
Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

author:Fansi Entertainment

Recently, Liu Xiaoqing was asked by a reporter in an interview if you were given a chance to play a role in "Fengshen", which role would you most like to play?

And Liu Xiaoqing said without thinking: I want to play Daji.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

If such a thing is said from the mouths of other actresses, many netizens will treat it as a joke, because Liu Xiaoqing is 73 years old, and it is estimated that no one among actresses of the same age as her would ever think that she could still play Daji, even if she said it, others would not take it seriously.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

But when it came out of Liu Xiaoqing's mouth, it felt different, because she wasn't joking, if the director really invited her to play Daji, she wouldn't refuse.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

Since Liu Xiaoqing's debut, she has been in the film and television industry for decades, and I have to admit that she still had some classic roles, and she was listed as one of the "Four Golden Flowers" in the 80s.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

So when she was young, although she couldn't say how shy her appearance was, she was also a leader among many actresses, but with the passage of time, Liu Xiaoqing's appearance has also changed dramatically, and the former girl has long become Grandma Liu.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

But Liu Xiaoqing does not accept the old, he still feels that he is still young in these years, and there are even 16-year-old girls in the roles he has received, and he doesn't know where the director got the courage to shoot such a bloody drama with a clear conscience.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

This is just the tip of the iceberg, for example, in "Ice and Snow Sniper 2", she plays an 18-year-old girl, much older than her father in the play, although she has worked hard to make herself girlish in the play, but this age is there, no matter how she acts, she will not have that feeling, and it will even disgust the audience.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

Some netizens also joked: Grandma Liu, it's good for you to play happily, don't care about our life or death.

is also an elderly actor, there are many artists who can deeply understand their positioning, and I still remember that Hao Lei once said in a variety show: Play the role that should be played at any age, if we all go to play the girl, what should the girl play.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

This sentence is also a slap in the face of many actresses who think they are young, of course, Liu Xiaoqing is not alone, because she is not the only one who wants to play a girl, for example, Zhang Ziyi has also had such an experience, but Zhang Ziyi's age span is not so big.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

Thinking back to Hao Lei's words, it is also very reasonable, you can't go against the fact of your age, and at the same time, you must give young people some opportunities, you play from 18 years old to 70 years old, so that those newcomers who are in their youth can have a chance.

However, judging from the content of Liu Xiaoqing's interview this time, she seems to have decided that she has decided to play a girl to the core, and even said that she exercises regularly, and there is definitely no problem in playing a girl, and she doesn't need stunt help.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

Liu Xiaoqing's courage should indeed give her a thumbs up, but she always has to face her true self, and she can already feel that she has strong traces of age from the camera, even if you just listen to her voice, you can guess how old she is.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

Let's take a look at the recent popular TV series "Ink Rain and Clouds", Chen Qiaoen, who is only in his forties, has already faced up to his age, playing the role of mother-in-law in the play, putting her and Liu Xiaoqing together, Chen Qiaoen will not be complained about by everyone when he plays a girl, this may be the basic quality of an actor.

Joke! Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is so self-confident that she can also play a girl, especially Daji

I hope that Grandma Liu Xiaoqing, when she is fine, she will look at everyone's evaluation, and she can't completely ignore everyone's life or death, and at the same time give the younger generations a chance, and don't come out again when you should be happy. #头条创作挑战赛#

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