
In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

author:Zou Bajie food

Reading guide: In the hot summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

As summer approaches, the heat is always tempting to find ways to beat the heat. And in such a season, there is a vegetable that is not only delicious, but also heat-clearing and detoxifying, calcium and bones, moisturizing the intestines and protecting the eyes, etc., it is common on our table - bitter gourd. In this season, let's learn the mystery of bitter melon and enjoy its health and deliciousness.

In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

1. Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies

Bitter gourd, also known as cold gourd, its name reveals its unique property - cool. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, lowers fire and brightens the eyes. In summer, the temperature is high, and the human body is prone to sweating, which leads to an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, which in turn causes a series of discomforts, such as thirst and irritability. At this time, eating bitter gourd in moderation can not only replenish the water and minerals needed by the body, but also effectively relieve discomfort and help the human body cool down.

Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, mainly thanks to its bitter content and alkaloids. These ingredients stimulate the body's saliva and gastric juice secretion, promote appetite and aid digestion. So eat more in the summer!

In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

2. Calcium supplementation and bone strengthening of bitter gourd

In addition to clearing heat and detoxifying, bitter gourd is also a calcium-rich vegetable. Calcium is one of the main components of human bones and teeth, and is of great significance for the prevention of osteoporosis. Although the calcium content in bitter gourd is not as high as that of milk and other foods, its calcium and phosphorus ratio is appropriate and easy for the human body to absorb and utilize.

In addition, bitter gourd is also rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin D. Vitamin C promotes the absorption and utilization of calcium, while vitamin D contributes to the deposition of calcium in bones. Therefore, moderate consumption of bitter gourd can not only provide sufficient calcium for the human body, but also promote the absorption and utilization of calcium, thereby replenishing calcium and strengthening bones.

In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

3. Bitter gourd's moisturizing intestines and eye protection

In summer, due to the high temperature and humidity, the human body is prone to constipation and dry eyes. The dietary fiber and multivitamin components in bitter melon can effectively relieve discomfort.

The dietary fiber in bitter melon can promote intestinal peristalsis, increase stool volume and water content, and thus moisten the intestines. At the same time, it can also adsorb harmful substances and toxins in the intestines, reducing their harm to the human body.

In terms of eye protection, vitamin A contained in bitter gourd is an important nutrient for maintaining eye health. They are able to relieve eye strain, dryness, etc., and protect eyesight. Eat more!

In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

Fourth, the way to eat bitter gourd

Bitter gourd can be eaten in a variety of ways, including cold dressing, stir-frying, soup and porridge. Here are some common bitter melon recipes:

  1. Cold bitter gourd: After washing and slicing the bitter gourd, marinate it with salt for a while to remove the bitter taste, and then add minced garlic, vinegar, sugar and other seasonings and mix well. This dish has a refreshing taste and is suitable for summer consumption.
  2. Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd: Wash and slice the bitter gourd and fry until it is broken, then add the beaten egg liquid and stir-fry until cooked. This dish is delicious and nutritious.
  3. Bitter gourd pork rib soup: Wash and cut the bitter gourd into sections and make soup with the pork ribs, add ginger slices, green onions and other seasonings to taste. This soup is delicious and nutritious, making it suitable for the whole family.
In the scorching summer, this kind of dish is in season, clearing heat and detoxifying and replenishing calcium, moistening the intestines and protecting the eyes

V. Conclusion

As a common vegetable, bitter gourd has a unique edible value in summer. It not only clears away heat and detoxifies, replenishes calcium and strengthens bones, moistens the intestines and protects the eyes, but also provides us with rich nutrients and delicious taste. So, in this season, let's enjoy the delicious taste of bitter gourd! At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to eating in moderation and reasonably matching other ingredients to ensure balanced nutrition and physical comfort.

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