
The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

author:Thirteen Taibao in the entertainment industry
The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing
The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Text | Mu Ran

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It's so sadistic!

Although I just watched the trailer released by "Sauvignon Blanc 2", I already had a premonition that I was going to be suffocated.

The official announcement of this drama will be on July 8, and it will be available to you soon, and it is certain that the summer file "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has no opponent.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

A large number of highlight scenes in the original work were filmed in the second season.

And the trailer is full of information, and every scene is very stabber.

For viewers who have watched the first season, there is nothing to be nostalgic for Yang Zi and Zhang Wanyi, the CPs destined to BE.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

What everyone wants to see more is the emotional entanglement between Xiao Yao, Tu Shanjing, and Xiang Liu, and what kind of ending will it be.

escaped Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing.

First, Xiang Liu asked Xiao Yao

In the trailer, Xiang Liu had red eyes and asked Xiao Yao using witchcraft, who do you want to be with for the rest of your life?

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Xiang Liu's answer to Xiao Yao in his heart was to look forward to it, and at the wedding of Xiao Yao and Chishui Fenglong, Xiang Liu grabbed his kiss and brought him back to Qingshui Town to avoid the limelight.

When Xiao Yao was drunk, Xiang Liu asked the question he wanted to know the answer to the most.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Xiang Liu first asked Xiao Yao if he was willing to marry Chishui Fenglong, and the answer he got was no, when he asked again, "Are you willing to marry Ye Seventeen?" Xiao Yao's answer was yes.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

For Xiao Yao, Xiang Liu is equally important, and she is also willing to be with Xiang Liu, but Xiang Liu is looking forward to hearing her name from Xiao Yao's mouth.

Therefore, when he asked the last question, the answer he wanted to hear was Xiang Liu, but because Xiao Yao hadn't said it yet, Xiang Liu was afraid of hurting the other party, so he had to give up.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

If Sang-ryu replaced the last question with "Would you like to be with So-ryu for the rest of your life?" "He'll get the answer he wants.

Second, Xiangliu Xiaoyao broke up

is also a heart-wrenching scene, as well as the break between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao.

Xiang Liu is incredible, but also angry, he asked Xiao Yao, do you want to shoot him with the archery skills he gave her?

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Xiao Yao, who was holding a bow and arrow in his hand, had already cried into tears, and that unbearable but hateful expression could still make the audience feel Xiao Yao's struggle.

Xiang Liu pointed to his chest and asked Xiao Yao to shoot an arrow at his chest, Xiao Yao, who had come to seek revenge on Xiang Liu, finally shot the arrow hard without hesitation.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Xiang Liu didn't even dodge, the arrow hit his chest, but Xiang Liu's eyes still looked at Xiao Yao, there was grief, there was heart to die, and he was simply out of breath.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Recalling the first season, Xiang Liu and the little demon held hands on the gourd lake to admire the moon, but now they are turning against each other, and fate makes people!

It was this break that made Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao never see each other again in this life.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Third, Xiang Liu died in battle and got married

Xiao Yao said to Xiang Liu, "If I die, can you still live?" Xiang Liu asked Xiao Yao in turn, "If I die, can you live?" ”

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

As soon as the camera turned, Xiang Liu's body was covered with blood, unleashed all his skills, and delivered a fatal blow, but in the end, he also vomited blood and died in battle.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

In the first season, Xiang Liu and Tu Shanjing were equally likable, and his offline will inevitably attract a wave of tears.

Xiang Liu gave up his nine lives in this life, except for not living for himself, for Xiaoyao, and for Hongjiang, but after breaking with his sweetheart, he died tragically in this way.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

The death of the first heart and then the death of the body makes people feel pierced when they think about it.

But from the audience's point of view, the most heartbreaking thing should be that when Xiangliu died in battle, Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing got married, one happy and one sad, this is to torture everyone to death!

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Fourth, Tu Shanjing sacrificed his life to recall the truth

Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing's love ushered in a new climax in the second season.

In order to recall the truth of the round house, Tu Shanjing did not hesitate to use his life to ignite the light of time, and while seeing the truth, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

In this way, I can also feel that Tu Shanjing is different from other people's love, there is no benefit, no others, only Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao is his life, Xiao Yao is all he has.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Because of this, when Xiao Yao learned of Tu Shanjing's death, he still insisted on marrying the other party, and that calm sense of madness hid Xiao Yao's grief.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

It was precisely because he knew the cause of Tu Shanjing's death that Xiao Yao broke with Xuanxuan, painfully telling the sadness in his heart, holding a knife in his hand and aiming it at Xuanxuan.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Xuanxuan didn't believe that Xiao Yao would really hurt herself, his eyes were more of a challenge to Xiao Yao, and she only had Tu Shanjing's heartache in her heart.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

But when Xiao Yao really waved a knife at Tu Shanjing, Xuanxuan was shocked that Xiao Yao wanted to kill himself for Tu Shanjing, and at the moment when Xiao Yao swung the knife, he closed his eyes and accepted the result.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Being able to feel Tu Shanjing's death is such a painful thing for Xiao Yao, and you can also feel Xuanxuan's restrained love for Xiao Yao.

But the encounter between Tu Shanjing and Xiao Yao makes people feel sad, but it makes it difficult for people to feel a little pity for Xuanxuan, and they only feel that he is to blame and pushes Xiao Yao farther and farther.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

It is precisely because of the presentation of these four famous scenes that after watching the rivalry between Yang Zi and Zhang Wanyi in the trailer, I already feel that there is no such strong impact.

The BE ending between the two has a sense of fate that will inevitably follow the development of events, and no matter how difficult Xuanxuan is, he can't change his harm to Xiaoyao.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

After experiencing many feelings, Xiao Yao saw more and more through what he thought in his heart, and finally regretted and regretted breaking with Xiang Liu, but he also ended up with Tu Shanjing.

This is just the plot presented in the trailer, allowing us to see the tip of the iceberg of the second season, and I believe that in the main drama, the famous scenes will only exceed expectations.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

In the case of limited volume, the second season of "Sauvignon Blanc" wants to shoot all these classic episodes, which means that each episode will have highlights, a more compact plot, and a more sadistic storyline, which is undoubtedly to control the audience steadily.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing


After watching the trailer, you know that viewers who want to watch the second season of "Sauvignon Blanc" need to prepare a lot of tissues in advance.

Although Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing finally came together, not all the audience knocked on this pair of CPs, some people are more duplicitous, but they like Xiang Liu, who is silently guarded.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Therefore, even if Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing are HE, judging from the whole drama, they are still BE.

The plot full of abuse is undoubtedly a sharp weapon to retain the audience, and the performance of the actors is almost impossible to disappoint and overturn from the preview.

The premiere of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is approaching, avoiding Yang Zizhang's evening, these famous scenes are amazing

Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Tan Jianci, every actor has just rightly restored the roles in the original work.

A wave of premonitions, after the broadcast of "Sauvignon Blanc 2", Tan Jian was so red that he turned purple.

Which scene are you most looking forward to?

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