
Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

author:Civilization Dongfeng

In accordance with the "Dongfeng Town Village (Community) Formation of Traffic Iron Cavalry Work Plan" arrangement, on July 1, Dongfeng Town Road Security Office held a village (community) traffic iron riding police skills training mobilization meeting, deputy director of the town Road Security Office, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau Chen Shaoquan attended the meeting and made a training mobilization speech, the head of the town traffic police brigade, the village (community) traffic iron riders attended the meeting.

Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

At the mobilization meeting for police skills training, Zhang Muqing, captain of the traffic police brigade, introduced the background of the formation of the village (community) traffic iron cavalry team in Dongfeng Town, and explained the work specifications and relevant training arrangements and precautions for all the trainees.

Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

The meeting reported on the situation of road traffic accidents in the jurisdiction since the beginning of this year, explained in detail the eight major work functions of the village (community) traffic iron horse, and required all team members to correctly understand the situation, clarify the change of identity, strictly abide by discipline, and conscientiously perform their duties in accordance with the law. It is necessary to conscientiously study discipline regulations and professional theoretical knowledge, learn police skills well, and obey management, obey commands, and carry out orders and prohibitions. Through comprehensive learning and training, enhance personal awareness of compliance with laws and regulations, improve business skills, and contribute to Dongfeng traffic management.

Chen Shaoquan pointed out

The town party committee and the town government have placed high hopes on the traffic iron cavalry, and hope that all the team members will correct their thinking, study hard, enhance their ability to perform their duties, and contribute to the road traffic management of the service village (community).

Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

Subsequently, Zhou Rongkun, the instructor of the traffic police brigade, organized all the traffic riders to hold special training on pre-job discipline education in terms of confidentiality discipline, work discipline, police appearance and discipline, duty safety protection, and public opinion prevention and control.

Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

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Source | Dongfeng Traffic Police Brigade

Dongfeng Town held a mobilization meeting for the training of village (community) traffic iron riding police skills and a special study meeting on discipline education

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