
沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

author:Zhongan Online

With Luoyang as the center,

North to Beijing,

South to Hangzhou,

The total length is about 2700 kilometers,

The Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties was dug and dredged in the first year of the Sui Dynasty (605).

Obliteration of the Jin and Yuan dynasties,

Tongcao is about 500 years old......

沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

In ancient times,

The Grand Canal is a high-speed corridor for north-south logistics;


The Grand Canal is radiating new vitality for cultural tourism.

June 22, 2014

China's Grand Canal was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the successful inscription of China's Grand Canal on the World Heritage List.

China's Grand Canal includes the Sui-Tang Grand Canal, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the Zhedong Grand Canal.

Let's walk in together

A section of the Grand Canal in China

The Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties

The Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties is divided into four sections: Yongji Canal, Tongji Canal, Hangou and Jiangnan River.

沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

The Tongji Canal runs through the southeast coast and the Great Plain of North China, passes through Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces and cities, and communicates the two major water systems of the Yellow River and the Huai River, with a total length of 650 kilometers.

In the territory of Anhui,

The Grand Canal runs from Suixi County, Huaibei City

Enter Yinqiao District, Lingbi County, and Si County in Suzhou City,

Finally, enter Sihong County, Jiangsu Province.

The Anhui section of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal is listed as a world cultural heritage in two heritage areas, one is the Sixian section of the Grand Canal Tongji Canal in Si County, and the other is the site of the Liuzi Canal in Liuzi Village, Baishan Town, Suixi County, Huaibei City.

In Suzhou

Along the Grand Canal

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Shilijingzhuang in Si County, Suzhou City, there is a 5.8-kilometer-long river channel, which flows quietly in the vast fields, and looks unremarkable......

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A small file of the Si County section of Tongji Qu

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(Stone Monument of the Grand Canal of China)

The old road of Sixian is the only section of the Anhui section of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal, and there are still about 47 kilometers of water channels, of which the original old road of the canal is 28 kilometers, and the river section of about 5.8 kilometers from the east of the East Huancheng River in Si County is basically retained, and the water system of the whole river is alive and circulating, which is called the most complete "living canal" in China.

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(It is the only section of the Anhui section of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal with water, and is known as the most complete existing "living canal" in China)

Si County Museum

In the Si County Museum

We met two "mythical beasts"

沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

It is recorded that

They are the water beasts unearthed in the Sixian section of the Grand Canal.

The thousand-year-old history of the ancient canal,

Sizhou opera, which was also sung into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists,

It will be passed down from generation to generation!

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(Sizhou opera sings the thousand-year-old history of the ancient canal)

In Suzhou

Want to know more about the story of the canal

I recommend going by all means

Suzhou Museum

On the third floor, in the exhibition hall of Bianshui Throat, there is a thousand-year-old Grand Canal stratigraphic section wall, 54 meters long and 4 meters high, from the site of the Sui-Tang Canal on Lingbi Fengshan Avenue.

This is currently the longest and largest span of the canal in China.

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The rough sediment layer on the river profile, mixed with stones, rubble, ceramic pieces, animal bones, etc., constructs the "time code" of the Grand Canal to carry thousands of years.

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沿着大运河,来一场City Walk
沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

(The cultural relics unearthed in the surrounding area tell the story of the prosperity along the canal)

Sui Kaiji, Tang set up Suzhou, prosperous Jinshi, Song and Jin confrontation......

Walk slowly, read carefully,

These plates describe the close relationship between the Grand Canal and Suzhou.

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Stroll through the museum

Have a time-space conversation with the ancients

Song Dynasty canal ancient ship plank

Quietly waiting for people to visit

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Like a frozen history book,

Quietly tell the glory and vicissitudes of the past.

Coming out of the Suzhou Museum

Let's go to the Xinbian River Scenic Area

Strolling in the Xinbian River Scenic Area,

The river here is clear, the trees are luxuriant, and the lotus flowers are gorgeous.

Citizens and tourists are in the middle of it

Take a walk, enjoy the flowers, or take pictures......

Xinbian River Scenic Area

沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

The Xinbian River is a river channel that was artificially excavated in the 60s of the last century.

Since 2012, the construction has begun, and now it is a "National Water Conservancy Scenic Area", "National AAAA-level Tourist Scenic Area" and "Anhui Water Conservancy Scenic Area".

The scenic spot has functions such as flood control and water storage, ecological science popularization, culture and entertainment, leisure and fitness, square assembly, sightseeing and tourism.

Bianhe Museum

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On the bank of the Xinbianhe Scenic Area, there is a special museum, the Bianhe Museum, which looks like a giant ship sailing away......

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"Let it, let it......

The restored Suzhou Bianhe Song Dynasty wharf

It was as if it took us to the lively docks of yesteryear

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The old canal road that passes through the urban area of Suzhou,

Most of them have long since disappeared under the city.

How to make historical sites more effective,

Suzhou City has launched the project of historical and cultural protection and utilization of the Grand Canal.

Grand Canal Heritage Park

In the park,

The newly built Thousand Sails Square is neat and beautiful;

And underneath the square,

It is the ruins of the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Suzhou Grand Canal Heritage Park is part of the Grand Canal Historical and Cultural Protection and Utilization Project (Phase I), part of which has been opened to the public during the National Day in 2023, and the remaining sections will be fully opened to the public on the National Day this year.

There will be eight scenic spots, including the Grand Canal Museum, the Ancient Yunfeihong, the Canal Old Road, the Canal Academy, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Collection, the Vibrant Waterfront, the Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, and the Ancient Games Children's Fun; The core functions include telling the story of the canal, experiencing the intangible cultural heritage, and interacting with cultural and creative activities.

After completion, the scene of the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties will be reborn in a new form.

Follow the Grand Canal

We came to Huaibei

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A small archive of the ruins of the Liuzi Canal

The site is located in Liuzi Village, Baishan Town, Suixi County, and belongs to the site of the old road of the Tongji Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

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沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

(Permanent protective greenhouse for the Liuzi Canal site under construction)

In 1999 and 2012, after two archaeological excavations, the site found important relics such as rivers, river embankments, stone piers, roads and other important relics in the Tang and Song dynasties, and unearthed 9 wooden shipwrecks and a large number of important cultural relics such as ceramics, bone and horn ware, stone anchors, copper coins, etc., filling a number of gaps in canal archaeology.

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(The national first-class cultural relics unearthed from the Liuzi site - the Northern Song Dynasty Jingdezhen kiln shadow blue glaze hugging bow figurines, it is in the Huaibei City Museum)

The stone piers are the first discovery of the architectural site of the Grand Canal on the mainland.

It is also the first time that so many shipwrecks have been found in the canal, and a large number of fine porcelain from three dynasties and more than 20 kilns since the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties are particularly valuable.

Archaeological discoveries here prove that Liuzi was a prosperous town along the Tongji Canal during the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties, and the ruins are well preserved.

The site of Liuzi Canal was rated as one of the top ten new archaeological discoveries in the country in 1999, and was announced by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection unit in 2001.

Huaibei Museum

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The new Huaibei City Museum is the museum with the largest area, the most content and the longest time to display the culture of the Grand Canal in the cities along the Tongji Canal.

In the canal relics exhibition hall, the 52-meter-long huge Dongyang wood carving mural is like an epic scroll, vividly reproducing the scene of the Sui and Tang Dynasty Grand Canal excavation, parade, transportation, and busy wharf, with vivid characters and magnificent momentum.

In 1999, the archaeological excavation of the Liuzi Canal site was the first discovery of the architectural site of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal in the mainland, and a number of important relics such as stone buildings, wooden shipwrecks, porcelain, and copper coins were cleaned up.

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There are many kinds of ceramics unearthed from the Liuzi Canal site, covering more than 20 famous kilns in the north and south of the country during the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties, and these precious cultural relics have been perfectly displayed in the Sui and Tang Dynasty porcelain halls and Song Dynasty porcelain halls in the museum.

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沿着大运河,来一场City Walk

(This Tang Dynasty cargo ship, when it was unearthed, the bow was defective, leaving only part of the hull, plus the tail rudder with a total length of 12.6 meters, which shows the busy navigability of the Grand Canal.) )

The story of the Grand Canal is still being told......

The splendor of the canal for thousands of years,

Ten years of care and cherishment of the World Heritage List,

Concerted efforts in the future,

will definitely make this invaluable legacy

Forever flowing at the intersection of history and the future,

It continues to shine in the new era.

Anhui Financial Network reporter Wu Chengjiang/text Huang Yangyang/picture