
After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true

author:Said Che Xiao Li

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li. Now oil cars and trams are not expensive, due to the impact of new energy vehicles, the price of oil cars has plummeted as early as last year, and now even if it is a joint venture B-class car, you can buy it for about 150,000 yuan. The tram is even cheaper, take the recently launched Leap C16 as an example, this car is a typical cheap home, but a medium and large pure electric SUV only sells for about 160,000. But the current situation is that those who drive oil cars look down on those who drive oil cars, and feel that people are wronged, and those who drive oil cars also look down on those who drive oil cars, and think that those who drive oil cars are stupid and have a lot of money. The difference between a tram and a petrol car is best known only to those who have ever driven a tram.

After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true
  • The disparity in the cost of travel

My brother-in-law bought a BYD Han has been driving for a few years, every time I go back to my hometown from Chengdu, I drive this car back, the whole journey is 1400 kilometers, after following his car to run a 1400 kilometers of high speed, I know the gap between the tram and the oil car, to sum up, if you drive a gas car, you only need to worry about whether the car will have problems halfway, whether it will encounter a big traffic jam. But if you drive a tram, you'll find that you're always planning for changes, and if you're not well prepared, you may have to enjoy endless anxiety on the road.

After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true

The biggest difference between the tram and the oil car is that the cost of travel is different, don't see the tram daily travel only a few cents a kilometer, you think that the tram can save a lot of money by running at high speed. In fact, running at high speed is completely different from daily car, strictly speaking, running at high speed is much more annoying than running a petrol car. The daily commute of the tram only consumes about 15 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 100 kilometers, and the charging pile at home costs 5 cents per kilowatt-hour, which really costs less than 10 yuan for 100 kilometers. But after getting on the highway, the cost is completely different, and the sales before buying a car will not tell you that the tram is very expensive to run at high speed. A tram with a range of 500 kilometers, after getting on the highway, even if you keep cruising at the speed of 110, the battery life will be discounted by about 6%, that is, there are only 300 kilometers left, and the power consumption of 100 kilometers soars to more than 20 kilowatt-hours.

I didn't have any contact with the tram at the beginning, how could I think of these problems, I knew that the oil car cost at least 6 cents a kilometer, 1400 kilometers of high speed, I need to refuel a total of 3 times to drive my own car, that is, about 900 yuan. For a car with a range of 500 kilometers, isn't it enough to charge 4 times at most? 200 yuan for a trip is enough. But in fact, only at the high speed to know, charging on the highway is more expensive, some places have reached 1 piece of 6 kilowatt-hour electricity, full of 60 kilowatt-hours of electricity can only drive 300 kilometers, which is equivalent to saying that it costs more than 3 cents per kilometer. After running 1,400 hundred kilometers, the toll for the high-speed is fixed, and the tram costs more than 400 less than the oil car, but the more than 400 is sacrificed for almost 8 hours.

After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true
  • Differences in travel time

When I drive a fuel car to run at high speed, I basically go to the service area to go to the toilet and refuel by the way, fill up a tank of fuel and my car can drive more than 600 kilometers, but I generally drive more than 500 kilometers before refueling, halfway into the service area to go to the toilet to change the time of driving is very short, so the navigation shows how many hours to reach the destination is basically how many hours. But driving a tram is not in this state at all, the navigation shows a distance of 14 hours, you can drive to 20 hours is good, driving a tram is a waste of time, if you think that you can go to the toilet in the service area and charge by the way, it is too naïve.

Under normal circumstances, there is no problem in driving the tram into the service area to plug in the electricity and then go to the toilet, and it takes almost half an hour for everyone to move their muscles and bones after going to the toilet. But when driving the tram on holidays to run high-speed, the service area is the most lively, a service area is only a few charging piles, which is not enough at all, and it is normal to queue for 1 hour to charge for an hour.

After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true

And people who drive trams on holidays and run high speeds know that in order to go to the service area to queue up for charging as little as possible, unless they are in a hurry, many people will choose to charge to 100% before leaving. This charging process takes at least an hour, like a car with a range of 500 kilometers, after an hour is full, you can only drive more than 300 kilometers and then charge, if you only charge 80%, then basically drive a 200 kilometers and you have to find a place to charge. How many times do you have to charge 1400 km? Charge 7 times each time for 30 minutes or not queue up, it will take more than 3 hours, in case of queuing, you will really be annoyed, time is wasted here, if you go back to have something urgent, along the way will really be endless anxiety.

  • The difference in the feeling of using the car

As I told you earlier, as long as there is no problem with the car, there is basically no anxiety if there is no traffic jam, and it is more comfortable to drive out if the car is better. Even if there is a problem halfway, such as a puncture or other failure, you can still replace the spare tire for emergency driving. After some oil trucks have problems, even if the fault lights are on, they can still drive to the high speed on the premise of giving up some functions. But the tram is different, either the tram is fine, and if there is a problem, most of them are lying on their stomachs and can't walk. Even if you get a flat tire, you may not be able to continue driving. Because many of today's trams are not equipped with tires, if the emergency tire repair tool cannot be repaired after a tire burst, it can only be called rescue. If the tram with a relatively short range is in the process of use, there will be range anxiety, which is very affecting the experience of using the car.

After experiencing 1,400 kilometers of high speed, I realized the difference between driving a tram and a petrol car, and it was all true

But the comfort of the tram is better than that of the oil car, its advantage is that the acceleration is fast, the power is good, especially on the high-speed to overtake, basically step on the electric door and it's over, giving you the feeling that it is very good to drive. The first time I drove the tram, I felt a little dizzy as soon as I kicked the electric door and dried it up. And now the tram configuration is very good, the interior is more luxurious, and there is no engine noise, so the overall feeling will be more comfortable when driving out.

In general, the oil car has the benefits of the oil car, as long as the tram avoids holidays, even if it runs at high speed, I don't think there is any anxiety, basically every service area has charging piles. Moreover, in the process of using cars in reality, trams are afraid of holidays, and they are also afraid of driving oil cars. Finally, would you consider buying a tram as your main family car now?