
The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement

author:Peak Military Watch

On the question of whether to launch military action in southern Lebanon, the Israeli military clearly does not want to listen to any external advice, including its most trusted and trusted strategic ally, the United States. Previously, the U.S. military, after the U.S. military had failed to admonish the stubborn ally, warning that "the U.S. military may not be able to provide security for Israel as it did when Iran attacked missiles in April." Moreover, the United States also suspended military aid to Israel, canceled the temporary deployment of the USS Eisenhower in the eastern Mediterranean, and ordered the aircraft carrier to return home.

The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement

However, the US Navy does not have only one "USS Eisenhower" aircraft carrier, and according to the US Navy's deployment plan, the "USS Roosevelt" aircraft carrier battle group in the Indo-Pacific region will soon arrive in the strategic waters of the Middle East (Red Sea and Mediterranean). In the eyes of the outside world, the USS Eisenhower, which was attacked by Yemen's Houthi ballistic missiles three times in the Red Sea in June, may no longer have the capability to carry out actual combat missions in the eastern Mediterranean. Therefore, the US military decided to let him evacuate and return to China to recuperate.

The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement
The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement

In the interval between the "Eisenhower" and "Roosevelt" carrier strike groups, did the US military really do nothing? Of course, the U.S. military doesn't want the outside world to have such an opinion. They want to make it clear to the outside world and relevant countries that the US military has strategic leadership in regional affairs. Over the weekend, U.S. government officials revealed that the U.S. is sending military forces to Israel and nearby Lebanon, including troops capable of carrying out the evacuation of U.S. citizens, in light of the tensions between Lebanon and Israel. This means that the US Navy will take definite actions in dealing with the Lebanese-Israeli conflict in the near future.

The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement

USS Wasp amphibious assault ship

The U.S. military is on a sortie! On 1 July, the US Navy News Network reported that the US Navy's amphibious assault ship USS Wasp had arrived in the eastern Mediterranean Sea on 30 June. Ostensibly, this force configuration is intended for evacuation from Lebanon and Israel, but it can carry VTOL fighters and a large number of landing craft (air-cushion landing craft or mechanical landing craft) to carry out military strikes and battlefield support missions on a limited scale. In addition, the appearance of amphibious assault ships of the US Navy is also an important signal of war. Because when the Lebanese-Israeli conflict broke out in 2006, the U.S. military also sent an amphibious assault ship (Iwo Jima) to the eastern Mediterranean. Therefore, the arrival of the "Wasp" has obvious military deterrent implications.

The U.S. military is on a sortie! The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, the commander of the Iranian Aerospace Forces made a statement

Brigadier General Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace

Of course, the Lebanese Hey-X forces are not intimidating, they suffered the Israeli army in the 2006 conflict, and they are now far stronger than they were 15 years ago. It is important to note that the Lebanese armed forces are not alone. Just now, the Iranian military made a statement! Brigadier General Hajizadeh, commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace, said: "We eagerly await any opportunity to carry out Operation Real Promise 2.0 (alluding to the war in Lebanon), and the next operation (ballistic missile strikes on Israel proper) will be even bigger and greater in every way." ”

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