
It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

author:Meet Minhou
It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

Good news

The four-month fishing ban on the Min River has ended

Saury, yellow sunkfish, seven-star perch

River shrimp, crucian carp, flurry ......

Fresh river fresh is back!

It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

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According to the regulations, from 0:00 on March 1 to 24:00 on June 30 every year, the main stream of the Min River (including the Wulong River) from Min Qingjing in Shuikou Reservoir Area to Jingangjiao in Changle District of Fuzhou belongs to the fishing ban area, except for recreational fishing and recreational fishing, all fishing operations are prohibited in the specified fishing ban area and fishing ban period.

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This means:

From July 1st

Minjiang's "No. 1 Net River Fresh" was launched

It is understood that the Fuzhou section of the Minjiang River is located at the first key pass into the sea, with a length of more than 150 kilometers, more than a quarter of the total length of the Minjiang River.

The Minjiang River basin is a place for the growth and spawning migration of aquatic wild animals under national key protection, such as Chinese sturgeon, turtle, flower eel, and cochineal.

The spawning period of fish in the Minjiang River basin is generally from March to June, so this period is included in the fishing ban period.

It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

According to relevant statistics in the 80s of the 20th century

The Min River mainly has the following fish

2 species of national first-class protected fish (Chinese sturgeon and shad)

5 species of national second-class protected fish (flower eel, cochineal, tang fish, etc.)

It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

▲The precious fish of the Minjiang River, the saury. HOMELAND provides

There are 11 endemic species (Brachycephalic eel, Eel auer, Fuzhou eel, Changting loach, Round-spotted loach, Jiulongjiang loach, loach, naked-bellied loach, flower-tailed loach, tasseled loach, Minjiang flat-tailed thin loach)

There are nearly 80 species of fishing with high economic value or large yields

It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!

▲River eels are common in the waters of the Minjiang River. HOMELAND provides

It should be noted that:

Fuzhou Ocean Period

(1 May at 12 p.m. to 16 Aug. at 12 p.m.)

It's not over yet

Fishing for seafood requires patience

Source: Fuzhou Evening News

Editor: Chen Nuo, Li Wenjun Proofreader: Li Xiaolong, Ning Yuanyuan Review: Pan Jie Producer: Xie Yongjie, Ni Xinxin

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It's so fresh! The favorite bite of the Minhou people is back!