
Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!

author:Wei Sihong

来源 | 宿迁警方微信公众号编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

Learn from the advanced

Follow the example

In order to fully demonstrate the vanguard image and spiritual outlook of Suqian Communists and grassroots party organizations in the new era, recently, our city has commended a group of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grassroots party organizations in the city, and further encouraged the majority of party members and party organizations not to forget their original intentions, forge ahead, forge ahead, and create new and greater achievements in their responsibilities.

Among them, the city's public security system shared

4 individuals and 1 group were awarded

Let's take a look


Outstanding Communist Party member of the city

Instructor of the Second Brigade of the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Suqian Public Security Bureau


Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!

Deputy Squadron Leader of the Community Squadron of the Chongqing Road Police Station of the Shuyang County Public Security Bureau

The king knew

Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!

Outstanding party workers in the city

Instructor of Chonggang Police Station of Sihong County Public Security Bureau

Wang Yan

Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!

Outstanding Party Workers of Municipal Organs

Chief of the Supervision and Supervision Section of the Office of the Suqian Municipal Public Security Bureau

Jiang Xin

Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!

The city's advanced grass-roots party organizations

Traffic Police Detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau

Party branch of the mobile brigade

Citywide commendation! Sihong Wang Yan!


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