
The 76ers upgraded not only to sign George, but the Green Army's strongest blocker was born?

author:Sohu Sports
The 76ers upgraded not only to sign George, but the Green Army's strongest blocker was born?
The 76ers upgraded not only to sign George, but the Green Army's strongest blocker was born?

Just yesterday, Paul George made the "decision three" of his basketball career, ending his five-year relationship with the Clippers and returning to the East to join the Philadelphia 76ers. is also starting with the addition of pickled peppers, and next season, the 76ers are ready to wrestle with the defending champion Celtics......

In fact, long before the start of the player market, when the finals were still raging last season, George and Embiid had already appeared in public together and negotiated a joint venture.

Looking at the league as a whole, the 76ers are offering George a new contract price that no other team can match. According to previous reports, George received a four-year $212 million salary cap in Philadelphia, and the fourth year of the contract also included a player option, while George's old club Clippers could only give him a three-year contract.

In other words, after the new contract is signed, George can still exercise the option at the age of 38 and get a generous salary of $56.6 million, and it is also because of this near-perfect pension contract, the total income of the pickled pepper career will reach $628 million, and the script for the super winner in his life has actually been written......

The 76ers upgraded not only to sign George, but the Green Army's strongest blocker was born?

Not only will he make a lot of money in terms of salary, but George will also play an extremely important role in the new championship team after joining the 76ers. As the only superstar at the No. 3 spot in Philadelphia, Pickled Pepper will never encounter the same embarrassing problem as the overlapping roles of the Clippers era.

Over the past few years with the Clippers, George's output has shrunk to some extent, and his health has not been ideal. His court value is becoming more and more "difficult to evaluate", and those who expect Pickles to lead the Clippers out of the West with super power have also been hit by disappointment again and again.

But it's important to admit that when George was healthy, he was still a quality small forward, the kind of instant power that any team would crave. Coming to the 76ers, the burden of leading the team to victory has basically been lifted from his shoulders, and Philadelphia has Embiid and Maxey leading the charge during the regular period of the game, and George only needs to accumulate energy behind them and contribute at the right time. In such a relaxed environment, his potential for strong solutions at critical moments is expected to be re-unleashed and transformed into a more efficient and sharp finisher.

Of course, in order to achieve the goal of winning the championship, in order to make the best use of Embiid's remaining peak window, the 76ers have done other work, not only George, the addition of Drummond and Gordon Sr., and the extension of Oubre's contract has also given the team enough to enrich the rotation.

The 76ers upgraded not only to sign George, but the Green Army's strongest blocker was born?

In addition, Maxey did not complete a salary extension with the 76ers until this year, and his concessions on the timing of the renewal also ensured that Philadelphia maximized its operating space this summer.

According to a statistic, the defending champion Celtics have spent a full $440.9 million on Tatum's contract extension with the highest salary and the retention of White on the second day of the player market. But compared to it, the 76ers' spending power is even more amazing, after signing George, Zhuang Shen, Yuandeng, and renewing Maxey, their offseason spending on paper reached 450 million US dollars!

At least in terms of burn money, the 76ers have outpaced the Green Army in the offseason, and on paper, they do have a luxurious roster that can prevent the Green Army from defending their title. However, whether Philadelphia's new Big Three are compatible, whether the Great and George's health can last next June, and the extent to which they can translate the magnificence on paper into actual combat power, these problems may be more laborious to resolve than the offseason recruitment......

(Sohu Sports Original: Poirot)