
Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

author:A new dimension of attack

Episode 126 of the Devouring Starry Sky Animation has been updated, and Luo Feng and the others have successfully obtained the mechanical spaceship and also chased away the alien spaceship. Although it is basically a transitional plot, there are a lot of highlights, and the official took the opportunity to make a lot of patches to make the plot more logical. At the same time, Di Fan was forced to go offline, and Lord Fog returned, so let's take a closer look.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

The Babata Circle Lie railgun shoots Luo Feng

When Luo Feng led the team to face Devan and Baicaro, the animation of the battle between the two sides was magically modified. Especially when executing plan b, Luo Feng directly hugged Bai Carlo and was shot by the D6-level railgun together, you must know that the D6-level railgun killed the cosmic-level sixth-order Dewen with one blow, and the stellar-level Luo Feng couldn't bear it at all, because of this, many fans complained at that time, and the adaptation of the animation made the combat power system collapse.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

However, as can be seen from the animation, the official responded directly. In Thor's tone, he asked Luo Feng in public how he had been shot by the railgun. Although Luo Feng was a little embarrassed and at a loss, Babata appeared in time and informed the reason, bluntly saying that Luo Feng had used the secret healing method of the Meteorite Star to recover so quickly, and it was strictly forbidden for Luo Feng not to use this kind of self-destruction tactic in the future. It can be seen that the animation makes up for the logical loopholes, and also guarantees that it will not be done again in the future.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

Devan was forced to go offline

In fact, from Luo Feng's fight with Dewen and Baicaro, they knew that Di Fan, the bodyguard of the ninth order of the universe, was temporarily added by the animation. After all, there are all kinds of indications that in the material information of the animation, Di Fan has long been deleted, and it is simply Luo Feng and the five of them who fought against Devin and Baicaro. It's just that because the combat power system collapsed too seriously, the official had to add Di Fan back.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

But even if Di Fan is added back, he is not of much use, it is nothing more than to coerce Baicaro, and the process of participating in the war is still dispensable. Originally, in the original book, Di Fan's role was still a lot, but in this episode, the animation directly made him forced to go offline. Luo Feng sent Di Fan to Bailanxing to garrison to detect the exchanges of the major forces in the nearby galaxy, and report any visions in time, it seems that Di Fan has no role in the follow-up, so he was forced to go offline.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

Miri-sama returns

When Luo Feng and the others liked to mention the mechanical spaceship, Lord Fog returned online, and forced Thor to follow him for penance, and was reprimanded by Babata, and the two intelligent beings also met to contend with each other, which really has a noisy sense of déjà vu between a child and a little old man, which is quite funny. However, everyone was actually a little surprised by the reappearance of Lord Mist.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

After all, Lord Mist is in the realm chapter, but he added a lot of black material, which once made his people collapse, so Babata even sealed it on the spot, just to prevent Lord Mist from bringing Thunder God to harm. But the animation doesn't appear at all in the picture of Babata's unsealing of Lord Mist, which makes the return of Lord Mist a bit abrupt and feels incredible. Isn't the animation worried that Lord Fog will bring Thunder God to bad at this time, and forgive him for his previous evil deeds so easily. Don't forget, whether it was Thor or Luo Feng at the beginning, it was righteous and awe-inspiring, angrily reprimanding Lord Mist, just letting Lord Mist join this group so easily, it was a bit of a feeling of inconsistency, and it was purely a slap in the face.

Devouring the Starry Sky Demon, Babata Circle Lie Railgun Shoots Luo Feng, Di Fan goes offline, and Lord Fog returns

That's all for this issue, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of the adaptation of this episode? Feel free to leave a message in the comment office and discuss with you. If you also like to devour the starry sky animation, please also one-click triple, a lot of support, thank you, we'll see you next time.

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