and the average size of the measured diameter was 35cm, which was slightly smaller than that of the concubine.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The pits are relatively small, and most of them are comparable to jujube pits. The edible rate was calculated by (fruit mass - husk mass - kernel mass)/fruit weight * 100%, and the final result was 73%, and the meat yield was relatively high.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Measuring the sweetness with an instrument, the white sugar poppy Brix is around 22%, which is worthy of the name of white sugar poppy.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The fragrance smells stronger, and it can be smelled at a certain distance; The flesh is also crisp and juicy in the mouth, but both the sweetness and the fragrance of lychee are higher than those of the concubine smile, and the aftertaste is not sour and astringent at all, and the disadvantage is that if you eat too much, you will feel sweet.

Summary recommendation: White sugar poppy is worthy of its reputation, although the price is slightly higher, but the big guy who likes to eat sweets must not miss it!

Purchase channel: Jingdong fruit is sent directly from the source, about 20 yuan a pound when I bought it, and it seems to have been taken off the shelves......

(3) Cinnamon flavor

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Named for its scent of osmanthus flowers, it is considered one of the finest varieties and is usually marketed around July. The shape is round and spherical, the skin is light red with yellow, the scales are small, convex and pointed, and the flesh looks slightly yellow to the naked eye.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Three were randomly selected, with an average measurement diameter of 35.5cm, and the overall size was moderate.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The pits are very small, mostly on par with jujube pits, and some are the size of beans. The edible rate was calculated by (fruit mass - husk weight - kernel mass)/fruit weight * 100%, and the final result was 76%, and the meat yield was relatively high.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The sweetness of the Cinnamon Brix is around 19%, ranking second among the four.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The fragrance is very strong and can be smelled at a certain distance; The flesh is crisp and crunchy, slightly slaggy, and the juice is not as much as the first two. The sweetness is also like eating sugar at first taste, but the light osmanthus fragrance can effectively mask part of the sweetness, so you won't feel panicked. The biggest problem is not the taste but the texture.

Summary: If the big guy doesn't pay attention to taste and price, cinnamon is definitely a good choice.

Purchase channel: Jingdong fruit source direct hair, three catties of 89 pieces of 9, a catty is about 30.

(4) Black leaves

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Because of its dark color, it is named Kuroba, and it is usually marketed at the end of June. The shape is short oval, the skin is dark red, relatively thin, the scales are blunt and regular, and the flesh is slightly darker.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Three were randomly selected, and the average size of the measured diameter was 31.8 cm, which was relatively uniform as a whole, and there was little difference between individuals.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The pit is the largest of the four, and one can top the other one-and-a-half to two. The edible rate was calculated by (fruit mass - husk mass - kernel mass)/fruit weight * 100%, and the final result was 67%, which was the lowest meat rate among the four models.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

Measuring the sweetness with an instrument, the Kuroleaf Brix is only around 13%, which is also at the bottom.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The fragrance is very strong and can be smelled at a certain distance; The flesh is relatively soft, and it tastes unsolid, and the juice is low. The sweetness is moderate, and there is no feeling of eating sugar, but I don't know if it is because of this that it has the strongest lychee flavor among the four types, but it is accompanied by a slightly obvious sourness.

Summary: If you are a big guy who cares more about the fragrance of lychee than sweetness, or a big guy who simply wants the freedom of lychee, you can consider this one. I would like to call it the concubine laughing youth version, the main focus is full...

Purchase channels: Jingdong fruit source direct delivery, the current subsidy of 10 billion yuan is only 27.4 yuan for 2.8 catties, and it is not even ten yuan per catty! True Lychee Freedom, friends!

~ A few words at the end ~

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

As I wrote before, it is said that there are more than 600 varieties of lychees, and there are certainly many good varieties. But just talking about the four lychees I started, my personal preference is cinnamon> white sugar poppy> concubine smile > black leaves.

Finally, two questions:

1. Excessive intake of lychee will lower blood sugar, and if a large amount of edice is ingested on an empty stomach, it is very easy to cause hypoglycemia, so it is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach.

2. Even if there is no problem with blood sugar, it is inevitable to get hot. This is partly due to allergies or intolerances, and partly because the high sugar levels trapped in the residue cause bacteria to multiply and induce puffy gums or mouth sores.

So although the lychee is good, you can't be greedy~ "300 lychees a day" is not advisable!

More than.

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and friends are welcome to communicate rationally and discuss harmoniously~

Can't pick lychees? This article will teach you a lot! Comes with recommendations & reviews, so you can eat them together

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