
Dongyantou Community: Carry out the "Party Heart to the People's Heart, Free Clinic to Warm People's Hearts" Party Day Free Clinic Activity

author:Zhaozhou release
Dongyantou Community: Carry out the "Party Heart to the People's Heart, Free Clinic to Warm People's Hearts" Party Day Free Clinic Activity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, better serve community residents, enhance residents' health awareness and health awareness, and popularize common sense of disease prevention, on the morning of July 1, Dongyantou Community and Zhao County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly carried out the "Party Heart to the People's Heart, Free Clinic Warms People's Hearts" Party Day Free Clinic Activity, serving community residents with practical actions, so that residents can truly feel the warmth of the party.

Dongyantou Community: Carry out the "Party Heart to the People's Heart, Free Clinic to Warm People's Hearts" Party Day Free Clinic Activity

At the event site, the doctors worked together to patiently communicate with the residents, provided blood pressure measurement, pulse palpation, electrocardiogram, B-ultrasound and other services, actively promoted a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and guided the residents to develop healthy and reasonable living habits. The community staff disseminated heatstroke prevention and cooling knowledge and prevention methods to residents, and advised residents to drink more water in hot weather, replenish water for their bodies in time, and carry heatstroke prevention medicines with them when traveling.

Dongyantou Community: Carry out the "Party Heart to the People's Heart, Free Clinic to Warm People's Hearts" Party Day Free Clinic Activity

This free clinic activity not only provided convenient and fast medical services for residents, enhanced residents' health awareness and self-care ability, but also improved community service capabilities. In the next step, Dongyantou Community will strengthen the joint construction with the resident units to better protect the needs of residents in all aspects and continuously improve the happiness and sense of gain of residents.

Source: Zhaozhou Town

Editor: Ma Pengli

Review: Fan Jingfang

Producer: Nie Congchao

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