
Further deepen the reform in an all-round way: more attention must be paid to system integration

author:China Economic Times

Key takeaways:

To further deepen reform in an all-round way, we should pay more attention to system integration, run the system concept through all fields of reform and development, and enhance the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform.

Liu Xiangdong

To further deepen reform in an all-round way, we should focus on the theme of Chinese-style modernization, pay more attention to system integration, run the system concept through all fields of reform and development, make overall plans to handle the major relationships between the government and the market, development and security, strengthen forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout, and overall advancement, and enhance the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform.

Reform should be guided by a methodology in terms of system concepts

Over the past 46 years, the mainland's reform and opening up has achieved remarkable results, especially new breakthroughs in important areas and key links, mainly in the gradual promotion of reform from the perspective of the long historical cycle and the system as a whole, emphasizing not only the incremental reform of key areas and key links, but also the stock reform at the overall level and in depth of the system, and the in-depth use of the system concept to guide the practice of reform. At the same time, it should also be noted that there are many structural contradictions and institutional obstacles that restrict high-quality development. Therefore, there is an urgent need to further deepen reform in an all-round way, emancipate the mind, emancipate and develop the social productive forces, emancipate and enhance social vitality, and break down the institutional barriers that hinder the development of the productive forces and social creation. To further deepen the reform in an all-round way, we should pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the reform, which means that we should look at the benefits and costs, the focus and the overall picture, the present and the future of the reform from the breadth and depth of the overall system, and widely use systems thinking to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

At present and for a period of time to come, the mainland is in a period of tackling key problems and deep waters in reform, which means that the difficulty and complexity of further deepening reform in an all-round way have increased significantly, and it has touched on deeper interest relations and more complex structural problems, and it is difficult to properly solve these problems in the past by means of single breakthroughs or partial breakthroughs, and it is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings of ideological concepts and institutional mechanisms that hinder the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, and deepen the reform involving more stock interests from the whole system. Reforms that focused on the economic sector in the past will be expanded to include political, cultural, social, and ecological aspects. Therefore, further deepening reform in an all-round way means comprehensively, systematically, and in-depth promotion of various reforms, not only with greater courage and determination to gnaw at the "hard bones", but also with systematic concepts, systematic thinking and other methodologies for top-level design, systematic deployment, and steady advancement.

Only by adhering to the concept of systems and applying the vision of the overall situation, the whole and the strategy, can we better observe, analyze and solve problems, and can we promote reform at the lowest cost and achieve the expected development goals. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that paying attention to systematic, holistic and collaborative is an inherent requirement for further deepening reform in an all-round way, and it is also an important way to promote reform. Therefore, to further deepen the reform in an all-round way can not be blindly and one-sidedly promoted, but to adhere to the overall concept and systematic thinking to plan and advance, strengthen the coordination and coordination of various reform measures, promote the reform measures in all fields and all aspects of the same direction, form a joint force, grasp the five development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing from the overall and internal linkage, and take the improvement of people's lives as an important combination point for correctly handling the relationship between reform, development, stability and security, and enhance the overall effectiveness of reform. In a certain sense, the application of the system concept to promote reform is conducive to understanding the development environment, understanding the law of development, planning the direction of development, preventing and overcoming the problems of each doing its own thing and hindering each other, avoiding the phenomenon of neglecting one at the expense of the other, breaking first and then establishing one, and the fallacy of synthesis, so as to promote the reform to advance in the direction of the established goals.

In reform, it is necessary to properly handle the major relations in the five aspects

Further deepening reform in an all-round way will affect the whole body. Reform should not only adhere to the combination of problem-oriented and goal-oriented, but also focus on key areas and key links, and more importantly, adhere to the system concept, take into account all fields of Chinese-style modernization, and make overall plans to handle the major relationships between the economy and society, government and market, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, development and security, etc., so as to ensure that the reform is carried out with half the effort.

First, in reform, it is necessary to have a correct understanding of the relationship between the economy and society. Economic development and social stability are a virtuous circle that promotes each other, economic development is the foundation of social stability, and social stability is the guarantee of economic development. Over the past 40 years and more, the achievements of the mainland's reform and opening up have been achieved on the premise of ensuring social stability. In the course of promoting reform, the mainland has not adopted a radical reform of the "shock therapy" type, but has adopted a gradual reform that has been steadily advanced, that is, it has properly handled the economic and social relations. Further deepening reform in an all-round way will involve more reform in the social field, and there is an urgent need for reform in the economic and social fields to complement each other, ensure that various economic and social policies and measures are linked and mutually reinforcing, and avoid mutual constraints and contradictions.

Second, in reform, it is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out that the reform of the economic system is the focus of comprehensively deepening reform, and the core issue is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China once again emphasized that "give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources and better play the role of the government". To further deepen the reform of the economic system in an all-round way, it is still necessary to correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, and in particular, it is necessary to minimize the government's improper intervention in the market, stimulate the vitality of the main body of the market and the creativity of society, and strive to make the "invisible hand" and the "visible hand" organically unify and promote each other, so as to better meet the requirements of the development of the new productive forces in the new era.

Third, reform should take a correct view of the relationship between efficiency and fairness. Efficiency and fairness are mutually conditional and mutually reinforcing. Experience has shown that the market allocation of resources is the most efficient form, and relying on market competition can improve economic efficiency. At present, the mainland is striving to promote Chinese-style modernization, and urgently needs to promote changes in efficiency, quality, and power, and continuously improve total factor productivity, so as to accumulate a rich material wealth base. Focusing only on efficiency without taking into account fairness creates new problems. Lack of fairness will eventually lead to social contradictions and conflicts, which in turn will lead to reduced efficiency and shrinking. To solidly promote Chinese-style modernization, it is necessary to pursue the organic unity of efficiency and fairness. While pursuing economic efficiency, we should give better play to the role of the government, strive to eliminate the polarization between the rich and the poor, realize that the fruits of development are shared by the people, and earnestly promote all-round human development.

Fourth, reform should effectively resolve the relationship between vitality and order. Further deepening reform in an all-round way means giving full play to the initiative, creativity and enthusiasm of the people to promote the liberation of productive forces and the release of economic vitality. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese-style modernization should and can achieve a dynamic balance of vitality and order. Achieving a dynamic balance between vitality and order is an intrinsic requirement of the essence of Chinese modernization. To stimulate vitality, it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, let the people participate in the modernization drive with the spirit of ownership, enhance the initiative, creativity and enthusiasm of the officials to start a business, maintain good order, adhere to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and govern the country according to law, let the achievements of reform fully reflect the will of the people, and protect the rights and interests of the people in reform and development.

Fifth, reform should take an integrated approach to the relationship between development and security. Reform first

It is for development, and reform cannot only serve development. In the process of reform and development, development not only faces complex external challenges, but also may generate certain security risks. In the face of the problems of development, we should look at the relationship between development and security dialectically. On the one hand, promoting high-quality development can enhance national security strength and help safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. On the other hand, putting national security at the overall level of the party's governance and rejuvenation of the country can create an environment of political security and social stability, ensure that the achievements of high-quality development are not stolen or infringed, and then realize the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level security.

Earnestly enhance the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform

In the process of promoting reform, it is necessary to establish a system concept, pay attention to the collaborative innovation of promotion methods, further improve the ability to observe, analyze and solve problems using systematic thinking and systematic methods, promote the systematic integration of reform measures in places and fields where conditions permit, improve the comprehensive efficiency of reform, and continue to promote the adaptation of production relations and productivity, superstructure and economic foundation.

First, it is imperative to strengthen the systematization of reform. Comprehensively deepening reform is a systematic project, which is mainly reflected in the formulation of the overall deployment and strategic goals for overall promotion in the new era. Reform must take the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the right direction, continuously promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system, conduct in-depth thinking from the perspective of the overall situation of the system, establish forward-looking thinking, strategic thinking, and bottom-line thinking, and make long-term preparations to properly deal with various difficult situations. Upholding the party's overall leadership is a concentrated embodiment of strengthening the systematization of reform. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, promoting all reform work in an organized and step-by-step manner is the fundamental guarantee for bringing into play the overall effect and maximum effectiveness of reform. It is required to strengthen and improve the party's overall leadership over the comprehensive deepening of reform, further strengthen political guidance, and give full play to the party's core role of leadership in controlling the overall situation and coordinating all parties, so as to ensure the correct political direction of reform. Reform should pay attention to policy coordination and overall effect, simultaneously promote supporting reforms, clench fingers into a fist, target efforts, and promote the linkage and integration of reforms in various fields.

Second, it is imperative to strengthen the integrity of reform. To further deepen reform in an all-round way, guided by the reform of the economic system, it is necessary not only to run through all fields and the whole process of economic and social development to enhance the overall interests of all the people, but also to promote the reform of the political, cultural, social, ecological civilization and party building systems as a whole, and plan the overall pattern. Reform in each area will affect the others, and it will also require close cooperation with other areas. Therefore, in reform, it is necessary to proceed from the whole, correctly handle the adjustment of interests and the deployment of responsibilities in the course of reform, and be good at settling big, general, and long-term accounts. Enhance the integrity of the reform, means to promote the reform measures as a whole, but can not be evenly forced, go hand in hand, not only to be good at grasping the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions, grasp the important areas and key links, but also to continue to optimize the "block" and other governance structure relations, so that the reform before and after echoing, left and right, mutual support, the deepening of the reform and the promotion of system integration combined, the formation of "the top and bottom of the same desire wins" a good situation and strong synergy, improve the overall governance efficiency of the country.

Third, it is imperative to enhance the synergy of reforms. In promoting the practice of reform in all aspects, it is necessary to ensure the benign interaction and cooperation between various reforms, and highlight the relevance and interaction of reforms. On the basis of doing a good job in the division of departmental functions and clarifying powers, responsibilities and interests, it is necessary to adhere to the promotion of pilot projects and comprehensive promotion, pay attention to the coordination of the implementation of reform measures, promote all localities and departments to implement the reform deployment of the Party Central Committee, promote the full cohesion, mutual coupling and coordinated advancement of relevant reform measures, and promote the reform plan to be connected up and down, the implementation is strong, and the reform forces are closely coordinated and resonant at the same frequency, so as to ensure that the reform measures take root, achieve the expected results, and truly solve the problem, and finally make the reforms complement each other and be positively superimposedIt will fully release and form an overall effect and achieve overall results in the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

(The author is a researcher and deputy director of the Macroeconomic Research Department of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges)