
Carefully cared for, let the seeds of innovation fall into the forest
Carefully cared for, let the seeds of innovation fall into the forest

Exterior view of Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park located in the core area of "USTC Silicon Valley". (File photo)

Carefully cared for, let the seeds of innovation fall into the forest

Staff are using the Haima cloud platform to showcase metaverse digital humans. (File photo)

Carefully cared for, let the seeds of innovation fall into the forest

HT8001 image sensor chip independently developed by Haitu Microelectronics. (File photo)

How to grow the fruits of industry from the flower of innovation and build a magnificent innovation forest from the seeds of innovation can be found here.

Since the opening of the park for 4 years, Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, jointly built by the Provincial Investment Group and Hefei High-tech Zone, has settled in more than 760 enterprises, with a fund scale of more than 230 billion yuan and nearly 10,000 innovative and entrepreneurial personnel.

Chain service is a fertile ground for innovation

You can visit the Dazu Rock Carving Scenic Area in Chongqing without leaving home; Stand in front of the screen and easily clone a digital avatar...... Walking into Anhui Haima Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Haima Cloud Technology"), located in Hefei Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, you can have an immersive experience of the metaverse here.

"The team has developed the world cultural heritage-themed metaverse product "Yunyou Dazu Rock Carvings", which is based on millimeter-level high-precision digital twin modeling and real-time cloud rendering technology, which not only accurately reproduces every statue and landscape in the scenic area, but also provides users with 8K film-level visual presentation and a free and open exploration route." Wen Jian, co-founder and chief technology officer of Haima Cloud Technology, said that in the cloud digital world, experiencers can wear antique virtual clothes, accompanied by professional guides, to visit the Dazu Rock Carvings Museum, and can also change the seasons from spring to deep winter through finger control, and have the visual experience of Dazu Rock Carvings in different seasons.

Haima Cloud Technology has the leading real-time cloud rendering technology in China, focusing on the real-time high-performance accelerated computing platform capabilities required for the metaverse and AI core scenarios, and has built a real-time cloud rendering computing service platform based on edge architecture to empower games, social networking, cultural tourism, e-commerce and other industries.

Haima Cloud Technology started in Beijing, moved its headquarters to Hefei last year, and settled in Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, the core area of the "Silicon Valley of the University of Science and Technology".

"The decision to move from Beijing to Hefei is because of the scientific and technological innovation environment here, and after landing, I really feel Hefei's emphasis on innovation." Wen Jian sighed, "Zhong'an Chuanggu is very comprehensive in its services to enterprises, and soon after its landing, it was led by the railway fund of the Provincial Investment Group, and a round of financing support was participated in by Hefei City and Hefei High-tech Zone Fund. ”

According to the relevant person in charge of Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, the park has built a "one-stop", "full-cycle" and "full-factor" science and technology innovation service platform around the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the development of scientific and technological innovation enterprises. Establish a science and technology incubation service system including seven service platforms such as financing, talents, and industry, and set up a science and technology innovation service center to provide professional and systematic services for enterprises in the park.

Statistics show that in the first half of this year alone, Zhong'an Chuanggu held a total of 32 scientific and technological innovation service activities, serving more than 800 enterprises and solving 257 enterprise needs.

Financial revitalization activates the momentum of innovation

In today's increasingly strong demand for images, image sensors are attracting attention as an important component.

The image sensor is a sensor that uses the array of photoreceptor units and auxiliary control circuits to convert optical signals into electrical signals, and plays the role of "retina + optic nerve" in the vision system, and the current mainstream image sensors can be divided into two categories: CCD and CMOS.

Hefei Haitu Microelectronics Co., Ltd., located in Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, is a semiconductor technology enterprise specializing in the R&D, design and sales of high-performance CMOS image sensors.

"The company adopts self-developed pixel IP, large area array driver and other technologies to achieve high full-frame rate and high resolution of products, covering visible, infrared, ultraviolet and X-ray and other optical fields." Tao Kai, assistant general manager of the company, said that the company has been doing chip research and development for many years, and the initial team was only 6 people, and now it has gradually grown and expanded, which is inseparable from the park to do everything possible to support the development of the enterprise.

Tao Kai said: "This year, the company also received 20 million yuan from the high-tech investment company under the provincial investment group, Zhong'an Chuanggu company and venture capital company jointly established a science and technology innovation fund focusing on the incubation of enterprises in the park, which has added a strong development impetus to the enterprise. ”

With leading technology and a relaxed innovation environment, the products developed by Haitu Microelectronics have been applied to industrial testing, intelligent transportation, machine vision and other fields, and the company has also successfully grown into a national high-tech enterprise, a specialized and special new enterprise in Anhui Province, and a potential unicorn enterprise.

This enterprise is the epitome of Zhong'an Chuanggu's use of finance to help innovation and development. In recent years, Zhong'an Chuanggu has given full play to the role of "financial living water", driven by the provincial equity fund of the provincial investment group, widely linked to the whole life cycle industrial fund cluster, in-depth service for innovation and entrepreneurship, and held more than 430 project capital docking brand activities such as Chuangguhui, USTC Silicon Valley "Venture Capital Exchange", cross-border project roadshows, etc., which has contributed to the financing of 9.784 billion yuan for 337 projects, and helped 24 enterprises in the park to obtain financing in the first half of this year alone.

Planting trees into forests and creating a thriving innovation ecosystem

"Quantum" has become an important business card of Anhui, and Hefei has also become a city that has attracted much attention in the quantum circle.

Focusing on strategic emerging industries such as quantum industry, artificial intelligence, and aerospace information, Zhong'an Chuanggu gives full play to Hefei's advantages in scientific and technological innovation with the concept of building a scientific and technological innovation industry ecology, and vigorously carries out industrial attraction and cultivation work.

In the core area of "USTC Silicon Valley", a series of quantum technology pioneer enterprises such as Origin Quantum, Guoyi Quantum, and China Telecom Quantum have been established one after another, and new quantum enterprises are constantly being nurtured......

Founded in 2022, Hefei Yuzheng Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the first batch of intellectual property empowerment transfer enterprises of the University of Science and Technology of China, and is located in Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park.

"The company's core product is the 'Qualcomm Photo-Ion Trap Quantum Computing System', which has completely independent intellectual property rights, has the strongest optical transmission performance in the world, and can achieve high-precision operation and high-fidelity readout of qubits." Zhang Yang, deputy general manager of Hefei Qizheng Quantum Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the products developed can not only provide quantum circuit compilation and algorithm verification for universities, scientific research institutions and other units, but also integrate with supercomputers and be used in biomedicine, new materials, code breaking, large models and equipment simulation and other fields.

"Landing in the park is to take a fancy to the strong atmosphere of science and technology innovation here, which is conducive to the recruitment of talents and technological innovation by start-ups, and is conducive to the rapid development of science and technology enterprises." Zhang Yang said that with the matchmaking of the park, the company has entered the Hefei quantum key industrial chain and joined a number of quantum industry alliances, becoming a member of the Hefei quantum ecosystem. This will strengthen the company's communication with other quantum member units and close cooperation between enterprises in the industrial chain.

Zhang Yang introduced that in the future, the company will continue to increase R&D investment, absorb high-end talents, upgrade quantum computing systems with higher integration and higher bit fidelity, actively explore and develop scenario applications that meet the needs of the market and users, and promote the landing of quantum products.

At present, Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park has gathered 761 enterprises, including 2 headquarters of listed companies, 30 subsidiaries of listed companies, 115 high-growth enterprises such as eagles, gazelles, unicorns, etc., and 116 national high-tech enterprises, which are full of industrial vitality.

"In 2022, Zhong'an Chuanggu Science and Technology Park will be included in the core area of 'USTC Silicon Valley' and become an indispensable part of Anhui's science and technology innovation platform." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Investment Group said that in the future, the Provincial Investment Group will give full play to the leading role of state-owned capital investment, build a science and technology incubation service system through the coordinated development of "fund + base", focus on scientific and technological innovation, further increase investment and "double recruitment and double introduction", boost the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and effectively help accelerate the development of new quality productivity in the "Silicon Valley of Science and Technology".

■ Reporter Lu Jiahui

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