
You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

author:New glamorous campus
You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!
You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!


Attached to the high school of science and technology "chasing the light" boy

Defeat the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight for the light of life

's inspirational stories are liked all over the network

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!
You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!


More students who surpass themselves and pursue excellence

On the occasion of parting with his alma mater

It expresses infinite nostalgia and gratitude

Listen, come and see

There are N reasons why they chose to attach the high school of science and technology

Since its establishment in 2019, as the first four-star public high-quality ordinary high school in the province with the title of "science and technology", the school has adhered to the excellent tradition of running a school affiliated to the South Normal School, "giving seeds the power to grow", and has achieved remarkable and outstanding results.

In 2022, the dark horse of the first batch of students has emerged and made a stunning appearance! The highest honor of education in Qinhuai District, the "District Mayor Quality Award", was awarded to the High School of Science and Technology.

The class of 2023 is a dark horse soaring forward and creating brilliance again! For two consecutive years, it has won seven awards, including the "Outstanding Contribution Award" for the developmental evaluation of general high school education in Nanjing. All "985", "211" and "double first-class" universities in Nanjing have been listed as high-quality student source bases......

The Class of 2024 is forging ahead and scaling new heights!

When the graduation song sounded

When a seed

Break through the ground and thrive

When you are about to run into the endless distance of the future

The alma mater and teachers are silently watching

Watch the joy of growth

The harvest of joy is full of fruits

Let's hear it together

What do they say......

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Wu Yixuan

Obtained from Tsinghua University and Peking University

Preferential Admission Eligibility

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing Foreign Chinese School

Three years ago, with a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future, I joined Qinhuai Science and Technology High School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, and spent an unforgettable youth in this soil full of challenges and opportunities.

Kegao is an indispensable gas station for my studies and growth. I would like to thank my previous class teachers and classroom teachers in the past three years, they are not only my academic guides, but also my spiritual harbor. When I felt lost due to pressure, they brushed away the haze in my heart for me, guided me with wisdom and warmth, and made me firmly believe that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, perseverance and hard work will eventually bear fruit. They taught me how to find a balance between my busy studies and life, and made me understand that true success is not only the glory of medals, but also the process of continuous breakthrough and transcendence of myself.

"Dare to think to have, love to fight to win!" Younger students, the fertile soil of Kegao has given you rich resources and a broad stage, be brave to pursue your dreams, because every inch of land here is full of possibilities. "The white head has a strong heart to tame the sea, and the youth is heroic to walk a thousand mountains", stay curious, have the courage to explore, everyone has the potential to become a leader in their own field, as long as they persevere, the dream will eventually shine into reality. The future can be expected, I hope you can all take your dreams as horses, live up to your time, ride the wind and waves on the road of chasing your dreams, and write a brilliant chapter for yourself and Kegao!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Deng Yutong

It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated junior high school: Shuren School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal School

The three years in the High School of Science and Technology of the High School of Science and Technology of the High School were my most shining youth, and I also witnessed my transformation from a teenager to a young adult. The "Career Planning" series of activities that I started when I entered the school gave me a clear goal and direction for my efforts. Chorus festivals, drama festivals, New Year's Day performances and other cultural and artistic activities have cultivated artistic sentiments, increased our experience in organizing and participating in activities, and provided us with opportunities to show our talents; The annual sports meeting has cultivated our team spirit; The practice of studying agriculture in the second year of high school made us feel the charm of nature and the joy of labor, and left us with beautiful collective memories...... The sunset that stained the whole sky on Xiangmei Road, the breeze on my cheeks in the corridor, I spent three years full of love and beauty under the careful care of my teachers and the friendship and mutual assistance of my classmates, which gave me the courage to break through myself and grow upward, and also gave me the motivation to keep moving forward. I sincerely wish all the students of HKCHK can be healthy and happy, find their own way and go on firmly, and embrace the vast wilderness that belongs to you!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Liu Xiaoyang

It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing Zhenghe Foreign Chinese School

I would like to say that we are lucky, the soil of the high school is more suitable for us to grow, and the teachers here take extra care of us. Dear seniors, you not only teach us knowledge, but also our parents, spending far more time with us than with your own children. Dear teachers, it is you who go out early and return to us late to share weal and woe; It is you who teach and teach in the classroom; It is also you who patiently answer questions and follow the guidance between classes; It is you who give us encouragement and support after class...... All of them embody the hard work and sweat of the teachers. No matter where we go in the future, this beautiful memory will always be engraved in our hearts.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Sun Junchen

It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated from junior high school: Xianlin Branch of Nanjing Foreign Chinese School

In the three years of the High School of Science and Technology, I have experienced earth-shaking transformation, and I have grown tremendously, including both achievement satisfaction and painful setbacks, when I feel pressure and face failure, the teachers of the high school can always give timely encouragement and guidance, and point out problems for me to motivate me to move forward. Thanks to the guidance and encouragement of all the teachers of the Chemistry Group of the High School of Science and Technology, I have the courage to persevere, and I have made great breakthroughs and progress in chemistry learning. I would like to thank each of my teachers and every class teacher for their sincere teaching and close care for me, so that I can continue to improve and grow.

The canteen has delicious meals, the dormitory is clean and tidy, the classrooms are spacious and comfortable, and the gymnasium is well-equipped, which can ensure the all-round development of every student in the moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor fields.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Xu Binghan

It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated junior high school: Nanjing Foreign Chinese School Hexi Junior High School

The campus of the high school is very beautiful, the afterglow of the sunset is sprinkled on the pool of Xingtan Square, and the heavy snow covers the playground and does not drown out the laughter of youth. During my three years of study, I met mentors and friends. What I can't forget is the teacher's comfort and guidance when I am discouraged, the teacher's patience and responsibility when asking questions, and the teacher's encouragement and affirmation when I reap achievements. In the past three years, in activities large and small, I have become more aware of myself and my perception of the world has become clearer. I learned to think, to understand, and to tolerate, and Kegao has made me grow a lot.

It is no exaggeration to say that the accommodation conditions of the high school are among the best in high schools and colleges I have seen, with clean and bright beds and tables. Since the reform of the canteen, the variety of meals has increased and the quality has improved, especially the newly opened Mak Heung Yuen, which has received a lot of praise.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Liu Jingyuan

It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing No. 27 Junior High School

I often think back to the bits and pieces of the high school attached to the high school. Kegao is not only a temple of my knowledge, but also a cradle of my growth.

During my days at the High School of Science and Technology, I met many excellent teachers, who not only taught me knowledge, but also taught me how to behave. Their words and deeds have made me deeply understand the true meaning of "learning from a high school as a teacher, and being a role model". I am grateful to my alma mater and my teachers, it is your hard work that has made me where I am today.

The hardware facilities of the alma mater are also top-notch. The spacious and bright laboratory allows us to explore the road of science unimpeded; The warm and comfortable dormitory makes us feel at home after intense study; The delicious canteen satisfies our taste buds. I spent three years here full and happy.

The three years of life in the High School of Science and Technology have allowed me to grow from a young teenager to a young man with ideals and ambitions. Here, I gained knowledge, friendship, and growth. I will always remember the kindness and teachings of my alma mater, and continue to work the road in the future to win glory for my alma mater!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!


It is planned to fill in Nanjing University

Graduated junior high school: Nanjing No. 29 Middle School junior high school

Three years of life in the high school of science and technology. In the past three years, it has not only changed physically, but also sharpened spiritually. The 19-kilometer walker activity sharpened my strong will; Lishui's agricultural practice made me realize the value of labor; The series of career planning activities made me realize the importance of career planning and provided me with guidance for better development. The coming-of-age ceremony of youth has made me understand the responsibility of growth. Along the way, there were joys and tears. Thank you to the teachers for your careful teaching, it was you who were there for us when we were anxious about our grades. The high school career has ended, and we are about to run to the sky of the university, thanks to the high school for setting the stage for our life and preparing us for the next stop.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Hu Xumeng

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from junior high school: Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University

Looking back on the past three years, my heart is full of deep attachment and gratitude to my alma mater.

Alma mater, you are the cradle of my growth, and every brick and tile carries the memories of my youth. Here, I met a group of selfless teachers who not only taught me knowledge, answered my questions, but also taught me how to be a human being. For example, the physics teacher who doesn't like to go to work but loves to laugh and the most sought-after chemistry teacher when answering questions taught me to seize the opportunity, the serious but lovely math teacher and the rigorous and organized Chinese teacher taught me to do planning and reflection and review, and the English and biology teachers in the office on the third floor where I go most often taught me self-confidence and love....... here, I would like to bow deeply to all the teachers and thank you for your hard work and careful cultivation.

At the same time, I would also like to say to the younger students: cherish every day at your alma mater, study hard, and actively participate in campus life. Don't be afraid of difficulties and challenges, because it is these experiences that shape our character. I like Mr. Wang Kailing's sentence very much: "Lu Xun's greatness is precisely because of his understanding of 'obligation', 'infinite distance, countless people, are related to me'." I hope that the younger students will read more about those "lights".

Finally, I would like to say to my alma mater: no matter how far the road ahead is, this will always be the harbor of my soul. Thank you for all you have given, and I will continue to move forward with this gratitude and strength. Goodbye, dear alma mater, may you be full of peach and plum all over the world, brilliant and eternal!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Xiang Liangyu

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated junior high school: Nanjing Zhongying Middle School

Three years ago, we came to the High School of Science and Technology with our own dreams, and spent the most unforgettable three years here, and gained a lot of touches. A thousand days and nights of hard study, the time of hard work and hard work is frozen here, without regrets to pay their own efforts, the soul has experienced and baptized, time has quietly given us the best gift.

Every one of Qin Kegao's teachers is very good, they are so amiable, and they greet us with warmth, which makes me very moved. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teachers for their selfless dedication! I will remember the care and care of my teachers, and in the future, wherever I go, I will keep in mind the service to others, dedication to society, and the pursuit of true knowledge. I also wish our alma mater a better tomorrow!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Wu Yuhua

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated junior high school: Shuren School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal School

Qinke High School is a school with a beautiful campus, with first-class teaching buildings, first-class dormitories, and first-class stadium buildings.

Qin Kegao is a school with a rigorous academic style, and the school's careful management and the school motto of "chewing the roots and doing great things" in the same vein as the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal School make Qin Kegao have the temperament of a high-quality school.

Qin Kegao is a young school full of vitality, the teachers of Kegao have the diligence of teaching and educating people patiently, and they also have the ambition to open up a new school. The teachers of the high school take us to continue to learn and grow, from the young and immature entering the school in the first year of high school, to the calm and confident of graduating from the third year of high school, you will feel the sunshine and self-confidence in the face of entering the high school.

Qin Kegao, carrying the good memories of our three years of high school study and life, is our proud alma mater, we will continue to make progress in the future, live up to expectations, and please continue to make progress, let us continue to be proud of our alma mater!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Wang Yuxin

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated junior high school: Lukou Junior High School, Jiangning District

The young man with Top Gun grows flowers step by step, and the successful stamen will eventually bloom with hard work. Qin Kegao, this is where my dream begins. Flipping through the album of memories and looking at the flowers to find memories, I saw that we gradually grew up under the guidance of teachers and the company of classmates in the first year of high school; I saw that in the happy sophomore year of high school, we recorded rare and exclusive memories in the joyful atmosphere of the big family; I saw that in the third year of high school, we fought for our dreams, writing hard and painting a gorgeous background for our youth. In the past three years, my alma mater has witnessed my growth and witnessed me stand out from one difficulty after another. I am deeply grateful for the patience and care of the teachers who accompanied me through the days and nights. I am very fortunate to be a high school student, everything in my alma mater is my precious memory, thanks to the cultivation of the teacher, thank you for the care of the alma mater.

"I want to walk through the flowers, straight into the depths of the white clouds, and show the rainbow", on the road to work hard for the dream, although there are many difficulties, but when I look back in the light, I believe that it must be a unique youth memory. I wish my alma mater all over the world, and I also wish the younger students of my alma mater to forge ahead in difficulties and successfully pursue their dreams.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Guo Tangyao

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from: Nanjing Qinhuai Foreign Chinese School

I would like to thank the High School of Science and Technology for providing me with a broad platform, so that I can have the opportunity to contact and learn a variety of knowledge, and constantly enrich myself and swim in the ocean of knowledge. In the chemistry competition club, the teacher's hard work has further deepened my understanding of chemistry knowledge. At the same time, it also stimulated my love for chemistry and my passion for learning chemistry, and after the sharpening of the exercises and the breakthrough of myself, I finally won the second prize of the province. Thanks to the training of the High School of Science and Technology of the High School of Science and Technology, and thank the teachers for their hard work.

The High School of Science and Technology can provide students with the most suitable learning methods for themselves, provide opportunities for students to broaden their horizons, and let students find their future aspirations. I hope that the younger students can find what they love, discover their shining points, and find the direction of life. I hope that each of us can be a good seed as Academician Yuan Longping expects, and take root, sprout and thrive in the fertile soil of the high school. Thank you alma mater for nurturing you!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Zhang Kewei

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing Zhenghe Foreign Chinese School

During the three years of the High School of Science and Technology, I have gained many opportunities to experience, explore, and grow. I played while learning, played and learned, from ignorance to independence. It can be said that the High School of Science and Technology has provided me with a high-quality platform for all-round development. The teachers at Koko are attentive, conscientious and responsible. I have witnessed my grades gradually improving under the guidance of my teachers, my ability has been improving, my thinking has been deepened, and I have grown into an independent and confident individual.

At the same time, the hardware facilities of HKGD undoubtedly provide me with excellent learning conditions. The advanced teaching equipment makes the boring knowledge flexible and vivid, and the sophisticated experimental instruments make the scientific inquiry more rigorous, so that we can feel the experimental atmosphere of the university in advance in high school. The dormitory conditions are first-class, bright and comfortable, clean and tidy. The hardware facilities of HKCHK can be said to add luster to our students' high school life.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Qin Tianyi

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing Yutong Experimental School

Looking back on the three years of study and life, the High School of Science and Technology has given us a platform for free development. In terms of learning, the teachers took every class seriously and responsibly, patiently answered questions for us in their spare time, and spent every evening self-study with us. Outside of the classroom, the school held a variety of campus activities to provide us with rich development opportunities, the activities of the science festival allowed us to cultivate our interest in scientific exploration, and the career planning lectures gave us a clearer plan for the future, and I also gained a lot from these activities.

In the three years of the High School of Science and Technology, I have worked tirelessly and achieved results that I have no regrets. In the future, I will always keep in mind the school motto of "chewing the roots and doing great things", and strive to become a pillar of the country.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Yang Yiliang

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from junior high school: Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University

Testimonial: Three years of life in the high school have left me with too many vivid memories. When I failed the exam, the teacher's encouragement was still in my ears; When I encountered difficulties in doing problems, the figure of the teacher helping me optimize the method was engraved in my heart; At HKC, every teacher I met had a passion for teaching, and they were like fathers and mothers, who were dedicated to imparting knowledge and being our life coaches. In the hectic high school stage, HKCHK still adheres to quality education and is committed to cultivating well-rounded outstanding students. Whether it is career planning, research practice or various cultural and sports activities in the school, it has greatly improved our comprehensive quality, allowing me to grow step by step from an ignorant teenager when I first entered school to a tenacious young student.

As the first high school named after science and technology, HKGL has built a broad development platform for students with excellent facilities. The well-equipped laboratory, the dormitory with bright windows and the canteen with rich dishes all carry the good memories of the three-year life of the high school. Kegao is the starting point for us to chase our dreams, today Kegao is proud of us, and tomorrow Kegao will be proud of us! We build a dream of Kegao, set sail, and move towards a broader future!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Zhang Shuo

It is planned to fill in Southeast University

Graduated from junior high school: Xianlin Branch of Nanjing Foreign Chinese School

The deepest memory of school is the dormitory life. I lived in high school for three years, and I spent a lot more time at school than at home, so the dormitory was a second home for me. I have to say that the conditions of the dormitory are still very good, not only with brand new air conditioning but also with kind dormitory management, as long as you put forward reasonable suggestions, they will take it, as much as possible to make us feel comfortable at home, really praise! Moreover, accommodation can save a lot of time on the road, and the learning efficiency is super high.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Huang Xinyang

It is planned to fill in Nankai University

Graduated from junior high school: Nanjing Kelihua Middle School

The three years at HKCD were the most memorable three years of my life. The alma mater has just been established, and it is small and refined, giving people a warm feeling. Whenever I stepped into the office, the teachers always talked to me warmly and kindly asked what could be improved. Each teacher's class has its own characteristics, but they all have the same voice and color, and they all get to the point. No matter how busy we are, we will always leave time for Q&A before and after dinner. It is this big family that learns from each other and makes progress together that has created one miracle after another in the past few years.

I miss the table tennis hall of Koko High School very much. There, the PE teacher would always come on stage to compete with the students. Whether it's communication between different classes or practice within the class, a hearty physical education class can always make you forget your troubles and sweat to your heart's content.

Whether it is the wrist wrestling competition held by the students, the class debate competition initiated by the teacher, or the school-wide campus drama festival, it is all my precious and unforgettable memory. At HKUST, I not only reaped fruitful results in my studies, but also gained a new experience of myself in the collective. Every Kegao person has the ambition of Kunpeng, is based on the present, and looks to the future. "Meet to be a good seed". I believe that in the new journey in the future, we will spread our wings and fly high and live up to our youth!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Gao Yuxuan

It is planned to fill in Shandong University

Graduated junior high school: Ninghai Middle School Branch

Looking back on the past three years, I deeply feel that HKCCO has given me a precious time full of challenges, growth and gains. What I have gained is not only a period of friendship and teacher-student relationship, but also confidence and courage in the face of future opportunities.

I have always maintained a proactive attitude towards learning and have a thirst for knowledge. The high school has given me such a valuable learning platform and cultivated my learning and thinking skills. Kegao taught me to respect others, get along with my classmates, and treat everyone around me with a sincere heart. In the face of life's difficulties and challenges, I always maintain an optimistic attitude and believe that my hard work will always pay off.

Finally, I would like to thank Kegao again for providing me with a broad learning platform and rich resources for growth. I would like to thank my teachers for their selfless dedication and sincere teachings that keep me going. I am grateful to my classmates for their companionship and support, which has filled my high school life with color and warmth. With this deep gratitude, I will go to the future and write a new chapter.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Fang Chengyu

It is planned to fill in Jilin University

Graduated junior high school: Zhushan Middle School, Jiangning District

At this moment when I am about to embark on a new journey, looking back on the past, my heart is full of deep attachment to my alma mater and endless gratitude to my teacher.

My alma mater, which was the cradle of my youth, was the harbor where my dreams set sail. The moment I stepped into the campus, I was thrilled by the magnificent teaching buildings, spacious playgrounds, and tree-lined paths. Every inch of land here carries our laughter, and every classroom has witnessed our struggle and growth. The quiet atmosphere in the library immersed me in the ocean of knowledge; The precision instruments in the laboratory stimulated my desire to explore science. The alma mater not only provides a superior learning environment, but also creates a positive learning atmosphere, allowing us to motivate each other in competition and make progress together in cooperation.

On this long road of study, my teachers have illuminated the direction of my journey like a beacon. With their profound knowledge, selfless dedication and endless patience, they lead us through the fog of knowledge and climb the peak of scholarship.

The Chinese teacher's classroom is like a beautiful poem, leading us to appreciate the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture. The math teacher used rigorous logic and clear thinking to help us solve difficult problems; The English teacher's fluent spoken English and vivid teaching made us feel the charm of foreign Chinese; The physics teacher's experimental demonstration makes the abstract principle intuitive and easy to understand; The wonderful reaction of the chemistry teacher opens up our exploration of the microscopic world; The biology teacher took us into the mystery of life and felt the magic of nature.

There are also those class teachers who are always concerned about our life and psychological state, they are not only strict teachers, but also loving fathers and mothers. Give encouragement and support when we encounter difficulties; When we are confused, show us the way; Share the joy with us when we achieve results.

We are grateful to our alma mater for providing us with a stage for growth; We are grateful to our teachers for lighting up our lives with wisdom and love. With the expectations of my alma mater and the teachings of my mentor, I will bravely pursue my dreams, continue to work the road in the future, win glory for my alma mater, and live up to the hard work of my mentor.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Zhou Keran

Blind students, "Nanjing Daily", "Nanjing Release (Video Number)" and other media reports

Graduated junior high school: Junior High School Affiliated to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Heaven blessed me with suffering, and fortunately I met an "angel". Three years ago, after graduating from my alma mater, China Southern Airlines Junior High School, the High School of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University The tolerance, encouragement and help of my teachers and classmates made me braver and stronger. In math class, considering that he couldn't read the blackboard clearly, Mr. Standan always dictated while writing on the board; In each weekly math test, although I often lagged in handing in the papers, Mr. Shi immediately received and approved them, and marked the gaps in the answering process in detail; The math class in the third year of high school has a large capacity, and sometimes I can't listen and see what the teacher says and writes at the same time...... In the past two years, Ms. Wen Xiangqiong has printed the PPT to me in advance for every class. Because I couldn't read the blackboard clearly, my good table mate would take the trouble to read it to me word for word; Whenever I distribute study materials, my table mates will always help me collect and sort them out. Every time I eat, my classmates enthusiastically help me introduce the recipes of the day, which saves me time in choosing meals...... In the end, I scored 641 points in science (148 points in mathematics)! Thanks to the respectable high school teachers, thanks to the amiable high school students, and grateful for the beautiful "encounter".

A seed, hidden in the dark, moist soil, with the faint sunlight seducing it outside, surging with an irrepressible vitality all over its body. One day, it will break through the ground and grow into a towering tree.

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Yang Yiteng

Visually impaired students, "Nanjing Daily", "Nanjing Release (Video Number)" and other media reports

Graduated junior high school: Zhonghua Middle School junior high school

I spent three meaningful years at the High School of Science and Technology. High school life is hectic, but the knowledge and experience I have gained in it are extremely valuable in life. The High School of Science and Technology provides a good environment, with soft lighting in the classroom, meals in the canteen, a wide playground, and a harmonious dormitory, which allows me to obtain good material conditions; It's nostalgic. At the same time, the school organizes a wealth of activities to make the ordinary high school life more fun.

In the past three years, my teachers and classmates have also given me a lot of help. Each teacher has a unique way of teaching, they not only teach me knowledge, but also broaden my horizons and enrich my heart. The joyful and orderly learning atmosphere in the class is also a strong motivation to move forward. To this day, those scenes of laughter and laughter, or hard work, are still vivid and unforgettable.

After three years of training, I gradually understood a sentence I once heard from a senior: "No matter what the process is, this time will eventually become a precious treasure in life." "I'm going to pack my bags and head to the next leg of my journey; And the younger students, cherish the time in the High School of Science and Technology, seize the opportunity, grasp the present, the future belongs to you.

The students are deeply affectionate, and the space is limited

More exciting, stay tuned!

Principal Ge Jun's message

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Kogao is young, so full of energy;

Kogao is young, so it will continue to forge ahead.

Young should be promising, promising forever!

Welcome young you to apply for the young high school!

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Contact us

School Address:

No. 5 Shiyang Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing (North Gate)

Hongguanwei Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City (South Gate)

You listen, I say, N reasons to choose the high school of science and technology!

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group