
The Clippers sign 3 more people! The squad has reached 15 people, led by Harden Jr., and the countdown to Wei Shao's departure

author:Sports Xiao Liu

On July 2, Beijing time, the NBA free market was still very lively, and the Clippers immediately adjusted their lineup after losing George. On the first day, he renewed Harden's contract, signed Porter Jr. and Jones Jr., and on the second day, he signed 3 people in a row, which also brought the roster to 15 people, including 7 guards, which means that the deal will come soon, and Wei Shao will enter the countdown to leave.

The Clippers sign 3 more people! The squad has reached 15 people, led by Harden Jr., and the countdown to Wei Shao's departure

With George's departure, the Clippers have salary space, and after signing Jones Jr., the team hasn't stopped. This time, the veteran Batum was first locked, and Harden was sent away to the 76ers last year, and now after the contract expires, the Clippers bring him back to Los Angeles, and the relationship between the two sides is still very good. With the addition of Batum, Leonard can also return to the familiar small forward position, and there is also a good tacit understanding between the two.

The Clippers sign 3 more people! The squad has reached 15 people, led by Harden Jr., and the countdown to Wei Shao's departure

Then the Clippers locked up guard Dunn, a defensive stalwart who played for the Jazz in the 23-24 season, averaging 5.4 points, 2.9 rebounds and 3.8 assists per game. At the moment, the Clippers plan to acquire him on a sign-and-trade basis, and perhaps some follow-up trades. The Clippers then signed Shifter to a one-year contract, and interestingly, he played for the 76ers last season, and the two teams frequently signed each other's players in the free market. The addition of Bamba also makes up for the vacancy of Plumlee, after all, only Zubac is available on the inside.

The Clippers sign 3 more people! The squad has reached 15 people, led by Harden Jr., and the countdown to Wei Shao's departure

With the arrival of 3 more signings, the Clippers' roster has come to 15 people, led by Leonard and Harden, and the team will continue to be competitive, with Powell, Mann, Zubac, Jones Jr., Batum, Porter Jr., Coffey and other players, among which Tucker and Westbrook have no place, and the Clippers are actively sending them away. At the moment, Tucker doesn't have much trade dynamics, and Wei Shao is very close to the Nuggets.

The Clippers sign 3 more people! The squad has reached 15 people, led by Harden Jr., and the countdown to Wei Shao's departure

With Dunn signed, the Clippers already have a whopping seven guards on their roster, and a trade is inevitable, with Westbrook and Hyland being the most likely to go. And Wei Shao has entered the countdown, and Jokic, the core of the Nuggets, has expressed his willingness to cooperate with Wei Shao, and the two sides may reach an agreement. After Reggie was sent away by the Nuggets, the bench needed a core role, and Wei Shao still met the needs very well.

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