
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

author:Foping Cultural Tourism

Turning the title page of time, the hands of the annual rings have pointed to the position of July, dividing the year into two halves, half for the past and half for the future!

In the past six months, the county bureau of culture and tourism has fully implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on tourism work, in accordance with the work deployment of the county party committee and the county government, closely focused on the annual central work, in-depth implementation of the "three years" activities, seized opportunities, forged ahead, and jointly wrote an extraordinary story to promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

At this moment, let us look back on the bits and pieces of the past six months, review those moments that shine with wisdom and sweat, and feel the pulse and strength of the development of Foping cultural tourism:

Events in January

On January 1, Foping's "Panda Homeland Winter Tour in Qinling" tour was selected as a national rural tourism boutique route.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On January 12, the 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism System Work Deployment and Party Style and Clean Government Education Special Meeting was held. Review the highlights of the work in 2023 and arrange and deploy the key work in 2024.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On January 18, the "Year of the Han Dynasty, Hometown Past" Foping Winter and Spring Cultural Tourism Consumption Promotion Series was officially launched. Many tourists gather in Foping Old Street to watch the theme flash mob, receive the Spring Festival couplet, taste soup and food, and celebrate the Spring Festival.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On January 22, the first live broadcast of Foping Cultural Tourism was launched on the "Foping Cultural Tourism" Douyin account, with more than 10,000 people entering the live broadcast room, and the transaction volume exceeded more than 60,000 yuan.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On January 23, the China Meteorological Administration issued the "Announcement of the China Meteorological Administration on the Evaluation Results of the 2023 Climate Ecological Brand Creation Demonstration Activity". Among them, Foping County won the title of "National Summer Tourism Destination".

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

Events in February

On February 2, the first meeting of the leading group for the development of the tourism industry in 2024 was held. Summarize the cultural tourism work in 2023 and focus on listening to the key arrangements for cultural tourism work in 2024. Li Zhigang, secretary of the county party committee, delivered a speech, mobilizing the whole county to clarify the direction, improve confidence, and set goals for the high-quality development of the tourism industry in 2024, and strive to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From February 9th to 17th (during the Spring Festival holiday), the county innovatively launched the "National Treasure Homeland, Qinba Sojourn" two-day tour boutique route during the Spring Festival holiday, the county received a total of 49,200 tourists, and achieved a comprehensive tourism income of 19.81 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 192.86% and 201.02%, and the number of Spring Festival tourism receptions and comprehensive income hit a record high.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On February 23, the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism won the titles of "2023 Advanced Unit of Public Culture and Radio and Television Work in the City" and "Advanced Unit of Cultural Tourism Activities and Publicity and Marketing in the City in 2023".

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On February 24, Foping Panda Valley Scenic Area was successfully established as the sixth batch of research and practice education bases for primary and secondary school students in Shaanxi Province.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On February 26, the expert team came to Foshan for research and discussion, and the national tourist resort took a key step.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On February 27, Gao Qin, deputy head of the county government, investigated the key work of cultural tourism in 2024.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On February 29, Liu Weidong, director of the Resources Department of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and his party came to Foshan to investigate the work of cultural tourism.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

Events in March

On March 1 (publicity), Foping County Tourism Expert Workstation was successfully established as the sixth batch of municipal tourism expert workstations.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 5, Wang Qing, deputy secretary of the Foping County Party Committee and county magistrate, presided over the 2024 Qinling Foping Panda Half Marathon Guarantee Coordination Meeting to arrange and deploy the "17th Dogwood Flower Sea Spring Outing" spring investment promotion series activities and "Qinling Foping Panda Half Marathon Competition" related matters.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 13, the 17th "Dogwood Flower Sea Spring Outing" and spring theme investment promotion activities at the Foping Branch of the 2024 Most Beautiful Rape Flower Sea Hanzhong Tourism and Culture Festival were launched, officially kicking off the spring tourism boom in Foping.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 14th, 19 writers from Beijing, Hunan, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities formed a group to go to Foping to see the national treasure pandas, enjoy dogwood flowers, live in characteristic homestays, and taste Shaanxi cuisine, and excavate Foping's rich ecological and cultural resources.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 14, a symposium on Suzhou-Shaanxi cooperation and investment promotion and exchange of Chongfo cultural and tourism enterprises was held to connect with the cultivation and research of Foping travel agency.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 17, the 2024 Qinling Foping Panda Half Marathon was successfully held, 2000 marathon runners from all over the country gathered in the panda homeland, and 13 social enterprises provided sponsorship, the marathon is the first marathon event in the province in 2024, and it is also the largest and highest standard event in Foping County in recent years. The cumulative comprehensive income is more than 750 yuan.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 19, Li Zhigang, secretary of the county party committee, investigated the Spring Festival tourism service guarantee work.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 19th, the national self-driving assembly team of "Self-driving Tour in Hanzhong, Camping in the Sea of Flowers" walked into Foping.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On March 21, Ma Bao, member of the party group and deputy director of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, received the Buddha to investigate the protection and utilization of cultural relics in our county.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

April Events

On April 1, Zhao Zhenxing, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, investigated the volunteer work of tourism and put forward specific opinions on building a volunteer service brand of "'Yu' to see the panda and volunteer to walk together".

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From April 3rd to 6th, the tourism market of Foping Qingming holiday was hot, and a number of tourism data hit a record high in the same period. The Foping Station of the high-speed rail sent 2,575 tourists, refreshing the historical data of single-day passenger departures.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 4, the series of activities of Han Chinese tourism promotion to Gansu Tianshui continued, and Foping Cultural Tourism entered popular scenic spots such as Maijishan Grottoes, Fuxi Temple, and Malatang Street, publicizing and promoting Foping ecological tourism resources and spring boutique tourism routes, attracting many tourists to visit Foping.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From April 10th to 12th, the main leaders of the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism went to Shanghai and Hangzhou to carry out investment promotion activities in the cultural and tourism industry chain with the investment promotion team of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 17, Wang Qing, the county magistrate, led the cultural tourism and other departments to Jiangsu and Shanghai to attract investment.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 19, the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism took the lead in holding the 2024 "Study Jingmei Foping and Explore the Panda Homeland" Hanzhong Primary and Secondary School Comprehensive Practice Base Research and Practice Education Activity (Foping Station) opened, and more than 500 teachers and students from Xiguan Primary School in Hantai District walked into Foping to fully kick off the spring study.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 22, the 3A-level tourist attraction of Treasure Valley was created to meet the municipal acceptance.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From April 23rd to 24th, the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism participated in the Shaanxi Provincial Culture and Tourism Market Management Work Conference and the Shaanxi Provincial Culture and Tourism System Safety Production Three-year Action Deployment Work Conference, and Director Pu Ke won the honorary title of "Advanced Individual" in Shaanxi Province's Culture and Tourism System Safety Production in 2023.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 25, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Provincial Department of Finance issued the "Notice on Naming the First Batch of Demonstration Counties (Districts) for the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services in Shaanxi Province".

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 28th, the "Traveling True Beauty Hanzhong Seeking Millennial Han Rhyme" Chinese Chinese Brigade IP Tour Publicity Event was unveiled in Chengdu, and Foping Panda and the Land of Abundance collided passionately.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On April 29, the Foping County Key Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Conference and the 2024 Qinling Giant Panda Ecotourism Season were held in Xi'an. With the theme of "Landscape Foping, Pandas Come to the 'Wild'", the event will enhance the popularity of giant panda eco-tourism and promote the high-quality development of the county economy through investment roadshows, promotion of tourism resources and boutique routes, and panda-themed evenings.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

Events in May

During the May Day period, the number of tourists coming to Foshan hit a record high year-on-year, and cultural and tourism activities such as the "Four Treasures of Qinling" float parade were splendid, attracting many tourists to check in and take pictures, detonating the festival tourism market, and Foping was among the top 16 popular tourist destinations in Northwest China.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On May 1, a new breakthrough was made in the development of B&Bs in Foping County, and B&Bs such as Ginkgo Villa and Buyu B&B were opened and operated, which were well received by tourists.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From May 9th to 11th, the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism accompanied Li Zhigang, Secretary of the County Party Committee, to Xi'an to carry out investment promotion activities, visit docking enterprises, deepen cooperation and exchanges, and learn from the advanced experience of Xi'an Yiyi District in the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism industry.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On May 16, the 2024 "Discover the Most Beautiful Railway, Chunyong Qinba Goes West" online publicity activity was officially launched in Foping, Shaanxi.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On May 22, County Mayor Wang Qing attended the opening ceremony of the 14th China-US Tourism High-level Dialogue.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On May 28, the fifth meeting of the leading group for the development of the tourism industry and the first meeting of the county's fourth national cultural relics census leading group were held to study the work of Foping Old Street to create a provincial-level tourism and leisure block, and to arrange and deploy the fourth national cultural relics survey in our county.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On May 30, the county government coordinated the investigation of the county's ecological culture and tourism industry deep integration and development.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

June Events

Since June, the rural tourism market in our county has been in full swing, Changjiaoba Town has taken the lead in organizing the "Window of Qinling Mountains, Summer of Changle" Jianghu Hot Pot Music Festival, and Xichahe Town has taken the lead in organizing the "Mountains and Seas Meet Beauty Town" Treasure Valley Concert to help the summer tourism season.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 1st, the first Qinling Foping Panda Hero Fantasy Rafting Race was innovatively planned, attracting more than 500 people to sign up for the competition. The cumulative comprehensive income is more than 32.28 yuan.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 6, the joint meeting on the protection and utilization of the cultural relics of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolution was held in Yilong, Sichuan, and the achievements of the protection and utilization of the former site of the Red Army in Shangshawo, Foping County were unveiled at the meeting and highlighted.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 11, the county's 2023 target responsibility assessment summary and commendation meeting was held, and the county culture and tourism bureau won the title of "2023 Outstanding Unit for Target Responsibility Assessment".

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 11, the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism was invited to attend the launching ceremony of the 3rd Shaanxi Expressway Owner Tourism Season of "Sanqin Four Seasons and Traveling along the Expressway", to promote Foping's cultural and tourism resources on the spot, and won the title of "Best Cooperation Unit of the 3rd Shaanxi Expressway Owner Tourism Season". Xu Mingfei, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province, Xie Yang, Deputy Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government, Gao Yang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and other leaders attended the event.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 12, the counselor of the provincial government went to Foping County to investigate ecological protection and the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 20, our county held a tourism promotion work and "cultural tourism fire" group discussion and exchange promotion meeting. Zhao Zhenxing, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, and "Seedling Growth Mentor" of the "Cultural Tourism Tinder" group, attended the meeting and participated in the discussion to further determine the ideas of tourism promotion throughout the year.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

From June 25th to 27th, the Provincial Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Writers Association "Implementing Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought, Boosting Rural Revitalization, and Writing Our Times" literary activity entered Foping, and held the 2024 "Rural Library Plan" and "Liuqing Book House" donation unveiling ceremony.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia

On June 30, the Treasure Valley Scenic Area was officially identified as a national 3A-level tourist attraction.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia
The journey is long, but there is only struggle 2024 Foping Cultural Tourism Half-year Memorabilia