
It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

"He did it to me after all."

She has him in her heart, but in her opinion, he always misses his childhood sweetheart Qin Zhenzhen; Her heart is full of him, but in her opinion, he may not have her in his heart, it is all Qin Zhenzhen; She wanted to live with him for the rest of her life, but she decided that he had poisoned herself with a fragrant beauty.

She hated, she died like this, she was full of regret. This hatred is not all hatred, but also mixed with love for Pei Wenxuan.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

"I never thought that you would do it to me after all."

Although he said that Qin Zhenzhen was his childhood sweetheart, but in the second half of the sentence, he had not had a chance to say that he was not a man and a woman in love with Qin Zhenzhen.

He has a deep affection for Li Rong that comes from the heart but has been precipitated, and he thinks that they can be better and happier.

He has always believed that Li Rong is just scaring and scaring him, and he will not really do anything to him.

However, the person who killed him, the sentence "On the order of the eldest princess, there is no forgiveness for killing" in his mouth was so firm that he had to believe it.

died like this, he also hated, this hatred was also mixed with regretful love, in this life, he lived up to the court, the people, but the eldest princess.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

It is precisely because of the regretful love in their hearts, the hatred mixed with love, that lingers in their hearts and cannot be dissipated for a long time, that they can be reborn to make up for their regrets.

In "The Year of China", what I didn't expect was that Pei Wenxuan and the eldest princess Li Rong were not the first to be reborn, the first person to be reborn turned out to be Su Rongqing, who was reborn earlier than Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong.

It was not Su Rongqing who killed the eldest princess, but he had infinite remorse in his heart

The Holy Lord Li Chuan was about to die, and he said to Pei Wenxuan:

"Abolish the crown prince Li Xin, and the eldest prince Li Ping will inherit the unification."

After confirming that it was Li Ping who succeeded to the unification, he said:

"Since the founding of the Xia Dynasty, the authority has been in the hands of the family, although my Li family is a royal family, but it is just a puppet of the family, and people are about to die to find out that my eldest sister, the eldest princess Li Rong, is the largest family. After Zheng's death, if the eldest princess rebels, what should you do, a concubine who looks like a god, Pei Xiang, who represents the poor people in the world? ”

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

Li Chuan knew that he didn't have much time, so he wanted to confirm that Li Ping would inherit the throne.

He calculated for most of his life, and in the end, he found that his eldest sister, Li Rong, was the biggest family. He must have used his last strength to pull Li Rong on his back. The reason why I asked Pei Wenxuan what he would do was because he was afraid that after Li Rong's death, Li Rong's remnants would make waves, and his words would wake up Pei Wenxuan to make the right decision.

Su Rongqing has been by the side of the eldest princess Li Rong for a long time, and he has already poisoned the eldest princess.

And on that day, the sachet worn by Pei Wenxuan was given to Pei Wenxuan by Su Rongqing, and the fragrance in the sachet stimulated the poison in the eldest princess's body, and the two in one killed the eldest princess.

Poisoning the eldest princess was not Su Rongqing's original intention, but the emperor's intention, but Su Rongqing's hand.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

Su Rongqing has been in love with the eldest princess for a long time, and he is reluctant, but he can't disobey the will of the saint.

That's why he said, "All of us are not worthy of His Royal Highness", because the eldest princess defended the Holy God in many ways and helped him ascend to the throne of God; The eldest princess left him as a guest in the princess's mansion in front of Pei Wenxuan; The eldest princess thought about Pei Wenxuan. But the saint wanted the eldest princess to die, Pei Wenxuan chilled the eldest princess, but he was the executioner who poisoned the eldest princess, and everyone was not worthy of the eldest princess's sincerity.

He said, "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you", and what he was sorry for was not for failing to protect the eldest princess, but for his apology for poisoning.

On one side is the emperor's order, on the other side is the eldest princess, the emperor's order cannot be violated, the eldest princess trusts herself so much, but he poisoned her and took her life. He regretted it, he was ruthless, he regretted it, it was she who poisoned the woman she liked with her own hands, and it was he who killed the eldest princess with her own hands.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong, they have a misunderstanding of each other, and in their regrets, there is love and hate.

And Su Rongqing knew what the consequences of poisoning would bring to the eldest princess, but he still did it, or poisoned it, his regrets were full of remorse and blame for himself.

After the eldest princess Li Rong died, he was martyred.

With that regret, he was born again. Because his hatred is stronger and his self-blame is stronger, he is also born again.

Su Rongqing has a sense of familiarity with Li Rong

When the eldest princess was 18 years old, Su Rongqing was an upright person and a trustworthy person.

However, at that time, Su Rongqing did not have a male or female affection for the eldest princess, and he never had a heart for the eldest princess.

However, when the eldest princess asked him if he hadn't replied to the post for a long time, thinking that he wouldn't come, he said, "It's just that I'm just cowardly after all", which shows that Su Rongqing at this time already has a love for the eldest princess between men and women.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

The eldest princess was "kidnapped" by Yang Quan, but fortunately she was rescued by Pei Wenxuan.

Li Chuan and Su Rongqing took people to search and rescue, and his concern for Li Rong was visible to the naked eye. But Su Rongqing at that time, he didn't have any friendship with Li Rong, where did he feel worried.

As Pei Wenxuan said, "In the past, Su Rongqing and me, Li Rong, and even Li Chuan had never crossed paths so early", Su Rongqing seems to have spent most of his life, and when he gets along with these people in turn, he has a sense of familiarity.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

There is one more detail.

In order to find the Yang family's account book, Li Rong ventured into Tuoba Yan's secret room, and after being discovered, in a panic, it was Su Rongqing who saved her.

After the danger was lifted, Su Rongqing said to Li Rong, "If there is no family tie, does the princess belong to Weichen......

Unfortunately, his confession was interrupted by Pei Wenxuan.

Yes, he has a deep love for Li Rong, in the last life, he poisoned Li Rong, all because of the ties of the family, and in the spring banquet, he was also told before going out, he could only push Li Rong away, and he could only refuse Li Rong, but he still wanted to know his weight in the heart of the eldest princess.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

In the study of the Criminal Department, Li Rong looked at the file without distraction.

Outside the screen, Su Rongqing secretly observed Li Rong while carefully putting down his pen, and soon, a picture of a beauty appeared, and he placed it close to his heart.

He hasn't seen the eldest princess a few times, so he fell in love with him for no reason?

These details all point to his rebirth. His love for the eldest princess was brought from the previous life, and that inexplicable sense of familiarity was also brought from the previous life.


At the Spring Banquet, Su Rongqing and Pei Wenxuan were hostile.

Even if Su Rongqing and Li Chuan later led people to find the eldest princess and met Pei Wenxuan to save the eldest princess, Su Rongqing also had a hostility towards Pei Wenxuan.

However, why did Pei Wenxuan ask Su Rongqing to greet his relatives, and he was willing?

Because, he can't be her concubine, and he also wants to express his love for the eldest princess by welcoming his relatives.

When he greeted him, he said:

"Weichen Su Rongqing, for the righteous brother Pei's Wenxuan, Princess Yingpingle, the delicate spirit of Zhong Tiandi, the spirit of the emperor, with the love of the boudoir, the wonderful beauty, the late Pei Wenxuan is both Hui Lingyin, and won a good fate, and the back is diligent, my heart is like a fall."

After saying these words, which had been written long ago, he put down the book in his hand and continued:

Acacia, you can chase the sun and the moon, promise to be long, and peach blossoms in the coming year.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

This is a new song he wrote in his last life in the princess's mansion when he was the eldest princess Keqing, called: Acacia Peach Blossom.

By saying these words at this time, he already shows that he is born again.

When he said these words, his eyes were full of affection, as if he had experienced a lot, and there were many stories hidden in his eyes. That's the story of him and the eldest princess, which only contains the love part. He was greedy for the kindness of the eldest princess to him when he was a guest.

It turned out that Su Rongqing was the first person to be reborn, and Li Rong was not killed by him

In this world, the saddest thing is that you meet someone special, but you understand that you can never be together, and sooner or later, you have to give up. He wanted the love of the eldest princess, he wanted to be the eldest princess's concubine, but he was also afraid that he would not be able to escape the fate of poisoning the eldest princess after all.

Therefore, he restrained himself and stayed away from the eldest princess, but he couldn't help but unconsciously approach the eldest princess.

The truth, like a sharp sword, only cuts a thin wound. But the reality is like a blunt knife, one knife after another hurts people's hearts.

He may not know that Li Rong knew that he was poisoned in the previous life.

However, he didn't want Li Rong to know that it was Li Chuan who instructed him, he didn't want Li Rong to know the truth, he knew that it was Li Chuan who hurt her, and he didn't want Li Rong to be heartbroken.

That's why he asked Li Chuan: In the future, no matter what, you won't hurt the eldest princess?

Not loving is a lifetime of regret, love is a lifetime of tribulation, for Su Rongqing, whether he loves or not, it hurts and suffers.