
【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

author:New glamorous campus
【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Childhood never ends

Dreams set sail again

Nanjing Nanhu Bud Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

On June 24th, Nanjing Nanhu Bud Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony and opening ceremony with the theme of "Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying" in Dabao'en Temple.

Introducing the opening ceremony

Through the traditional and solemn opening ceremony, children can recognize the excellent traditional culture of the motherland from an early age, understand the necessity and seriousness of respecting teachers and education, and edify the etiquette culture for children.

Through a solemn ceremony, the kindergarten makes the children who are about to enter primary school understand that learning is a major event in life, and encourages the children to cherish the opportunity to read and study diligently; At the same time, it also promotes the fine traditional culture of the mainland through this special way.


At the beginning of the activity, children, parents, and teachers gathered in Dabao'en Temple, and the children changed into Hanfu and came to Dabao'en Temple Grace Theater to sit down and meditate, and the host led the children to familiarize themselves with traditional etiquette and learn the ancient way of expressing gratitude.

Speech by the Principal

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Jiang Wei, director of Nanjing Nanhu Bud Kindergarten, delivered a speech, she expressed her reluctance to the kindergarten children, cheered for the new stage that the children are about to open, and stepped onto a new ladder with the blessings and expectations of the kindergarten.

Parent representatives spoke

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

On behalf of the parents, she expressed her heartfelt thanks to the kindergarten and teachers.

Presentations were made by representatives of young children

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Zhang Rongchuan, the representative of the children's class, spoke in a young language, looking back on his life in the kindergarten in the past three years, saying goodbye to the teacher on the occasion of parting, and looking forward to a better tomorrow.

Dress properly, clear etiquette

01 is dressed

"The learning of children begins with clothing; First dress up, then be reasonable. ”

The ceremony officially began, and the host introduced the opening ceremony. Parents and teachers help children get dressed.

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

02 Four prostrations

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

03 Worship the Six Rites

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

The six rites refer to six items with different meanings: dried longan, celery, red beans, red dates, lotus seeds and bundles. Express your gratitude to your teacher by paying homage to the six salutes.

Thank you

All the children gave a thank you ceremony to all the teachers to express their gratitude to the teachers for their cultivation.

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Representatives of teachers made speeches

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

The teacher spoke on behalf of the sophomore class teacher Xinxin

Cinnabar enlightenment

The teacher dotted cinnabar moles on the children's foreheads, which means enlightening the children.

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Reciting the scriptures

The host led the children to read an excerpt from the Analects.

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Drumming Mingzhi

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Schoolchildren beat the drum, indicating their ambition, and the louder the drum, the farther the sound, the greater the ambition.

Enlightenment paints red

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

"Life is smart and literate", writing literacy is the first step in learning culture, and learning to be a person is the most important thing in the enlightenment stage of children's learning. Prepare a brush, water bowl, and water writing cloth in advance, and learn to write the word "human" under the guidance of the host.

Group Performance: Thank you

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Children express their nurturing kindness to their parents through dance.

Issuance of certificates

【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying
【Bud Life】Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten Class|Thanksgiving Growth, Childlike Flying

Finally, Jiang Wei, the principal of Nanjing Nanhu Bud Kindergarten, presented graduation certificates to all the children and took a group photo.

"Peng Beihai, Feng Chaoyang, and the road with books and swords is boundless." I wish all the children in the kindergarten class of Nanhu Bud Kindergarten in Nanjing a happy graduation!

Source: Nanjing Nanhu Bud Kindergarten

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group

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