
Don't touch it! It is highly toxic and can be fatal in severe cases

author:Global Times

Flame Flame Summer Sun

Go to the beach to cool off

It is the first choice for many people to travel

If you see this kind of "plastic bag" ↓

Don't touch it! It is highly toxic and can be fatal in severe cases

Or this beautiful "balloon" ↓

Don't touch it! It is highly toxic and can be fatal in severe cases

Stay away immediately!

Don't touch it!

They are all highly venomous jellyfish

Not all jellyfish can be made into "old vinegar stingers."

There are many types of jellyfish, and currently only moon jellyfish and jellyfish are edible. The jellyfish skin we often eat is the umbrella of the jellyfish, and the jellyfish head is the tentacles of the jellyfish.

However, jellyfish are not non-toxic. The toxins of jellyfish are stored in the nematocyst and must be processed. Unprocessed jellyfish are not edible!

Beware of the "Pretty Assassin"

How do soft jellyfish hurt?

The tentacles of jellyfish contain numerous capsule-shaped stinging cells, which fire poisonous needles when they come into contact with their prey and inject toxins into the prey.

Don't touch it! It is highly toxic and can be fatal in severe cases

What are the symptoms of being stung by a jellyfish?

After being stung by a jellyfish, the contact site may include:

  • sudden onset of pain;
  • linear, erythematous urticarial lesions appear minutes or hours later;
  • A burning sensation that is intense, or accompanied by itching or fluctuating.
Don't touch it! It is highly toxic and can be fatal in severe cases

△ The skin may show marks as if it has been whipped by a whip. Source: Shenzhen Health Commission

In addition to causing local reactions, some species of jellyfish may cause systemic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, headaches, and possibly even death.

Stung by a jellyfish

Do not rinse with tap water

Jellyfish generally do not actively attack people, and you can stay away from jellyfish when you encounter them on the beach. If you are unfortunate enough to be stung, keep the following in mind:

1. If there are jellyfish tentacles left at the punctured site, rinse the affected area with seawater first, then put on gloves and remove it with tweezers and other tools.

Be sure to rinse the affected area with seawater, as tap or purified water has a different concentration than seawater, and changes in osmotic pressure may stimulate cells to secrete toxins.

2. If you feel pain or itching, do not scratch with your hands, so as not to secrete new toxins from the stinging cells in the skin.

3. Apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce the pain. If the pain is severe and accompanied by symptoms such as fever, it is important to seek medical attention.

Remind everyone

Beautiful beaches hide risks

Play at the beach, beware of jellyfish hurting people

Source | CCTV news client