
Musical fountains bloom in the night sky

author:Shanxi News Network
Musical fountains bloom in the night sky

On the evening of June 30, in the Optics Valley Square of Jincheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, the open music fountain bloomed in the night sky, reflecting each other with dazzling lights, attracting citizens to take pictures and feel the happiness brought by the butterfly transformation into Jincheng.

Musical fountains bloom in the night sky
Musical fountains bloom in the night sky

In order to welcome the "July 1st", the musical fountain selected tracks such as "My Motherland and Me" in the performance, and cooperated with laser projection of flags, red boats, etc.

Musical fountains bloom in the night sky
Musical fountains bloom in the night sky

In recent years, Jincheng City has taken the optoelectronic industry as an important support and a new track for accelerating transformation and promoting high-quality development, and strives to build a "world optical valley". At present, the optoelectronic industry has become a fist industry leading the modern manufacturing industry in Jincheng and expanding the total economic volume of Jincheng.

Photo by reporter Song Yueting

(Editor in charge: Ma Yunmei)

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